What political ideology/philosophy did he follow?

What political ideology/philosophy did he follow?

He was a Jacobin.

He was getting closer with each step.

Comic Bane and movie Bane are very different.


He was a center-leaning anarcho-maoist with deep catholic christian values and some libertarian tendencies, a friend of Palestine who believed in a multiethnic global tribal transhumanist interplanetary corporatocratic empire


He wasn't following anything, he was just doing it for the pussy. 2/10 villain desu.

Constructive Pessimism.

No survivorism

Also an idealist, in some twisted sense of the word.


I was a Monarchist on Sunday, a Anarcho-Fascist on Monday and a Techno-Futuresexual on Tuesday. Today I have truly seen the light and am now a Paleo-Syndicalist, I guess you could say I'm quite the complicated individual. My politics are just so much more advanced compared to your feeble static ideologies. I could be a baby-killing Communist Esoteric Hitlertarian by breakfast tomorrow. My mind just works that fast.


the best philosophy
if everyone is dead there a no problems

Unironic answer is he was controlled opposition.

He was a traditionalist accelerationist exterminationist

He didn't, he spouted generic populism at the behest of Talia who was only motivated by revenge, and had no political agenda.
Ras Al Gul DID have a political philosophy, a kind of natural moral absolutism, anti-humanism which taught that human decadence taints and corrupts and must be routinely weeded out, which is a central tenent of Primitivism. It also has a fascist edge to it, in that a natural ethical order is centrally managed and implied by force, but is also anti-nationalist. International Fasco-Primitivism?

So literally /pol/.

Nah, /pol/ is explicitly nationalist, they have no care for the planet or humanity as a whole, all that matters to them is muh nation/ethno state.
/pol/ is largely a puppet of self interested parties though.

this, he had no real ideology was mostly just a populist with his whole BACK TO THE PEOPLE shtick. not a commie, not a facesitter, certainly not a democrat, just a strong man.

Paternal Autocrat

I thought the whole thing about it was that he's an anarchist.
Maybe I'm thinking of the Joker.

Bane was a Jacobin.

The entire thing was meant to mirror the most unsavory aspects of the French revolution.

>Decadent elite
>Revolutionaries take over
>Storm the prison and free the prisioners
>Monkey trials of the "elite"
>Ruling the city through terror

Of course, the French Revolution was carried out against an absolutist monarchy that had much of the population at near starvation levels, it doesn't translate very well to a modern democratic American city in the 21st century.

The analogy would have worked much better if the movie had shown us Gotham's corruption, poverty, machine politics, and dissatisfaction beforehand. It would also have turned Bane into a much more interesting, gray-morality character, a real revolutionary with pure motivations that ends up becoming corrupt and power-mad.

But since Nolan is an overrated hack that can't write or direct for shit, all we got was a one-dimensional cartoon villiain and the most memed movie scene of all time.

No one cared what his ideology was before he put on the mask.

what a cute dog!

unironically nick landianism


He was Nietzschean in the regards that he thought destruction was a necessary prerequisite for building something better, even though he may not have had an idea of what that better would look like.
He definitely went the socialist dictator route too but I think that was more of a pragmatic choice rather than an ideological one.

That scene when they judge people to exile or death reminded me to a painting but I am not sure. Someone know what am I talking about?


Anarchist. He literally wanted to nuke Gotham to destroy political order. Abandon all kinds of organized state, because it will be corrupt anyways. Instead live in gangs/tribes and let the strongest dominate.

he was an anprim