What do you think of Dan Carlin? I know he's no historian, but neither was John Keegan, and that guy was super entertaining to read. I'm going through pic rel as a background thing when playing roguelikes and having a blast.
What do you think of Dan Carlin? I know he's no historian, but neither was John Keegan...
he's a meme
It's great for people who aren't interested in history, he makes stuff interesting and shows why it's relevant so people see a reason to do actual research. Obviously just listening to a Hardcore History series doesn't make you competent on the subject, but it's a fun introduction.
i went in expecting lectures and got melosramatic pseudo intellectual ramblings
>but neither was John Keegan
He taught military history at both Sandhurst and Princeton. You can take issue with some of his work, but to claim he isn't a historian is stupid.
Damn, I'm stupid. I think it came from a discussion I once had with one of my professors where he told me to take Keegan with a grain of salt for being primarily a journalist or some shit like that. Well, I'm a retard, scratch that. Maybe confused him with someone else like Jared Diamond. It's 4 AM, sorry once again.
Then I guess someone deceived you when they recommended it to you. Dan is very clear that he's not a historian. He's a storyteller who tells stories heavily based on historical events.
*A N D Q U O T E
Pretty cool guy. I admire a great storyteller. While not always accurate, he puts a lot of heart into his work, and the sheer amount of detail he can marshall is amazing, and anyone that gets more youth into history is to be commended.
>I know he's no historian
Being a trained historian is 90% a meme, at best if their narrow field is relevant to the subject matter they're speaking on you can rest relatively assured that they've read up on the topic for years. It gives you some foundation skills in terms of theory and fallacies to avoid, and how to interact with primary sources, but mostly the only thing that having a master / phd in history says is "I spent years on a specific (sometimes retardedly specific) topic". The actual ability to research and present history is accessible to anybody with even a pinch of critical thinking skills.
Overrate Brits at France's expense for WW1, like most English-speaking "historians" post WW2
Other than that, pretty good
English speaking historians will use predominantly English language primary sources, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody.
This, hell it's not even just historians. The main reason the whole WE WUZ KANGZ crowd try to credit other groups as black is because the black kingdoms that actually did accomplish something in Africa, all the information about them is written in French, which they can't read.
Hes alright although I gets kind of annoying that he has one voice or all quotations whether mongol warrior or old persian lady
Why does he have to yell during quotations
its for americans who need to hear BRUTAL, VIOLENT and such words every 2 minutes otherwise they lose interest
This would've been perfect if he went on a tangent talking about various masked men in history and the invention of the airplane for one whole post
>Masketta man
sides: drowned in the Saleph river
>that pic
Wow, it's like I'm actually playing Battlefield One, but with more white people!
My coworker a couple weeks ago was listening to the episode on the Celts and I got to listen in on some of it while we were working on a task. I thought it was interesting, well researched, and well spoken. Obviously, the point of a podcast is to allow the listener entertainment and/or information while busy with their hands. In that view, I think it does a great job although I ought to watch more episodes.
You should also watch The History of the English Language as well. It's not as lengthy, but if you're at least partially interested in historical linguistics and need something to listen to while driving or working, I highly suggest it.
To be fair, they can't really read English either.
Or speak it, for that matter. At least not intelligibly.
Now I know I'm going to hear from many of you: 'Uh, Dan, this Bayne character is a menace and a threat to our national security. We've gotta act now before he takes over Gotham.' ...That's an understandable position if that's your, ya know point of view.
But if YOU'RE WAYNE ENTERPRISES, maybe you don't want this, super villain, to be stopped...Because Bayne represents a real fly in the ointment to the federal government, and who do you think they're gonna call on for new defense technology? Wayne Enterprises is like Haliburton, ON STEROIDS...
Given Veeky Forums's history of knee jerk contrarianism, I'm skeptical of most of the critics here. Can someone give me examples of him getting something wrong instead of just shiting on him for giving normies a pipeline to your area of interest
Nothing Hardcore about it, tbqh.
it's "end quote" you fucking degenerate
>background thing
this is a disease
Accuracy aside, if you listen to this guys podcasts on your way to work instead of tabloid talk radio drivel or Top 40 music, youre a better person for it.
This guy gets it. The entire idea of these sorts of podcasts is to replace mindless noise with constructive discussion.
I have a 40 minute drive so it's good listening