Why is it that it is only light skinned ( Caucasoid and Mongoloid ) peoples that are the only ones running successful countries in the modern world?
Why is it that it is only light skinned ( Caucasoid and Mongoloid ) peoples that are the only ones running successful...
Because they're gods descended from the heavens to rule over the lesser mud people.
There. That's the answer you want, right?
This but unironically.
cause they are monsters that have been killing and kept down the other races desu.
Intelligence and delayed gratification (ability to plan forwards) correlates with climate. This is because of having to deal with harsher and harsher winters. Skin color is just proxy for how northernly the population is.
>inb4 Eskimos
Eskimos havent been in the artic for more than few thousand years and also in the Arctic population density gets so low that inbreeding depression starts being a problem.
Historically Indians have been on par with both Europe and China, although right now they're certainly not at their best. However, I would argue that India's past successes warrant it being compared to Western and Chinese civilization.
Patriarchal conservatism, centralized bureaucratic states, ethnonationalism, and strong militaries
If you genocide an ethnic group and enslave them for centuries...
If you or your ancestors don't originate from the green area then they were trash and never accomplished anything of any worth.
>Historically Indians
Not the "show pusy tits plz" Indians.
Most people's ancestors were plebians who never accomplished anything of worth regardless of where they lived.
>colors in Japan and leaves out the horseniggers
Kys you fucking weeb
yeh but they would have contributed to their civilizations accomplishments
nice try you subhuman wh*Te. you don't get to usurp Turkish Anatolian achievements.
these threads belong to /pol/
Why do inferior subhuman eurangutans want to make Veeky Forums their safespace?
Andean people also delay gratification greatly, yet you see how the typical european mongrel runs rampant and stays mediocre and dumb forever.
Schopenhauer said the exact same:
"The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste, or race, is fairer than the rest, and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmins, the Inca, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention, because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers, and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms, were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature, and out of it came their high civilization."
It's very straightforward really.
Necessity is the mother of invention. These races had to invent more because they had more challenges to overcome.
Luckily, the climate poses a challenge, but not that much of a challenge like the fucking north pole or a total desert. So you can still run a civilization, despite all the obstacles.
Gradually, this started to have its effect evolutionary.
It's only controversial to post-Enlightenment people who have an ideological and emotional investment in transcending that.
It's basically a point Jared Diamond makes, but he just denies that this had a biological imprint.
Cause Whitey made a pact with the devil that he will let them rule the earth in exchange for their souls.
India has always been a country of gypsies and jews.
That's wrong. The coastal people were whiter than the Incas. Why do eurangutans reject history so much?
but thats not true
Except for the fact that literally all civilizations developed in environments extremely friendly to human societies, usually very fertile river valleys with warm-water, fish-rich coasts nearby. Meanwhile the cold north was settled with barbarics that needed a whole millenium until they were eventually civilized by Rome.
The reason why the West surpassed everyone in the last 500 years is because it is the only civilization that was not ruled by one single power. Muslims had a large, unified empire unter ottomen, chinese had a large unified empire unter mongolian dynasties, and India was ruled by muslim Moguls.
Europe though was several big powers fighting for domination, and that sparked innovation more than in any other party of the world.
>Why is it that it is only light skinned ( Caucasoid and Mongoloid ) peoples that are the only ones running successful countries
Running a feminist shithole with an opioid crisis and a reproduction rate below 2.2 is not "a successful country", user.
Northern Europeans raped and pillaged the rest of the world, divided and conquered it and developed highly regimented and logic centered societies. It is not that N.Europeans are the most inventive, A.Greeks were perhaps greater innovators in philosophy/science, but that they have the greatest will to dominate others and nature.
E.Asians have a very mass group mentality but also good analytical skills that makes them very effective but poor innovators. But because they work in synergistic way with the West (International capitalism) they are able to surpass both the rest of their competitors and perhaps one day the west itself.
Make a spot in Mecca for the sandniggers