ITT: """"villains"""" who literally and unironically did nothing wrong
ITT: """"villains"""" who literally and unironically did nothing wrong
Widely regarded as a folk hero today, but a valid example.
t. Abdul-aziz bin al-sa'ud bin salman bin faisal bin khalid
t. Seyyed Rustam Ali-Reza Hossein Mossavi al-Shirazi
miss me yet?
No historical figure has ever saved more lives, done more good, brought more joy into this world, yet gets vilified by the general public. Truly shows you the power of Western propaganda. He made a sacrifice we all benefit from.
>brought more joy
Out of all the bullshit in your post, I'd like to see you explain that one.
>saves lives
>by started a more horrible genocide than the holocaust before WW2, and being one of the factors that caused WW2
t. Mustafa Memet Jabudallah Memebullah Cockruallah Apslani
>first world leader to recognise pissrael
Into the piss drain he goes.
t. Spiro Papandroulonakis
t. Arslan al-Arabiwannabi
>horrible genocide than the holocaust
You can't possibly think this. Justify it. This is almost as bad as the commie you are responding to.
holocaust-6 million dead over the course of 4 years
Holodomor-7 million dead in 1 year
>Tsar moron and his nomenklatura cronies
>Ever sacrificing anything
t. Josip Croatocovovich
>more deaths =/= more horrible
The only good posts ITT
ehhh it kinda does
On a related note
3 kids die in a car accident is morally more abhorrent than 1 kid being lynched?
Yes. 3 times as many people died, which automatically makes it three times as horrible. Becky, Chad and Steve dying in a car accident is much more terrible than Emmett Till being lynched. How can you even try to argue otherwise? 90 deaths are 3 times worse than 30 deaths. If you are dead you are dead, regardless of how it happens.
No. But 3 kids being lynched is more abhorrent than 1 kid being lynched.
stop pretending holodomor was an accident, they did forced food confiscations, mass deportations of entire villages and ethnic groups
otherwise you have to say holocaust was also an "accident" since most of the deaths were from starvation and typhus rather than gas chambers. at most, death count from gas chambers was 1mil. That leaves 5 million dead from other causes.
>buying lysenko's shit because you view the world after making an ideology, rather than making an ideology from observation of reality, is an accident
If you were living in Soviet Russia you'd be glad to be dead too.
>most of the deaths were from starvation and typhus
Most deaths were from mass shootings.
Unironcially kill yourself you stupid faggot.
He didn't though. You only counted the Jewish deaths, for some (((reason))). Are gentiles not humans?
>Bergen Belsen
literally everyone in that picture died from typhus or starvation. Someone isnt /pol/ because they realize how horrible Stalin was. fuck off leftypol shill
It is in every way /pol/-tier to say most died from starvation/typhus.
There were barely any mass shootings of Jews. Any Jew that was killed by a gun was killed because they were killed because they were communists. Any Jew that was died in camps died of Typhus, usually caused by disgusting and repulsive sanitation habits of Jews. Just read what people who witnessed and smelled how disgusting they were.
>implying extermination via starvation was not the plan
>implying extermination via starvation was not the plan in the Holodomor
Just admit that the Holocaust wasn't that bad compared to the Ukrainian Genocide.
>when nazis mass-kill via starvation, its genocide
>when gommunists mass-kill via starvation, its an accident, comrade
So how is Stalin any different you retard? thats the point he was making.
>>when gommunists mass-kill via starvation, its an accident, comrade
It's a weak argument though because starvation was just a percentage of Holocaust deaths.
It was the plan in both. Which one is worse is a matter of opinion.
Not sure who you guys are replying to but it's not me.
you are LITERALLY using the exact same argument as deniers with this "starvation doesnt really count!" bullshit. How full of virgin contrarianism are you that you are actually trying to argue this retarded point?
Who are you quoting?
>Which one is worse is a matter of opinion.
Not true. It's objectively true the Holodomor was worse. Much more people died. In fact, if you take an honest comparison, the Holocaust seems a little overstated.
How you die matters a lot. You can't have a moral compass this broken.
you are the one defending genocide by saying that them dying from starvation is somehow better. You have no place to bring up a moral compass. Stop being a stupid edgy little boy user
More died during the Holodomor, however the Germans put a lot more effort into exterminating their undesirables. They didn't just institute a system which would starve a single region of their empire.
What is worse? Starving people of a certain country, or systematically rounding up people all across your empire, shooting them, gassing them, or shipping them to camps to be worked to death.
More people didn't die in the Holodomor. That's only true if you only count Jewish deaths, and the same people never count only Ukrainian deaths when talking about the Holodomor.
Assblasting Wehraboos by invoking Arthur "Fashes to Ashes" Harris is some of the most fun I've ever had with a keyboard.
How many innocent children did he burn to death?
Children? probably several thousand. Innocent children? 0
He gets depicted as if he were some kind of medieval supervillain even the a more accurate translation of Ivan the Terrible's name is Ivan the Formidable.
It's true that he would kill anybody who looked at him funny even his own children but that wasn't too out of the ordinary. He was also a patron of the arts and oversaw the expansion of Russia from a pathetic Mongol borderland to a medieval empire.
Not enough to make up for best girl
>children are guilty of the sins of their countrymen
So pretty much all children are fair game in your mind then?
>muh Fort Pillow
He gave them the opportunity to surrender. They didn't take it.
yes its more like severe or grim than terrible but he did start a secret police
literally villain material
You know what the worst part of Holodomor is? So many people ignore it, that only stormfags have overtaken it and turned it into "da j00z!" with their crocodile tears bullshit. So now, you can hardly ever bring it up with those retards going on about crazy racist rants and it makes it all seem crazy to normies
Also, thank you NBF for making this
holocaust: 11 million, 6 million jews and 5 million others...
When you have the world holding the holocaust up as the worst even in human history when a genocide with a higher death toll exists in more recent history people attempting to defend the first will reference the second.
They do have a point about the holocaust being made into multiple movies for political gain whereas the holodomor is forgotten.
>whereas the holodomor is forgotten
This is because you can't make an interesting movie about the Holodomor. It's just a bunch of Kulaks starving to death. The Holocaust was the absolute destruction of a people.
The Kulaks were disposed of in a separate class based genocide, which is also forgotten.
The holodomor was just a genocide of Ukrainians in general which by the way are certainly a people.
theres a hollywood movie about the holodomor that recently came out. Didnt see it though. But a competent director can make a good movie about anything. Theres like a billion holocaust movies and its pretty clear that its because a lot of jews are in hollywood. Im not blaming them, its obviously a very close and relevant subject to them, just trying to explain why the holocaust gets so much coverage, while holodomor doesnt.
Holocaust movies also make money, because people have heard about it, because there are movies about it.
It's a weird chicken and egg thing where you need one movie to be made and take off (like Schindlers list) and then you get a never ending stream of them. I don't doubt the holocaust's first movies were made with Jewish money, but today a holocaust movie is a safe bet. Like making a capeshit movie.
t. Mahmoudi Erdogani Salawannabi Not-Ataturki
Ukrainians were much more anti-Semitic than the Germans. If anything, Germans were some of the least anti-Semitic people in Europe at that time. There is no way they could have went from there being 870,000 Jews to only 17,000 without the help of locals. 70,000 Ukrainian Jews had just been killed in pogroms from 1917-1922 right before the Holodomor devastated the Ukrainian Jews.
>Widely considered as a genocide against the Ukrainians as a nation specifically, the suffering by ethnic minority of the Genocide is denied, for political reasons and anti-Semitic reasons. The Jewish population of Ukraine also suffered death from the famine on a massive scale. The famine took place just a few years after the widespread loss of Jewish life in the planned pogroms instigated by Ukrainian nationalists. The Holodomor had the immediate and direct effect of causing the Jewish population in villages and towns surrounding Kiev to move into the city[62] in search of food, which later was a factor in the Babi-Yar massacre being so large.[63] These disasters and the Ukrainian nationalists collaboration with the Nazis in the mass murder that occurred in Ukraine during the Holocaust virtually ended the nearly 1000 years of Jewish life in the Ukraine.[64]
My favorite antifa meme
>5 million others...
lmao who gives a shit about them, it's only the 6 gorrillion Jews who matter
His dad also dindu nuffin
Ivan Groznõi can't be literally transalted, so terrible is a better word, cause you know, you fucking muscovite shits destroyed master race novgorod and started your shitty oprichnina system
t. Ivanoslav Hoholovich Tereshchenko
i didn't know hohol slavshit keyboard had the letter õ you muscovite shit
>I'm not /pol/
>Fuck off shill
Pick one.
Great post.
Ivan also sharted himself when Polish king threatened to invade him.
Ivan the Awe-Inspiring
11 million dead in total, 6 million is just the jews buddy
>Yazid ibn Mu'awiya
>did nothing wrong
was literally born a muslim lad
VERY good example.
the guy never killed anyone who didn't deserve it
Based MacBeth, King Ducan was the real tyrant. All a result of Insidious Albion.
>Any Jew that was killed by a gun was killed because they were killed because they were communists. Any Jew that was died in camps died of Typhus, usually caused by disgusting and repulsive sanitation habits of Jews
*revisionism intensifies*
>muh 5 million non-Jews
Literally all made up by one guy in the 60s