>remember, history is always written by the victor!
>oh, history? where are you gonna work? can you get a job in history?
>Why do you even need a new textbook? It's not like the history has changed.
>ah, that stuff they teach you in school is all biased, let me tell you about my interpretation.
>I've never heard of (region/specialty). I always liked world war two though!
>I never liked history, I could never remember all the dates, names and places!
ITT: insights we hear from non-history normies
Other urls found in this thread:
>he's doing an arts degree
>Why do you even need a new textbook? It's not like the history has changed.
>Why do you even need a new textbook? It's not like the history has changed.
History is for autistic idiots, get over it.
>So you're going to be a teacher?
Well what the hell else are you going to do with your degree?
>I'm just doing the degree for fun haha
OP here; just putting it out there, I know this isn't the most employable degree, but I worked throughout all my undergrad and I got funding for my master's.
And I'm a leaf, so I guess that helps. Bottom line, no debt.
>I'll just hope I can keep studying at uni so I can put that off!
I wish I lived in America, I'd join the army for a decade then study history for fun.
>You should watch the documentary "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told" for the real truth about world war 2 hidden by the Jews
Literally what I'm doing right now. Well first I'm betting my Associates in N&S IT so I can support my family, but I'm going to study history after. I'm pretty amped about it.
>Why do you even need a new textbook? It's not like the history has changed.
They should really move to a e-book format and not paperback. Fucking 2-3 paragraph changes and you have to pay $60 buck again.
In the Soviet Union they sent you pages to stick over the old text
Unfortunately this.
I don't know why but it always cracks me up when they link it.
I'd take that over buying a whole book. Fucking waste of money and resources.
>This WW2 documentary is not History, this anti-German propaganda none of this shit is true.
He believes it too.
>absolute bullshit. waffen ss and vermacht were just soldiers, the best soldiers in world war 2. they are not criminals, they dont kill everything in their way, they are the heros of ww2 and the fact that the winner writes history means the zionist terrorists get to spread all the false facts and deform the german army from hero to barbaric criminals. they were heros of ww2, soldiers doing their duty
I actually got this from a youtube comment. Why are they so Delusional?
It's even more baffling to hear people say that "the Zionists spread lies about the Nazis" when the Nazis themselves were Zionists.
They bought into the "nazis are cool guys" propaganda. Why Nazis? Because they're white supremacist. Thats the link between them and the US conservatives who think the confederates and slavery was good old days.
The Union should have dissolved the confederates completely and should have done a de-confederates program back when they won. Instead they opted to allow the neo-confederacy to grow.
Because the results of Germany's fault-cult is completely healthy, right?
Still better than the entire american south being third world.
What an absolute meme of a post.
>How come nobody's ever made a modern documentary that portrays the Waffen SS in a positive manner? There's a flip side to every coin. All the post-WWII documentaries regarding the SS are accompanied by dark, sinister funeral music, and narration in the form of dead prose. I'll answer my own question: It's because the film industry (in America, anyway) is controlled by Jews. The SS was nothing more than an Anti-terrorist group following Orders.
The gift that keeps on giving
It's a pretty useful degree if you know how to market the skills you get. I got a 2:1 in History from a Russel Group uni, and two years on I'm making 35k working as a senior consultant. Being able to effectively sift through a lot of (often contradictory) evidence, prioritize argumentative approaches and synthesize information effectively is a really useful skillset to have in a lot field of fields.
A lot of my friends have gone into work for the Heritage Foundation. A couple are doing museum curatorship schemes, and a lot of others are working in similar jobs to me. Not that many have become teachers yet. There's a lot of intellectual dickwaving involved in degrees, especially by STEM fields, but you can definitely make a really comfortable amount of money using a humanities degree as long as you know how to express what you've learnt .
Not an argument
The only reason you can even get a 35k job with your history degree is because the economy has been in very good shape last few years. 90% of the time in the economic cycle, a history degree is a complete waste of time. If you had been looking for a job just a few years earlier and not in 2015, you would have been fucked.
>Rome fell because single reason X
>US conservatives who think Confederacy and slavery were the good old days
>US conservatives anywhere close to white supremacists
You're a walking, talking, typing meme, the sort t/Donald rebbitors attack frequently as a representation of the mindless liberal masses, why don't you fuck off to facebook with your inane opinions faggot.
Yet more ad hominems. You still havent made a real argument against him
>mfw my psychologist fucking brought it up and asked if i wanted a copy.
>my psychologist fucking brought it up and asked if i wanted a copy.
WHAT. Tell me more about this person, please!
She lives in a caravan out the back of a yoga retreat, she was a hippie in her youth and now she's borderline obsessed with the global elites and an end to all wars, she's a total pacifist and claims that she would not defend herself if she was attacked because that would only perpetuate violence.
She travels to china a few times a year to run seminars about psychology and other such shit.
The only source of news she trusts is RT and she has lost her licence until 2030 because she repeatedly drove with a suspended licence, she still drives though.
Also she's german.
I genuinely don't know who needs a psychologist more, her or you for actually believing she can help you with her problems
>Also she's german.
That explains it.
Btw, do you have the source of that guy talking in the pancake cat video? Does he have a youtube channel? I only have a webm of it.
Germans we're in the right in the ww2
What do you mean? The russian guy talking about the meaning of the picture?
I think this is the original:
With subtitles:
This one. Also
>Marcus Aurelius was the best Emperor
>Julius Caesar was the best emperor
>Augustus was the best emperor
>recommending Richard Carrier as a source on why Jesus didn't really exist
>Well user, you might not like Hitler, but you have to admit he really did an amazing job at turning Germany around
>I never liked history, I could never remember all the dates, names and places!
This is legit tho because history in school is just about remembering dates.
This. The problem is by their very nature they're the go-to degrees for people who probably have no business at a university in the first place (like people who basically just use it to stave off real adulthood) and are completely lost when they can't stick around any longer, so that's the reputation they get.
A lot of smart kids get turned off of things they should by all accounts be interested in simply by how garbage most public school is. Take something wondrous and make it completely tepid and institutionalized.
My fellow brother of African descent
I'd disagree. The same thing happened to a few of my friends who graduated a few years earlier, and the ones who were really here to learn all wound up in a similar situation. I think it's more a matter of what was getting at: if you're just there to piss around and get a degree at the end, you're fucked. But if you take the time to reflect and hone the operative skills you're using, then suddenly you're a valuable resource when it comes to information gathering and analysis. I lived with three STEM undergrads, and most of my friends are in that field as well, so I spent most of my time trying to keep up with their work ethic. If people in History worked as hard at developing their mental toolset (which is essentially what the humanities should be doing) as my mates in Mathematics or Physics had to for memorization of concepts and calculations, a lot of people would be in a much better situation.
Bearing in mind though I went to a top 5, so what you're saying might be more true for someone who got a BA Ancient History from Hull. I can by no means speak for every history graduate, even within my own graduate class.
>Hull is a bad Uni
>muh Russel group
I agree with your post regarding the application of History degrees, but you've got to let the Hull meme go. It was 13 years ago.
recent grad here I got a first in history how did you spin your degree in terms of skills on your CV?
What does studying history at a university look like? Is it like highschool but more detailed?
Augustus was the best emperor thou.
>remember, history is always written by the victor!
this triggers me so much.
>ergo i, the loser, will now dictate to you the true history...
Grew up in Scarborough, and know a lot of people who went to Hull from my high school. Not even a meme.
It's all about being specific to what you're applying. Broad strokes, emphasize the ways in which your degree demonstrably taught you to deal with large volumes of data efficiently, and use them to make informed, prioritised decisions. Might not fit for some jobs, but for mine it was pretty useful.
thanks pal
Augustus wasn't horrible, but he was an exceedingly brutal man who got his position by vicious backstabbing in a quest merely to further his own ambitions. I would prefer one of the 5 Good Emperors because (with the exception of Nerva) they tended to have long, stable reigns in which they advanced the welfare of the entire Empire. They didn't fight brutal succession wars but they weren't so guaranteed of their position that they let themselves go.
the only reason Augustus is functionally remembered as great was because he established a cult of personality around himself and made himself effectively divine.
>What do you mean? The russian guy talking about the meaning of the picture?
Precisely! Thank You, user!
>Lenin? You mean, John Lennon?
>35k a year
>humanitiesfags are proud of this
If you read the post, you'd realize that he's a Britfag.
35k a year in Britbong money is 47k a year in real people money.
This is an above average job, especially for a graduate fresh into the field.
You have to go back.
>47k a year
>above average
Nigga 50k/yr is a minimum for any MSc graduate
47k/yr is pitiful, especially when you consider there's little room for raises and promotion for fucking history graduates.
But he didn't get a MSc, a 2:1 is a bachelors with honors.
> there's little room for raises and promotion
If you're making 47 grand out of the gate with a bachelors, you're probably in pretty good shape for promotion prospects.
I'm smelling some sour grapes here.
Maybe I'm just a person who desires very little in my life, but on 35k a year I can live very happily.
you need to read a book once a month. start easy, Magic Tree House is a good start.
in all seriousness, Gott strafe turkey
Literally earned more than that in my first job and i don't even have a degree.
Turk detected
why are they like this
>unironically scared of people with different opinions
>even when those people offer up sourced arguments
you are whats wrong with the study of history
You should report her to your local police or something
you can probably get one of these right wing retards actually arrested or something haha
If you arnt going to do it post his details
>Egyptians were black because they lived in africa
My history lessons were all about how sad the holocaust made us
I got a B in history and I thought Austria was a part of Germany and that the death camps were in france
Facts didnt matter at all as long as you made it clear the nazis were bad and the holocaust made you sad
History education is a fucking joke
It is literally true for 99% of all history
Turks are still doing that today though
thats the difference
>Austria was a part of Germany
But it was. Ever heard of Anschluss?
Only because they share the same ethnic background, language and culture and refer to themselves as German everytime prior to 1945, doesn't mean that they belonged to Germany.