Shit like this is where you are putting your money.
The embarrassment you will feel when shit's over...
Shit like this is where you are putting your money
God she's ugly.
She's kind of cute if you ignore her face
That is not the point but what do i expect from kids on Veeky Forums...
>Implying this is a bad thing
You NEETs are gonna get shaken out when the normies come or something? Might as well sell now, You're gonna have to be part of society if you want crypto to grow. It's not gonna stay "underground" forever faggot,
Guess I'm a sellout.
While you're screaming about SJWs and racewars I'll be crying into my money.
No you fucking tard. It means all this is bullshit advertisement, using buzz words to attract retards with spare money that have zero understanding about economics, sociology, computers, geopolitics etc.
Basically, YOU
This is just proof that it isn't only livertarians anymore, even commie scum are in on it now.
read above tard. i give not shit about SJW and racewars and other memes. I tell you that there is not a single chance that a cryptocoin is going to matter in any of those...
Corporations don't give a single fuck about social justice. They """embrace""" it to sell you goyim.
>Implying we'll continue to grow at this rate without retard money being thrown in.
Cash out now.
fucking kek
>the terrorists aren't terrorists
>the people speaking the truth about the terrorists are the terrorists
Really activates my almonds.
So basically she is creating a doxxing platform bullying people into submisson to the politically correct.
Hope she gets an accident.
Basically she is creating just a black hole for stupid money and nothing else...
I'll make money off her back.
I hope the leftists buy in, big league. This isn't Twitter or Patreon, they can't stop us from using crypto.
Liberatard using capitalism to get money, while hypocritically supporting Communism?
I don't see a thing outside the everyday deal user.
Thank you, Veeky Forums, for contributing to the fight against hate and bigotry. Your country is proud of you.
t. Barack Huissen Obama
Fuck off /pol/tards
Veeky Forums is a progressive board
Hate speechâ„¢ detected.
We have used crypto asset algorithms to detect that this comment is harmful. Under the new anti-terror act we are obliged to alert the authorities about it.
Holy kekerino at both comments ahahah
More like
>Kuffarâ„¢ detected.
>We have used crypto asset algorithms to detect that this comment is haram. Under the new shariah act we are obliged to alert the authorities about it, allahu akbar.
name is literally pineapple in russian
slav scam confirmed ahahaha. would you name your anti terrorist app PINEAPPLE? ahahahahahah
You have to go back Muhammad.
>no hijab
>app to demoralize isis
sounds all good to me
How will Islam even be able to exist in the late 21st century or later?
Like how can you have mind upload into nano swarms and orthodox Islam at the same time?
I think all non-science-based religion will die within the next 50 years.
Nice. Everything is coming together.
Humans will never be all-knowing thats where faith comes in. Still would love to see jews christians and mudslimes burn and see europe return back to its traditional religions