Isn't it interesting that the most virulent supporters of Capitalism are also the least cultured and most degenerate people on the planet (Americans)?
Really makes you think...
Isn't it interesting that the most virulent supporters of Capitalism are also the least cultured and most degenerate people on the planet (Americans)?
Really makes you think...
Other urls found in this thread:
If you think the chinese or russians are any more cultured then you're delusional.
Who brought them up? Your feeble mind comes here so often that you think a strawman is an actual argument!
The most rabid supporters of capitalism are actually the (((cosmopolitans))) and (((citizens of the world))).
Russians certainly were before the 90s fucked them raw. Talking about both the imperial and the Soviet period.
>not skinny fat
show the one that supports imperialism-colonialism
I think its more interesting that people consider American capitalists uncultured when American culture is spread across most the entire world through capitalism.
>I think its more interesting that people consider American capitalists uncultured when American culture is spread across most the entire world through capitalism.
Yeah and that's not a good thing, moron. Take your "culture" back to your shithole.
no you keep it we have too much anyway
>not delusional incompetent meth head
cherry picking/10
>Yeah and that's not a good thing.
the market seems to disagree.
Nothing wrong with meth really.
>popular = good
America has produced the absolute Apex of art and science. Its not promoted in the jewish media, but the usa has contained and still contains people who are the absolute pinnacle of culture of all recorded history. The us government has degenrated into a disgrace and the media is no longer american in usa so you really cant see it on tv or the (((press)))
its ironic that most fascists would probably be executed in fascist eugenics/racial programs
you're truly retarded if you believe fascism could ever functionally work
Fascists aren't racist, national socialists are.
do consider the free exchange of goods between two consenting parties morally reprehensible?
Are you arguing that popularity means quality? That if McDonalds has the largest profits and customer base it means it's the best food?
I like where this is going
Except the braindamage and the nuerotoxicity of the drug itself
>fascist delusions
>libertarian has an iron cross
Here, I fixed it for you
you didnt say best. you said good. if a person buys something they would have to consider it by any definition good (to be desired,having the qualities required for a particular role,morally right, of benefit), or at least better than what ever amount they spent on it. better as in (of a more excellent or effective type or quality) I cant decide that for them and you cant either. the consumer decides it. and if it means they eating cheap reheated frozen patties, so be it.
>the market seems to disagree.
yeah cause dog eating chinese people are soooo civilized
That fat bearded guy actually is a libertarian, while the others are just for illustrative purposes.
What do you think advertisement is? Serious question.
Protip: ads are the reason for which your views on free markets are childish and naive
>Capitalist fatty
Capitalism is more like a smoking hot woman. Because they're scarce, men fight over them. When men fight for passion, it brings out their worst and most manipulative and exploitative behavior. But she's the most amoral of the entire bunch, playing people off of each other in order to get what she wants while keeping an entire galaxy of orbiting friendzoned men entrapped in a loveless dance with her, chasing something they'll never catch.
>emaciated Gommie
Communism is like a boxer. When they're young they're tough, enduring sluggers. But they age rapidly and have short careers because that's the toll that their lifestyle takes on them.
>Fascist stronk!
Total baloney. Fascists lost the only war they ever fought. They're like that guy who has a muscular upper body but skinny legs. On paper they seem strong but really all they've done is optimized their bodies to meet paper goals, and in practice while they can throw a mean punch they'll be fucking exhausted after only a few seconds of fightings.
Mancow is appropriate. Describes the physical appearance of most of them.
>not capitalist
"Americans are the least cultured and most degenerate people on the planet"
t. butt hurt street shitting third worlder.
How is it that a continent like Australia, which for all intents and purposes had significantly worse conditions than Africa, was able to thrive? Soil, climate, geography, natural resources, etc... are all worse in Australia yet they succeeded. Is there maybe another variable here that researchers arent accounting for?
>butt hurt street shitting third worlder
Sounds like Americans to me.
so people arn't informed to why their culture is better? please, tell them.
do advertisements force people to buy things?
>comparing a country of not even 25 million to a continent of over a billion
Can't a libertarian have an Iron Cross?
No, it's illegal.
A tattoo triggering you is not illegal.
Yes, I'm so triggered.
Fascists and neoliberals are the same.
Like libertarians and "capitalists".
The only reason fascism was given a muscular appearance was do to retarded iron pill memes.
Commies on the otherhand have figureheads such as Mao and Kim Jong Un more recently.
Why did this image make me want to say "fuck off, Randy"?
Far left pls
chinks are also virulent supporters of capitalism
Americans are retarded and selfish. Who could think any different? The average American deserves to be put down for retardation.
I honestly cannot wait for America to dissolve and die. The world will be better without it.
Oh look, anecdotal evidence. /pol/, how did you get out of your cage?
Racism= fascism
When this meme will end?
Don't ever fucking disrespect Steve Reeves with your shitposting ever again.
>Communism is like a boxer
>i-it's not culture if I don't like it!
every time. american culture will be remembered and influential for centuries to come, get used to it.
> least cultured
I'm sure you have a lot of nice churches and old paintings but perhaps you should consider that most culture is actually crap and your looking at your past through rose colored glasses since only the best parts tend to be preserved
All the pictures but the 1st should be piles of dead bodies.
These words have been thrown around so much in such an arbitrary fashion, idk what they mean anymore
Love these memes 2bh
>a shitty Chink actor
Fuck off gypsy.
Which edition of Heraclitus' fragments do you recommend?
t. never lived in the USSR
Historically, autocrats, oligarchs, and yes the capitalists have been the most prolific patrons of the arts and high culture. Hell, without the virulent greed and grandstanding of the Italian merchant families the Renaissance would never have happened. And today, many venues for high culture only remain open because of corporate sponsorship. Part of that is charitable donations being a tax write off, but it's also a good public relations boost, which was just as true in the 17th century as it is now.
Meanwhile communists and fascists are more concerned about censoring and restricting art. Because both fascists and communists do not care about public relations they have little incentive to do anything nice for the public. Their only concern for the arts is how they can be used for the benefit of the state, which is why the arts often only survive in such regimes in the form of propaganda, with all other forms of creative expression being forbidden.
We may go, but we're taking the entire world with us.
>american culture will be remembered and influential for centuries to come
Kek'd my balls off, I'm sure getting fat off whipped cheese and spending hours a day in front of a television watching other morbidly obese American cockroaches on reality TV while moaning indistinctly through your fat lips about 'muh freedoms, muh democracy, much Trump', will be forever remembered as the apex of human civilisation.
The decline of Western culture and the rise of American 'culture' is hardly coincidental. They spread their degeneracy like a virus, infecting everything it comes into contact with.
Great post user.
I mean it.
'The arts are essential to any complete national life. The State owes it to itself to sustain and encourage them. The country possesses in the Royal Academy an institution of wealth and power for the purpose of encouraging the arts of painting and sculptureā¦.
The Prime Minister [Neville Chamberlain], who spoke with so much feeling and thought on this subject, has reminded us of the old saying that it is by art man gets nearest to the angels and farthest from the animals. Indeed it is a pregnant thought. Here you have a man with a brush and palette. With a dozen blobs of pigment he makes a certain pattern on one or two square yards of canvas, and something is created which carries its shining message of inspiration not only to all who are living with him on the world, but across hundreds of years to generations unborn. It lights the path and links the thought of one generation with another, and in the realm of price holds its own in intrinsic value with an ingot of gold. Evidently we are in the presence of a mystery which strikes down to the deepest foundations of human genius and of human glory. Ill fares the race which fails to salute the arts with the reverence and delight which are their due.'
Jealousy of USA can be pretty impressive.
t. non-American
>america is cultureless meme
Why do people seriously think this
>your feeble mind
>taking the lowest form of pop culture as representative
Actually the degeneracy in modern Western Europe comes from the results of WW1 and 2. Americans have in general managed higher rates of religious belief/larger families for longer since then.
t. Person whose country has never landed on the moon and doesn't sweep the Nobel Prizes for science.
>We may go, but we're taking the entire world with us.
No wonder you Americunts get along with Saudi Arabia so well. Your mentalities are both Jihadist.
>people claim capitalism is immoral and degenerate
>socialist, communist and fascist regimes all caused people to become highly mistrustful of one another, encouraged ratting even their close friends and family out to the government, cheating the system, laziness, secret police, etc
I bet you think this is normal
t. Person whose country stole Nazi scientists to design rockets for them and has the world's largest Jewish population to win Nobel prizes for them
I bet you think capitalists think this is normal
Brain drain is a legitimate strategy.
Git gud.
We're all capitalist and liberals, it is the natural order. Everyone else is either a LARPer or a psychopath. No one in their right mind would deny themselves private ownership or let the state treat him like an object.
I don't know. I am an American, but I find it difficult to feel patriotic about my country with what it has become. I find the Founding Fathers and the heroes and exploits of the 19th century inspiring, but I can't help but feel that some time in the 20th century it all went to shit. We used to have one of the best-educated, healthiest populations in the world. Arguably we had a unified, mostly English and German-based culture predominating in most of the population, based on thrift, delayed gratification, sexual modesty, moderate egalitarianism.
Nowadays, few people have any care for these values and our culture has become associated with the hallmarks of globalism like McDonald's, WalMart, Coca-Cola, etc. Unfortunately, we don't have that same pioneer spirit we used to have, and it will never return.
There a difference in have moderated trade and transnational corporations, one can say trade is human nature, not capitalism.
Anglo blood
White blood and European culture/religion
Yes,capitalism promotes all this kind of twisted behaviors for profit, especially in burgerland.
If africa was more advanced than america then I would want to move there. If for some reason I couldn't then I would at least hold them in some high regard. I wouldn't want to go trash their economy and kill their police and try to generally "go against the grain" of their society. It makes me wonder why nogs do not respect their ethnic overlords. Burning their flag and not standing for the anthem that brought them a comfy way of life? Please.
The greatest military in the world uses it on it's most elite soldiers to enhance their performance.
Isn't China basically a fascist state right now?
Superior culture. Whether that culture is derived from genetic predisposition towards certain behaviors is up for debate
> America has produced the absolute Apex of art
>Don't true capitalism
>communists and atheists aren't degenerates
I had sex with American girls.
US is friends, family and allies.
Turn off the TV and internet and go outside, you won't get so blackpilled.
dude ur racist, just stop
Yet the Nazi uebermenschen were technologically backwards when compared to the US.
>using horses to transport troops and supplies
I'm not as much of a shut-in as most people on Veeky Forums are. I have plenty of friends and I'm about to graduate college with a 3.9 GPA. I don't find anything about modern America inspiring. It makes me want to identify more with my European ancestors but I realize that as much as I immerse myself in different languages or cultures I'll still just be American. There's no such thing as American ethnic nationalism, unless you're literally an Amerindian.
Pajeet, you won't ever be a world power.
Haven't seen such butt hurt and jealousy about the US in a long time.
Does your country not have the ability to do the same? Jealous poo in loo?
>Russians certainly were before the 90s
ahahhaahhaahhahah no