What is Romania's greatest achievement as a nation?
What is Romania's greatest achievement as a nation?
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Having aesthetic borders in one of the most bordergore-y regions in the world.
Count Dracula
Heroically holding and suffering so many gypsies in heroic sacrifice so the rest of Europe has less. Sadly they no long do this important task properly anymore.
Holding German flank at Stalingrad
being a good buffer state
as a romanian, this ;_;
thanks for knowing our pain, at least
I thought all your gypsies escaped to the West thanks to open borders policy?
they are not in schengen area and will not be allowed either for this reason
Why the fuck are there so many of them anyway?
Was it always like this or is it a modern thing with their particular demographics increasing faster than Romanian ones?
not all, we still have plenty.
yes, that's one of the reasons, not the only one thought, far from it; as far as gypsies are concerned, schengen or no schengen, they can still go wherever they want with just the ID card and that's more than enough for them. Can't stop a plague with Schengen
they look like sudacas wtf
Yes they look spanish
now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance with bolivians, in a way - brown skin, the skirts, the braided hair. but they are definitely far more loathsome in reality
They're descended from Indians.
From the Romanian perspective, our greatest achievement would probably be the Great Union of 1918
From the world's perspective, I would guess that it's (ironically) switching sides in WWII, thus shortening the war by a few months but also branding us as traitors for all time
High fertility rates, just like muslims; they breed like rabbits
>What is Romania's greatest achievement as a nation?
Holding off the mudslime, asian, turkics, cuman, iranic, mongol invaders for the rest of Europe since the 9th century.
If you hate a few hours, please notice how every invader coming from Asia (Central Asia routes) or Asia Minor (by way of today's Turkey) all stopped right at our borders or on top of them...
We are called traitors and gypsies by all of Europe, despite being none, despite gypsies being indians coming from Turkey since 1400, despite having fought both nazis and communists, with no allies, since fucking forever.
Everybody, historically, has fucked us, we never had allies.
Stealing rightful Hungarian clay
>please notice how every invader coming from Asia (Central Asia routes) stopped right at our borders or on top of them...
But they didnt. Neither, Bisermans, nor Gagauz, nor the Cumans were stopped, more like they settled either in Hungary, if the Hungarian kings let them, or they just settled in the terrotiry of the Regat untill the next nomadic group moved in and incorporated them. it was the Cumanians who founded the Romanian principalities, so its pretty irrational to say that Romanians stopped the nomads. THEY were the nomads, at least their elite class that formed the first Romanian states.
>says that monarchy is the only legitimate form of government
>his king has him murdered in jail
justul fuck my shit up famescu
Hungarian here, interested about the gypsy situation in Romania as we have the same problem, a bit less serious, but still. How high is their reproduction rate and how come they can sustain in because afaik Romania doesnt as a poor country doesnt give them too much gibs?
The Roman Empire
But they're not. Not anymore.
Delusional Romanians? On Veeky Forums? It's more likely than you think.
fast, here in spain they are everywere, and they are a plague, sure some of them are good, sure I have gypsies friends that behave like normal people. But most of them are uncivic pices of shit that should be put on a boat and fucking kicked out of europe.
India preferably
I always found this rather bizarre.
Hungarian have no shame about claiming Cumans as their own people, having "Kan" names, even naming entire regions after Cumans and thinking of Cumans as their ancestors, along with other peoples.
Bulgarian have no shame about their country being founded by the Turkic Bulgars and the country being called Bulgaria
Somehow Romanians have to be ashamed to have some Cuman influence in the initial rulers from 700 years which have left little trace anyway.
just wait until they enter schengen zone sweetie
>german king
Not even once
Recolutionary monarchy is the ideal.
Wait, aren't Gypsies and Romanians the same? After all, politically correct way of naming gypsies is Romani.
because romanians are a mix of different people, not only gypsies
No that's Czech Republic
tfw when country gypsies jobs got "stolen" by the romanian's
Come on, we all know it's vampires. Romania would not have people knowing about it if it weren't for them.
As a fellow balkan, I am jelly of romaniabros, they get to be in so many movies, games and shit.
They made the Numa Numa song
ah now I understand the bohemian lifestyle
it's called Romania, that should say everything
they have a hard-on for their place in the Roman and Byzantine empires
Romania has no achievements.
They have access to some of the most important trade routes in Europe (the Danube), valuable mining deposits, timber, arable land and even oil. Combine this with the fact that they survived WW2 with relatively little damage. They could have became a second France, they had the chance to be a very advanced nation and they fucked it up. Very few other peoples have squandered such a golden opportunity to become a better nation as the Romanians did in the past century. Romanians might not be Gypsies, but they are still a pathetic, weak, delusional and short-sighted people and this will never change.
Honestly, if my country got bullied online as much as Romania does I don't think I'd be able to handle it. I really don't understand the internet's hateboner for them
t. Bulgarian
Bulgarian doesn't provide reasons to be bullied. Apart from Azis, but every nation has one, so it's fine.
Romanians leave a bad impression on anyone who has to deal with them, so they get bullied.
You do realise Romania isn't exclusively inhabited and governed by pic related, right?
Gypsies are a minority which arrived along with the Ottomans in the 1400s, same as they did in Bulgaria, Serbia or any other balkan country - we all have them. Most of them don't even need identify as Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc. since they have zero interest in integrating.
>They made
O-Zone is a moldovan band you stupid fag.
Having their capital look like a fucking mish-mash of Paris and Bartertown from Mad Max, that should count as a fucking achievement because you really have to put effort in it.
Step outside Sector 1 of Bucharest and it's abandoned shops and gyppos landsquatting everywhere.
These two words are mutually exclusive.
Since when is being a buffer zone something to be proud of?
Remain romance-speaking
Rumania's greatest achievement was how they successfully convinced others to call them Romania.
>Wait, aren't Gypsies and Romans the same? After all, politically correct way of naming gypsies is Romani.
No. Gypsies are Indians, Romanians are Romance-speaking East-Europeans.
See, this is one of the most important reasons Romania should've stayed Rumania.
Gypsies are NOT Indians. They originated in India but are genetically distinct from modern Indians.
You're right. They even worse, and are their own terrible thing. Neither Indians nor Rumanians.
By the way, eastern Europeans objectively cannot run countries
Notice a pattern?
>most populated area produce the most important figures
At last I truly see.
Giving us Dracula?
>that coastline
i feel like if romania were a person, it would skip leg day
Executing their leaders on live television.
The IAR-80. A fairly decent plane.
Apart from that, their claim to fame is a huge parliament building they barely use and barely maintain and the Dacia cars that were powered by Gypsy curses.
>all romanians are gypsies
>all americans are niggers
My boy,we hate gypsies even more then you do.
That was an Irish writer. You mean Vlad Tepes.
The guy on the left is a stereotypical gypsy.
Unlike Hungary or Bulgaria, Romania has no PR in foreign media, no foreign diplomacy or lobby.
Romanians are usually far less involved in politics and culture and are more individualistic compared to other communities and the Romanian government itself doesn't care about Romania's image abroad.
That's partially the reason why Romania is a laughingstock in foreign media and the internet, aside from real problems.
Also many self-hating Romanians like to bad mouth their country even when it doesn't deserve it.
they made ww2 possible with their oil
not really a positive contribution
part of the problem is the way they're raised.
notice the lack of makeup,
though the broad chins and crooked noses don't help.
The fact that it still exists as a country and people still have their own culture.
wow yeah I've heard so much propaganda about how great Hungary and Bulgaria are...
Deleting Wallachia. Let's be real here, Wallachia is a much cooler sounding name than Romania.
You mean Vlad III Tepes Drăculești?
Looks preety white to me
Moldova is an artificial Soviet construct.
Based South East England master race propping the rest of the UK up as usual.
>Let me tell you about my country
t. retard
Ye weigh 15 stones..
IIRC when it comes to fixed property gypsies prefer romania
it's where all the rich gypsies stay
underrated post.
you call that aesthetique? heh, step back.
>it doesn't deserve it.
t. Subsaharan African
Who the fuck hates on Romania?
I mean, obviously there's vampires there, but if you want to hate an Eastern European country, that's why god made Albania
t. burger
Either you've never seen white people or you've never seen gypsies.
Yeah I do.
This reminds me of when Anthony Bourdain did a travel docunentary there. Everywhere he went people were refusing to serve him or shaking him down for money. Meanwhile the Romanians in the comment section were butt hurt that *he* made Romania look bad.
With Vlad though there wouldn't be a Dracula so my point stands
Moldavia united with Wallachia to form Rumania, Moldova remains an artificial Soviet construct given a historical name.
I wish we had a contribution map that was adjusted to the population.
More like Romo's leg was amputated by le Slavs, given that its "natural" coastline is
No lol, in Romanian we pronounce it Romania, based off of the way the empire was pronounced. Rumania is one of the ugliest things I've heard, sounds like an Anglo Slavic bastardization
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic...
Letting Russia re-take Stalingrad
>Very few other peoples have squandered such a golden opportunity to become a better nation as the Romanians did in the past century.
>getting fucked in the ass by the USSR
>golden opportunity
In Bulgaria we spell it as Rumăniya/Pyмъния.
>Moldavia united with Wallachia to form Rumania
>Moldova remains an artificial Soviet construct given a historical name.
You are so clueless it hurts
on the topic of gypsies, what did the average person in germany and in europe think about the nazi stance on gypsies?
Half the people in the balkans today agree with turning them into soap.
Most of us think the nazis were way too soft on them.