
So here we are. Your weak ass hands sold and now look where we are. We all know where this is going and /r/ethtrader is going to seriously be butthurt.
Expect by the end of the year NEO will reach $100. NEO will follow Chinese regulations as they're co-operating right now.

Good luck you filthy pajeets.

I sold neo for OMG so it's not really a loss either way today.

Actually for once I hodled when I should have. But I sold 20 minutes ago and am waiting to see how terrible of a decision that was.

I sold above 1M I guess I was a weakhanded faggot, rip me, I'm BTFO forever.

can you emotional hodl scrubs stop shitting up the board? thanks

>I sold above 1M I guess I was a weakhanded faggot
Why the homophobia?

Whoa buddy. I get that tempers flare on this board sometimes but let's watch the f-bombs, alright?


faggot detected

no need for these words user

>bought at $5
>sold at $40
>onto other gains since

Seriously people, this is crypto, not stocks. That time in the market quote is retarded unless you're referring to BTC. All alts are destined to fall eventually. Get in and get out, on to the next. This is how Chads fuck, you virgins get so attached to the first coin that touches your willies

Why is biz so buttflustered and delusional on NEO? Are they jealous of NEOs success?

how new can you kikes get?

>how new can you kikes get?
Antisemitism too? What's the point?

>the point of view of a man boy child.

bought at 19$ sold at 39$

cry more neo faggots

gotta love all the butt hurt no neos here :)

newfag detected

Homophobe spotted.

>being such a huge faggot
Hi and welcome to Veeky Forums.


Enjoy getting fucked eventually when you miss a large moon and come back to whine on biz.

>The moon already happened user, you're buying bags

you sure are salty to be spamming this picture in every thread, bro

seriously I am tired of seeing all the FUD, dudes f i-ng hold it and if you don't want to do not invest or come in here to waste your energy in putting Neo down, its a winner its going up, and we have to be patient Crypto Dips are hard but when they Moon they moon even harder so lets keep riding this waves until we get to our goals, to the Moon faggots get the f in >

Not salty, it's just time Veeky Forums stops falling for the same trick again and again. But I'll stop trying to warn you all. We are supposed to be smarter than redditors and normies, but you guys are sure making it hard to tell the difference lately.

nope. you're just salty. it's ok bro. there will be other moon missions to board. :)

If you're seriously going to try to tell people that a billion+ dollar market cap coin isn't a good long term hold then you're an idiot. Not everybody feels like daytrading and trying to gamble on the next shitcoin moon. That doesn't make them normies, it just makes them prudent investors.

>If you're seriously going to try to tell people that a billion+ dollar market cap coin isn't a good long term hold then you're an idiot.

Ripple and NEM sure have been great holds

>not realizing this pump was just a reaction to an oversold situation
>price still trending downwards
>big drops is probably NEO itself cashing out as they see their coin price crashing
Fucking kek. Yea, looking good OP. Pic related.

if you can't see the difference between NEO and those two coins, you have no business buying and trading crypto assets.

>tfw you realize market cap literally just means the last traded price of a coin multiplied by its circulating supply
>tfw you realize ripple had a $15 billion marketcap
>tfw you'd recommend hodling neo instead of fucking BITCOIN longterm to "prudent investors"

But really though, I'll stop giving in to your bait. At this point I'm beginning to question who's the real troll here

I've seen some shit TA here and there on Veeky Forums, and I thought I've seen it all. Then I saw this.

His entire justification for why NEO is a good long-term hold is its high market cap. I'm just stating why that's a stupid thing to say

>long term hold
>about a year or less on exchanges
This is the brain of your average Veeky Forumstard high on shitcoin fumes. I don't own or advocate owning either of those two faggy coins but even I can see that they haven't been around for long enough to truly judge their worth.

Both of those sharp drops were a result of horrible news for NEO. What else could possibly come out at this point that would send it lower? Dev scandal? Thanks for the brilliant TA though.

Where did I say NEO over bitcoin? It's just one of several decent long term positions but it shouldn't be the only one.


kek so fucking butthurt. The fact that you can't see the writing on the wall for this coin whose entire purpose was rooted in a being a new platform for future chinese ICO pump and dump scheme, you deserve to lose your money. I sold at $47 and am not looking back.

Who says I'm invested in NEO?

>I sold at $47 and am not looking back.

Yet here you are, in a NEO thread.

Because it's fun to dump on NEO hodlers

Only butthurt person i see around here is you and other fags who insist on attacking NEO in every thread like it raped your mother or something.

It's funny because back in ANS days, everyone told me they dumped at $15 and never looked back. Now i hear from everyone they dumped at $50 and never looked back. Frankly i doubt you haters own any coins at all, lol.
