Golem/omg bandwagoners this was your conference in a nutshell.
Golem/omg bandwagoners this was your conference in a nutshell
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clip of reference pls
In the thumbnail it looks like the red stools are saying "AAAAAAAAA"
I kekd
what 3rd world shithole is this?
uhm yeah. you do realise that talented programmers and IT'rs are usually not very fluent in good communication, right?
I was at a REDHAT training and the guy said that, at redhat theres 900 employees. only about 10 of them are extremely talented and solve all the issues. the others just try to get someone else to do the work ( shift it too those ten people ) these autists are fucking smart , the product is decent. their performance on presentations just sucks.
Probably San fran
anybody else see those little red chairs as ''AAAAAA''
OMG didnt even speak yet am i right ?
Fucking kek
The audible part of the presentation lasted 5 minutes. Well played.
I actually laughed out loud.
Good one, OP.
Guys really why are you all acting dumb? Its a interesting event. You all are just waiting for some of the presenters to scream: APPLE DEAL YAYYAYA. but that will never happen its a tech announcement
top kek
also, check em
Dude did you even watch the stream, he said Ya-a-a-ya-ya
this one sucks. don't drive over the chairs they are perfect.
this is the true king.
How about a non shitty remix? Might be cool if I actually heard the original first.
True, not my best work, just trying to roast 3381689 because my jimmies were rustled