we are the digimarines and we are NOT fucking selling.
We are the digimarines and we are NOT fucking selling
>dgb moons
>btc dumps
>dgb full retrace
>btc recovery
>dgb dumps even harder
and we are not afraid to use it.
we are the digimarines
We're not selling, FUDcucks. This is dip is nothing compared to what we've already been through and Oct 2 is soooo close now.
what happens in october other than sub 300 sats?
mfw New logo (you saw the logo right?)
happening...Jan, Feb, March.....now Oct (last I heard was on Sept, now it moved to Oct)
Did you get the news about winning deal with Citi....me neither
Citi executive said digital currency is the future. You should be smart enough to connect the dots. On mobile so I'm not going to find article. Maybe another user can link.
so DGB is the only digital currency available?
Trying to find dots
Don't act stupid. If you're genuinely this retarded I feel bad for you. And if you're trying to make anons sell you cheap coins remember, we as digimarines don't sell. You'll have to try way harder than this.
Sorry user...I am not trying at all.
Answer me this..did citi say DGB or digital currency is the future?
Selling...who is even buying? I would like to sell mine if it only hits 1000 but just can't
Nice, just sold 100k!
It's looking weakly bullish right now on the daily chart. Not that I have much hope. Bags are so heavy my arms have become numb and immovable. I feel like a stone
800k DGB holder here. Been in since 2014 at 30 sat. First, I think a lot of questions would clear up if we knew who held the wallet with 2B DGB. It would make sense if they were an institutional investor, like Citi, and are positioning it for a crypto index fund or mutual fund. Second, the Citi awards are now scheduled for Oct 2nd or 3rd. The push-back makes me think they are aligning themselves with their various award winners and maybe DGB is going to be working with them on a blockchain project. Maybe even their own blockchain if Citi controls the wallet with 2B DGB.
Lots of speculation, lots of FUDing. Its easy to lose focus over this long time. I am not doing anything until the Citi awards come out. I think Jared and the others are under a nondisclosure agreement and can't say anything, lest they forfeit. Tough on everyone, but patience is key.
DGB 1 dollar anyone?
i thought blockchain concept was trying to get away from bank
Fuck you the minute DGB hits like 800 sats I'm out, tired of this shitshow
Neo Marines are also welcome and we are not selling either
>2B bag holder
That wallet accumulated from feb 2015 until june. Its been done openly and essentially signals that 25% of the float is not for sale and that someone with real wealth has a strategic interest in the coin.
Could be an individual, possibly jared himself or an institution. The regular 20mm transactions every month suggest they are payments to an external party and the fact they didn't dump any suggests they expect it to go much higher to me.
Was, but now that institutions have been looking at them, its not hard to see that banks are going to be looking at the tech to see if they can integrate it into their own system.
Having missed btc something lime dgb would be for 1000x gainzs, this would incentivize finding use cases for the coin.
>Been in since 2014 at 30 sat.
>He didn't sell at fucking 80x profit in terms of BTC
You're too naive to understand the mentality it takes to hold this long.
we r da digumuhreens n we r NOT fukn sellan!!!!!!11 xDDDDDDD
We Are Digilicious
>fiat blockchain
That would take decentralized crypto to another dimension.
Because I think DGB is worth more. I have other investments I'm stocks/mutual funds/income funds I'm the hundreds of thousands of dollars for retirement. I have a long-term mindset. I have 25-30 years until retirement, so I am not jittery with what I buy and sell. So many people think this is an overnight happening. Its not, despite what some of the new ICOs are doing. It takes research and a lot of patience to see if your pick works out.
Being shortsighted or trying to day trade works out for a small number of people. I don't do it and I don't think others should do it. It makes a young market volatile.
So many people are putting money into crypto that they will need tomorrow. They expect 10x gains overnight. Not going to happen except in extraordinary circumstances. You have to lose money that 1. You can afford to lose and 2. You won't need for a few years.
Faurk brah you sound like someone's that gonna make it.
we are DGB and we are NOT fucking reaching a 1000 sats again.
Tell me why you feel bad for anyone whose not invested in DGB again?
Thank you, sir. I am 35 and have been putting money away since I was 18. Whatever I could. I am an engineer and married to a pharmacist. Our house is paid for and we only have 1 car payment and are on track to finish school loans in 3.5 years. We keep a monthly budget that gets adjusted yearly to account for increased costs as well as saving money and taking trips.
Its not hard to do, you just need to sit down and do it. Quit being so impulsive.
I just bought more. Regardless if it wins citi, publicity is key. Buy the rumor, sell the news.
Just wait. Oct 2.
Nice just bought 100k
this is the most pathetic thing i ever read in my life tbqh
Digibro pls send 500 my way. We will lambo in 1 month. DAjYDvC2ZHZvuwxS8vAeeK4drNoHe8iEpo
>car payment
>taking trips and saving money instead of just paying off the loans
you almost made it, bro
I like what Mr Ramsay has to say about most of the things he talks about. But, every once in a while, you got to unplug and get out. Can't be a robot all year. Anyone who tries will get fried.
Could pay off the car right now, but it would eat into emergency savings.
Please explain. And use facts and not just "muh bitcoins" or your feelings.
we are the digimarines and we CANT fucking sell.
We g-going to make it r-right lads?
i think its great he takes trips, my girlfriend and i take trips quite a bit. its an investment in our lives while we are young. to sit at home and just stack cash is kinda lame.
we are the digimarines and we are NOT fucking selling