Please, send me OMG.
I'm a 22 year old kissless virgin and going bald now...
Please, send me OMG.
I'm a 22 year old kissless virgin and going bald now...
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>I'm a 22 year old kissless virgin and going bald now...
this hit too close to home
sharpie NOW (u know where to…)
Just shave it off.
22 here and rocking the bald
im 22 and balding too, but idgaf because it's just hair, faggot
That's nothing. This is me, also 22.
ibb - . - co - / - fZevzF
I memed you, OP
get a sick hat
Why do so many people tell balding men to shave it or to go on medication.
Like holy shit, all you have to do is a get a hair transplant at 25 or 28, and youre set for life, and that only costs 10 k. One fag even told me
>durr, hair transplants dont work
and linked to an article where the guy got hair transplants at a young age before all his hair fell out and even said in the article, THE TRANSPLANTED HAIR NEVER FALLS OUT ONLY THE NATURAL ONE
So yeah, you morons need to learn how growing and effective this industry is getting.
>get a hair transplant
fuck that picture
Was this supposed to win anyone over? Yeah, your scalp looks like a bloody mess on the day of surgery.
Seriously, hair translplant are the way to go. I jsut cant believe how many people are so unaware of them.
How do you get body hair to look like that?
>body hair
are you talking about the beard? in the first pic, its clear he just used to shave
Heres more btw. I feel like im on a bit of a mission to spread the word of hair transplants. I remember reading /v/tard comments about james rolfe going bald and how theres nothing you can do except buy a shit ton of medicen.
Only 10 k
>he actually let himself go bald at 22
>he fell for the "shave it bro" meme
>he didn't research hair loss treatments when he could have saved his locks easily
>he thinks transplants are worse than being a bald phaggot in current year
>he thinks hair isn't important to looks when it's arguably one of the top 2-3 aspects
kys baldie and stop spreading faggot lies
He's hardly bald, easily recoverable with fin/minox etc
exactly, which is why the other user tell him to shave his head is a fucking cancerous faggot
The new hair is from his body, right? How do you get the body hair to look like head hair?
Won't that look bad as you age more and your hairline keeps receding though?
i just sent 30 NEO to tht address, you are welcome ;)
you have to take meds to stop the balding process before you get a transplant.
Hair transplants never look as good as those photos, the hair transplant Dr specifically chooses a date where you come in and they style the fuck out of your "hair" for these photo-shoots.
My father is a barber and is known in the hair transplant community, some of his customers have hair transplants too. At best it makes you look like you are just starting to bald. You also have to take drugs that can have nasty side effects or else you lose the transplanted hair.
Scalp micro-pigmentation is the closest thing to making a bald head look more aesthetic (other than growing a nice beard). You basically get a hair tattoo that isn't permanent, it gives the illusion of buzz cut - the main thing it does is frame your face so you don't look like beta.
Even Lebron James out of all people had a botched hair transplant, it was so obvious especially when he was playing basketball.
Are you sure you are balding or do you just have a messed up crown?
My hair is pretty thin, and ever since I was a kid i can remember my crown would get sunburnt because of how thin my hair is
If i took a picture of the top of my head in bright lighting I could get a picture like yours, but I'm not balding
>You also have to take drugs that can have nasty side effects or else you lose the transplanted hair.
huh? not true at all.
Are you retarded?
Why would you even risk it? Are you that insecure?
that's not balding, just high contrast and light directly shining onto an area where the hair goes in loads of different directions
Hair transplants can look awesome. I've had one. Varies hugely from person to person (depending on their hair type, donor supply, etc.) and the surgeon who does the surgery
SMP is bullshit, and you can tell a mile off. Maybe if people didn't go for perfectly straight hairlines it would look more natural. There's a young lad at my gym who has it and it looks ridiculous. Why would you shave your hair like this if you didn't need to? I can only imagine how bad it looks when the hair on the sides grows out slightly but the top is still really short. And what does it feel like? Looks like hair but feels hard like a bald scalp? SMP is terrible
t. had a hair transplant at 23, take finasteride, and started a successful business/website using my knowledge of hair loss to sell shit
transplanted hair isn't susceptible to dht you absolute faggot. you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.