Give me a quick run-down on Rastafarianism, I know literally nothing about it.
Give me a quick run-down on Rastafarianism, I know literally nothing about it
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It whorships some Ethiopian or something king (Hailé Selassié if I remember) and weed.
Duuuude Weeeeed. Hahahaha XD
Basically, the penultimate king of Ethiopia was the reincarnation of Jesus, but he got deposed or something, so he has to come back again and all the Black people are the real Jews, while the non Whites are Babylon.
>started in Jamaica
>believe Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is (was, since he's dead now) reincarnated jesus
>blacks are the chosen people because of this
>smoking marijuana is a sacrament
>emphasis on twisting your hair into dreads, patriarchal gender roles (their words not mine), and Ital diet which for most is vegetarian
After Selassie and Bob Marley died, the movement seriously lost steam
It's literally dude weed lmao. They just replace wine with cannabis for the sacrament. They also try to larp as Ethiopians but also follow Marcus Garvey's ideology and imitate Hindu sadhus's appearance and customs.
A similar sect has sprung up in Perú which uses coca leaves as a sacrament and they also have similar ideas about hair being an extension of the nervous system and therefore like antennas.
Mah Nigus
Also no alcohol is allowed and some take to eating only 'ital' food which is basically anything raw and vegan. Probably also follow the Deuteronomic code more strictly.
Oh also, when they say "I and I" what they mean is "the body and the spirit"
>emphasis on twisting your hair into dreads
This is so you can be a nazarite like Samson. I'm guessing that's why they smoke weed so much, since Nazarites can't drink
My question is did the King of Ethiopia claim to be Jesus, or did people just decide he was? I guess it makes a touch of sense, since the Ethiopian dynasty literally claimed unbroken descent from Solomon and the Messiah has to be of the line of David.
It's blacks suffering from an inferiority complex and appropriating anything non Sub-Saharan as a way to legitimize themselves as superior in the modern world.
>My question is did the King of Ethiopia claim to be Jesus, or did people just decide he was?
No they decided he was, he only found out about it years later and honestly was kinda wierded out about the whole thing.
Like what they do with Egypt in recent times?
Black people are weird.
It's a New World (specially American) thing apparently. Actual Africans actually know their history.
>Appropriating a fellow African country is weird.
Honestly, it's a little weird that the line of Solomon had semilegitimate claim as late as 1936. I mean, it probably didn't literally date back to ~1000BC, but still fairly impressive. Has to be one of the longest dynasties.
What makes is funnier is that the late Haile Sellasse is a devout orthodox christian and even tried to quash Rastafarian belief that he's a black jesus
>be ethiopian emperor
>yo country just beat another white "superpower"
>now focusing on rebuilding yo country and is looking for international recognition
>heard some black nation halfway across the world invited you to give some speech
>ah cool they wanna hear success story from another black country
>went there because muh "South-South" relation and looking for diplomatic/economic cooperation
>lol nope
>thousands of weed smoking, neanderthal-looking niggas waiting for you on the tarmac, claiming you're as the messiah
>gets mobbed by said weed smoking, neanderthal-looking niggas
>fuck this shit turn the damn airplane around dammit
>Non Sub-Saharan.
I guess that's why some Rastafarians consider him just a prophet
All this reminds me of Baha'i
If nothing else they gave us modern raggae
Sub Saharan niggas worshipping a half-Semitic Ethiopian as god
Ethiopia is Sub Saharan
Semitic is a language not a race
It's basically anti-colonialist black and black-south asian Evangelical Christians turned fundamentalists that lean into Judaic practices.
Religion always shifts and melds to the needs and interpretations of it's founders. Tbh westerners sensationalize everything as if it's so peculiar but it's honestly not.
Jamaicans saw our nation's ability to combat Italy as a triump in a critical point in time and took it as a prophecy.
Rastafari has spread around the globe to support anti-colonialist struggle elsewhere. The emperor gave land to some but with the Derg that land was kind of taken back.
Still Carib and American Rasta are still around in Ethiopia and unironically the young adults my community in Israel use Rasta iconography and imagery with their own issues there.
It kinda went full circle.
Ethiopia has internet?
Been having this song in my head.
Messianic religion based around Afro-American worship of Halie Selassie, former Emperor of Ethiopia.
>Ethiopia is Sub Saharan
But then again all the blacks in the New World have nothing in common with Ethiopia. They're all from West Africa.
If they seek pride in something, they should go Malcolm X and become muslims in the vein of Mali/Nigeria or hell, go full voudon.
But very few blacks in the US go there because they're in Walmart protestant societies. The blacks in the non-Brit colonial New World societies don't. What's happening in their communities is more interesting.
Well that and as I've said in other threads, all the detailed historical information on those kingdoms is in French. Which they can't read.
I'm not going to get in the details now but you really don't understand or get Rastafari nor Selassie and your understanding of Africa and African regionalism is rooted in Western cultural imperialism.
I'll write more tomorrow.
This. Mexicans are also weird with their aztlan shit and unitedstatian nuh heritage faggotry is just unbearable. The whole new world has a sad abandoned child syndrome.
Pan-africanism is a bigger meme than europeanism.
And Europeans/Westerners are the cause of it.
Reap what you sow.
is there are a rastafar like there's zoroaster?
>durr ur wrong n ignorant, won't tell you why
What's not to understand?
They're doing the exact same thing whites do in America with Europe.
Like when a half Irish half Polish dude thinks the Italian Renaissance is also somehow his "race" doing it, claiming all whites are in it together. That's an inherently American attitude. And blacks are doing the exact same thing when they look to the "African motherland" and think Ethiopians are somehow their nephews.
Pan-Africanism existed and was formed on both sides of the Atlantic user as a direct result of European Imperialism and White Supremacy.
Again I'll rwrite more tomorrow, I made a large response and it all got deleted somehow before I could post.
I'm not talking pan-Africanism. I'm talking dumbass invented histories and mythologies.
It's Haile Selassie. His name before being emperor was Ras (prince) Tafari.
Like pan-africanism?
You are though you literally just don't know what you're talking about.
Can you please for the love of fucking god avoid condescending "u dont knowwwww" comments and only reply back until you have the fucking time to type out your response?
You had about half an hour to type it out, yet chose to lurk the thread instead insisting you need (apparantly at least more than half an hour) enough time to reply, so doing it tomorrow.
Fuck off.
Pan-Africans in Africa don't do it with Alex Jones tier conspiracies or shitty New Age self-conceptions.
Why are black people on this board always so angry, theatrical and passive-aggressive
They're not used about lacking political correction's mommy protection. They're also probably mostly virgin blacks instead of chad niggers.
He got killed by commies so fuck it
He was ousted by gommies, that much is true but his death is of natural causes
((natural causes))
Africa is not only black, retard
The "virgin Garvey" vs the "Chad X"
The virgin educated black vs the Chad warlord
Ethiopia is literally under the Sahara, and the population is 50-70% genetically Sub-Saharan African. What you mean is "not West African".
>Neanderthal looking
Way too dark to look anywhere near that. They just look like a bunch of hobos. Most Jamaicans don't even like them very much.
>They should go Malcolm X and become muslims in the vein of Mali/Nigeria
Fuck no, the last thing we need is more of that shit. I would rather Black America as a whole to wake up and realize that both Islam and Christianity was not only never meant for them, but was also used to justify their enslavement for hundreds of years, especially Islam as black people are still sold in the Middle East to this day.
To be fair, I do see what you mean. A large amount of the slaves brought over from West (and Central, there's some Bantu ancestry in black people of the diaspora, though you'll find more of it the further south you go like in Latin America) Africa were Muslims thanks to North Africans trading with them. It's why Boko Haram, which is pretty much West Africa's ISIS, has a stronghold in Northern Nigeria.
>Egypt is Ethiopia
Some of them aren't actually black. From what I've seen, actual black posters aren't as dramatic as some of the more flagrant shitposters on Veeky Forums. But then again, I can't speak for all of us, considering I am one. There was that Melanin Warrior guy who might have been legit though, now that guy was crazy. Is he still around?
Whoops, I thought that user was talking about Ethiopia, as another user earlier claimed it wasn't SSA. My mistake.
You cant tell people what to do or what to believe. You can only influence their choices.
>Melanin Warrior
Holy Shit. That sounds hilarious.
Blacks talking about religion/history is always so funny, man.
Hey, I wouldn't have picked African Slaves. I'd have enslaved the natives if I had to have slaves. I'd rather just hire some Europeans so I didn't become Brazil.
Yeah, I know. If you tell someone what they believe in is incorrect, they will mentally double down on it and tell you to fuck off.
Natives were too weak, sick and/or small in numbers depending on the place. Also in spanish colonies they were eventually made subjects on the king so you can't enslave them, you need to abuse indigenous methodsvof gathering manpower like the mita and this means you only get to "enslave" the amount of guys that the indian chief is willing to give. Not a lot of free men would work on sugar plantations so whited are out of the equation.
Go check the archives (do we have an archive on a different site?), he should be there. He's one of those Hebrew Israelite loons.
The Spanish worked/raped the Natives to extinction or near-extinction depending on where you are. There is a reason why the only native Caribs left are on far away, Dutch speaking islands. I would imagine the Portuguese doing the same thing, which is why until quite recently, the white population of Brazil was small. They importated so many black slaves because they kept dying in terrible condition, and the Natives nearly died out due to them getting it worse early on. White Brazilians had to ship in Europeans so they wouldn't get what the French (not white people as a whole, despite what some would tell you) had coming to them in Haiti.
I'd have gotten Bulgars or Croats or something from the Turks on the cheap. Possibly the Irish
>Semitic is a language not a race
Before it was a race as arameans, amorites, arabs, akkadians, phoenicians were very related
Sorry to burst your bubble
Semitic people still aren't a race, they're more like an ethno-linguistic group who share both a root language and a similar ethnic background. You wouldn't call all Iberian people a race would you?
>West Africans worship an ethnic group that enslaved bantus and thought that they were almost = to apes
Why though?
Ethiopians hate Rastas and the Oromo actively take their land that the idiot Halie gave them
Ethiopians and other Horners are actively racist towards West Africans and even Negro looking East Africans
t. Ethiopian
Whoops, I forgot to.mention I'm not the original guy you were talking to.
>implying West Africans are the same as Bantus
Try calling a Nigerian a Bantu and see what happens, I dare ya. Besides, Bantus and West Africans aren't exactly guilt free either (especially Bantus, they kicked the shit out of the Khoikhoi, San, and various Pygmy groups). Need I remind you of Dahomey (now Benin)?
Bantus migrated from the West and look very similar. The insult in Amharic meaning "Flat faced" applies to them as well
Theres a hierarchy of in the horn built off of facial features. A dark skinned Cushite is treated better than a light skinned bantu.
For Jamaicans to actively ignore this is so fucking dumb
>Negro looking
What do you mean by Negro looking? Do you mean not looking like a light skinned Ethiopian? Because Nilo-Saharans and Cushites are the darkest skinned people in Africa, and many of them have more stereotypically "black" features than other Horners.
This person is not negro looking and would be treated fine even though he is dark skinned
having wide flat noses and prognathism is looked down upon. Light skinned people who have these features are treated just as bad
Negro Looking as in Western looking. Fat lips, sloped face, etc
It doesn't mean they're the same people anymore user. Proto-Bantus originated from parts of Southeast Nigeria and Cameroon as a whole, which is located in Central Africa, and the common ancestors of West Africans left Southern Africa around 80,000 years ago.
I mean yeah, it's literally west of East Africa in general, but it's pretty dumb to call them all the same, though I do see what you mean. By the way, I'm a Jamaican American, and I can tell you now that while Rasta shit is a minority in Jamaica, most Jamaicans view race the same way Americans do: It's black, so it's the same.
He could honestly "pass" for an interesting looking African American or Black Hispanic, but there's a very obvious reason as to why. I actually know a Black Cuban who has a very similar facial structure to that guy, but because he's a Black guy in the diaspora, he most likely has some European DNA.
Where is this from? I remember seeing something about it being either a Nubian woman and a Greek woman, or was it an Egyptian woman instead.
>or was it an Egyptian woman instead.
No, but it's an Ethiopian woman, Ethiopian means burnt face. That's just what Greeks called black people. It's almost useless to argue where the Black woman came from, could have been anywhere
It's a cute little jug that compares Greek women with Ethiopian women.
>tfw broad, flat nose, "average" lips, flat face with nearly nonexistent brow ridges and no jutting jaw and a large Somali-tier forehead
Guess I'll only get 75% of the bad treatment if I were to go to or were born in Ethiopia. Woo hoo!
Idiot, I was referring to the right being possibly Egyptian. But now that I know for a fact that it's Greek, thanks.
The other Blacks may hate you, but at least you can always go to Sweden. Pretend you're an illiterate and grope at any 14 year old you see, and you'll fit right in
If he is cuban it's nearly guaranteed he has Iberian blood. Iberian diaspora loves to fuck they mucamas/domestic workers.
>Average nilotic along the tallest san.
it should be stated that most dreds are cultural rastas and not actually followers of the faith. they use the faith as an excuse for their behavior which tends to be selfishly patriarchal, extremely homophobic, and all around scum-like. if they dropped the pot stuff, /pol/ would probably laud them as much as they do for fascism.
Niggas gotta relax senpai it was all just a social experiment lmao
Like fundamentalists they're also King James Only and smoke weed before reading the Bible for greater insight.
No, because /pol/ hates Islam
Maybe it's because I'm ignorant, but Baha'i seems way more plausible than rastafarianism.
It's hard to be less legitimate than a religion where the God outright denies any involvement
Is anything more sad than still following babism?
i don't understand your response. what does islam have to do with anything?
>I'd have enslaved the natives if I had to have slaves.
We tried that, they kept dying of diseases.
I love it when Africans discuss actual african history.
Not him but say what you want about Islam, but they fucking practice what they preach. The issue is that what they preach is horrific.
Yeah, it makes modern european racism towards blacks look subtle and subdued by comparison.
wait i got it now, took me a moment. my description of rastas being cultural not faithful aligns with many anons' ideas about muslims.
Nowadays only white stoners are into rasta. Black rastas convert to the ethiopian church as Selassie wanted and Bob Marley did in his deathbed
Nah, I'm not a Somali so molesting blonde girls doesn't do it for me.
>Average nilotic along the tallest san
10/10. No one ever mentions than the San are manlets.
I'm the Jamaican dude you quoted twice, but thanks anyway. Thanks to me trying to figure out exactly where in Africa most of my ancestors came from, I found out that Jamaica had a large amount of Akan descended people (like the Ashanti), and Ghanaians in general There are even some words in Jamaican patois that are directly descended from Akan people, like "anansi", which means spider. Once I get my genetics traced, I'll be more confident.
>not this one
It's pretty funny, you have some of tallest people on earth along Pygmies (or a few hundred km away anyway), while people in USA only picture Western africans mongrels and put them in anything Africa,and being this site mainly from USA persuasion tends to color things like that.
[spoiler]And while I'm a simple iberian I enjoy learning, Africa has some interesting parts (and in this site there is a love for under apreciating or over apreciating it). I'm now trying to learn more about the Ethiopians tribes and that kind of stuff mostly because I find the Afar women hot. [/spoiler]
>dealing with turks to buy fellow christians
>dealing with turks at all for anything that isn't violence
You don't understand how age of sailing european and specially iberian mind works. I guess english, french and dutch could have buyed fellow christians from the turks with no remorse, but in the new world they were copying the portuguese and the spaniards who were above that.
Most of Africa is pretty manlet tier, even the West Africans we black Americans are descended from aren't very tall. I wonder how insanely tall we would be if we were descended from Nilo-Saharans, specifically the Dinka or Tutsi. Here, have a Himba qt if you're into that.
Why are manchildren unable to Google before speaking on topics they clearly know nothing about?
The foundations of modern Pan-Africanism derives from Henry Sylvester-Williams of Trinidad who migrated from NYC/Halifax to London and formed the first "Pan African Conference" with representatives of the Anglophone Caribbean, North American and African world.
The formation of Pan-Africanism has always been the result of both sides of the Atlantic as I stated before. Cross Pollination of ideas and ideals from African and African Diasporan missionary work and Christian based racial equity movements.
It is out of the understanding that in a world governed by European definitions in concepts of Africa, African, Black race and Blackness the need for consensus and collaboration was necessary.
It was an anti-racist movement that sprung forth as a response to White domination.
This is seen later with Fanon who was a liberation anti-colonialist fighter who represented Algeria in the first Pan African Congress of African nations and also Kwame influenced by Ethiopia inverted their colors to represent the first liberated African nation.
It's foolish to ignore how Caribs and Americans influenced and helped shape foundation African identity. It's also ignorant to ignore the Longitudinal formation of Sahelian nation states from West to East Soudan.
Larper. Post your nose and forehead.