I love ancient history

> I love ancient history
> Rome is my favourite

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Well, ancient Rome is generally very interesting and its history is well-documented. Are you some kind of fucking hipster who loves Phrygia or something?


>tfw no at Phrygian bf

>Pssth, Rome? Boooring. I've seen Gladiator and shit, I know all about Rome

>tfw it's weirdly difficult to study anything historical without nazis relating to it somehow

>that feel when you actually like Rome and everyone thinks you're a poser for not liking a more obscure ancient culture


>that feel when Late Rome is your favourite period of history and people are either dismissive of it entirely or insist that it's the least interesting era of Roman history despite knowing nothing about it

It's either a fetish or stormtardation.

Adolescent is idolizing carthage

Adulthood is realizing rome was better

>Not having your interest in European/MENA neolithic and Bronze age
P l e b s

The Bronze Age was fucking dope.

Late roman empire/dominate/migration period is patrician af tho

>I love history
>The [ place where a bunch of people died ] war is my favourite

Napoleonic Wars are my favorite

It's not "ancient", tho, it's "classical".

>thinks Caesar was the superior tactician vs. Vercingetorix and doesn't realize that Rome was pretty much too tanky to fail

Is there a place call Napoleon?

Woo, pals

>I love history!
>WW2 German Tanks are my favorite!

Actually it's called Godwins law and it applies to any dialogue. Basically the longer a conversation goes on for the increased chance someone or something will be compared or likened to the nazis or Hitler. So if a conversation goes on forever the probability of this occurring becomes enviable.

Thanks, Belton Cooper! I'm going to watch Fury again, I mean, that Tiger I, amirite?

Am i the only one who likes Archaic period Greece here?

For me, it is the Egyptian New Kingdom. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

Bronze Age is Best Age.

Also Minoan Crete >>>>> all other times and places

>I love Victorian era history
>doesn't have a clue of what the Great Game was

>Oh i love ancient history, Rome, Sparta the goes on...

Didn't thy lose like 20% of their male population against Hannibal in the battle of Cannae(?) It's impressive how they did not surrender and kept fighting

>talking to girl online
>asks me what I'm up to
>What are you reading?
>give her the title, try to redirect conversation because I don't want to reveal my power level just yet
>Oh yeah, what's that about?
>Greek Hoplites and how they actually fought, what are you up to?
>Oh cool user, I love history!
>Oh, awesome, what's your favorite period?
>Bronze Age, for sure, I really like how the line between fact and myth are so blurred. I have been reading about the Early Roman Rebulic recently though.
>proceed to have an actual informed what-if conversation with a woman about Alexander trying to go West instead of East
I'm currently looking for rings online.

>tfw no gf

I never realised ancient history had its own version of hipster pussies who think everything that's popular is bad

>haha wow you like history too!
>mmyeah.. i love you user
>aha me too!
>kiss me user
>w-whoa?~ *o*
>[from downstairs] "DONNY, DINNER'S READY"
>"Thanks mom!"

>tfw you accidentally start telling someone about the commentaries and how interesting they are to you

>I love [relatively obscure period of history], you probably haven't read much about it
>proceed to match their wikipedia tier knowledge with my own
Every time.

Yes. Its in Indiana

The Hiroshima War is my favorite tho

The ancient era goes from the invention of writing to 476 AD. The classical period is a part of it.

seems like it doesnt only happen to you, don't worry

But Rome has a long, diverse and international history that is very well documented and therefore provides a near bottomless well of study. Why is that bad?
Maybe only ancient China, India and Egypt provide as much reading.
Maybe OP is implying that there is so much documentation that it removes the "history detective" element, i.e. wild speculation about the past.
Or maybe he is actually the kind of giga-faggot that thinks Rome doesn't qualify as "ancient" despite that fact that almost every historian of earth would draw the end of "ancient history" as around 400 AD which (no coincidence at all), is the decline of the Western Roman Empire

How is it more interesting than pre-fall Rome, besides the emergence of the stagnant and ineffective feudal system and the power politics of the Lombards?

That's the patrician period of choice.
>widespread use of coinage changes the structure of society
>new kinds of government popping up everywhere
>presocratic philosophy (the best kind)
>panhellenic games take root
>the birth of theater
>classical architecture forms its canon
>the absolute apex of vase painting

The statues are so rigid

Cool fact: There was an archaic revival in the late Hellenistic/ early Roman era.