Women and Tribalism

Why do women betray their tribes/people/nationalities?

Is it evolutionary mechanism or perfidy?

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because love is more powerful than outdated social constructs like tribe and nationality

How exactly is having children with a slightly different genetic makeup than yourself "betraying your people"?

>implying men don't

The family in that pic actually looks more wholesome and healthier than these rejects.

yeah I'm not really sure why only females get blamed for racemixing

Women seek out the best genes to produce the best quality offspring.

A nigger that can outrun a cheetah and kill an elepahnt with his massive dick is a much more desirable partner than an autistic spaz who screams MUH WHITE PRIDE but can't even get an erection before cumming.

>& humanities

>betray their tribes/people/nationalities
Usually you say that for people who shared secrets with other countries or let ennemies into the country. Not for people marrying with strangers.

i would betray everyone if it meant becoming a qt grill

>tfw you realize history is full of people marrying outside their races, their tribes and worst of all their families
Literally hundreds of thousands of years of cucking fathers of their rightly owned homegrown pussy
Makes me want to kill myself
Just the thought that I myself am the result of my mother cucking my grandpa by marrying someone from a whole other bloodline
Makes me sick

You say this like Italian men weren't lining up by the dozens to fuck East African women in the 30s

>their rightly owned homegrown pussy
>the thought that I myself am the result of my mother cucking my grandpa
The effects of /pol/ on the human mind are fascinating.

You can't tell me you didn't pick up on the sarcasm
I tried to lay it on heavy too just to make it extra obvious

the guy on the left looks east slavic

I have seen serious posts like this on /pol/.
I literally can't make the difference anymore between ironic posters and legit retards.

because sex is more powerful than outdated social constructs like tribe and nationality*


Keep the /pol/ and /r9k/ bullshit out of this thread.

Thank you.

What's left then?

/int/ shit
Should keep us occupied for years

1% blak is blak

>my waifu

huh, never expected to see her in /pol/ shit

>Race mixing makes blacks more white
I like this meme. Much lulz and keks.

Women just fall for the "bad guy/macho" type.

They lack primitive men.

Remember that time when the Brazilian government heavily encouraged racemixing so as to remove/lower the pure black population?

Good times.

Yea thats paying such dividends now eh?

Yes user, it's only girls doing this. Boys are completely innocent and always stick to their race.

Fucking /=/ having children.

There is literally nothing wrong with race mixing

Yes because whites aren't making hapa kids like its going out of style

because carnal pleasure is more powerful than outdated social constructs like tribe and nationality*

Irony died in 2016. Get with the times

lmao have you ever visited /pol/? Everyone's a white supremacist until they get access to Asian grills and then they turn into globalists.

Don't give me that shit that women would be any weaker than men when there's been instances where men got paid in pussy.

Wtf, I didn't get the memo

The White race is doomed.

1 cock can seed 100 pussies, so a racemixing man is little worse than a virgin


I want a cute chocolate girl and a nordic girl kissing each others, then whirspering dirty thing in my ears

Who cares, I'll be dead anyway

That's a guy

That's for the Amerindian genocide. Get extinct'd, subhuman.

That was God punishing your degenerate people for your barbaric worship of false idols

Wrong. Eurangutans were given, free will by God. Eurangutans murdered Amerindians by their own free will. Now eurangutans will be punished by God for their crimes.

? You ramble from the Euros did genocide them and next you say they didn't do squat because the disaes or native allies.
Choose a narrative line you silly willy.

I wonder how many demons you have in your mind, they make you see all the people who speaks the truth as just a single person.

God gave eurangutans free will. Eurangutans genocided Amerindians by their own free will. Now God will punish eurangutans by wiping them from the earth's surface.

you are absolutely pants on head retarded if you believe any race is going to be extinct in our lifetimes.

this was actually policy in many south american states, they weren't against race mixing, but they did encourage immigration from europe to wash out the non-white

In the case of Brazil, it was somewhat successful i suppose, the number of blacks has been drastically reduced, the number of whites has been drastically increased as well as the number of mixed "pardo" people

pic related, a brazilian pardo

But unfortunately in the case of the UK the opposite is happening, an already white population is constantly being blackened by a steady supply of black immigrants

I'd racemix with this bitch

>relax you won't go extinct in next 50 years
oh wow that's good too know

The concept of race is doomed.

>implying you're even going to live until tomorrow

We are extensions of God, there is no free will
It is all His will, we are just the tools by which he acts

What a bunch of false prophets your sinful race is made of. That's why God will punish all of you by erasing completely your evil race. God gave you many chances, you commited the same crimes against humanity.

Now suffer the consequences, sinful eurangutan.

and with it the human race

oh shit i think you're righ--

>relax you won't go extinct in next 400 years
fixed that for you, you illiterate

only if you're white

we need to whiten the world, the teachings of Brazil are the way

Well He already erased yours so we can be sure that He definitely isn't looking out for you guys

The subhuman* race.

Japanese Brazilian is most aesthetic

Wrong. There are millions of quechua people nowadays.

Eurangutans were given free will. God punish those who commit crimes with their free will. Thus, eurangutans will be punished by genociding the Amerindian race.

Praying won't save your sinful race.

Why do you care you'll be dead? Is that is?

Is the whole "muh race will die" just existential dread that nothing you did in your life will ultimately matter and everything will go away because you achieved nothing and "well at least people who kinda look like me will be around" the only comfort you have in your life?

because most people who bitch about racemixing probably have troubles with women

>eurangutans will be punished by genociding the Amerindian race
Sounds good to me

Great for you, if you contribute to the imminent eurangutan extinction, your sinful existence will possibly be considered. Have a nice day, subhuman.

biologically, inbreeding doesn't pay.

Learn to read
And write

>biologically, inbreeding doesn't pay.
neither does racemixing

you are absolutely pants on head retarded if you believe race is an actual thing

t. Person who knows nothing about biology but makes assumptions about it that support his views

all you need to know is here

i am not a /pol/fag but believing race does not exist is a retarded statement.

if you believe this map to be true then you are no better than the people you call 80IQ subhumans

The fact that Iran (which has been farsi for millenia) has an average IQ of 83 should tip you off that genetics plays no significant role in IQ scores over large populations.

This map doesn't make any sense. 60 IQ is not even remotely a factualy statistic and the if you average this map out by population the average IQ is in the low to mid 90s, which is not the definition of IQ.

beefcake mode john green second from right

>fat guy gets the only "almost"-pretty asian girl
It's not fair

That map is old though, it's from 1998.
Latest Flynn version is here.

Average IQ scores aren't dropping, against the Stormfag narrative they are rising.

Raw data



So you you will join them? Great for you.

Incas were superior to europeans though.

How about you read again what you wrote

>average iq mid 80s
Clearly not, barely above apes

>post-genocide analysis
So you agree with Inca superiority? Then, if you want to compare both ethnic groups, let's genocide 90% of eurangutan population, kill elites and middle-class, assimilate the rest of the priviledge class, and throw the rest of the low class to toxic mines with a mortality rate of 60+%, while mixing eurangutans with their nigger cousins, don't you agree?

So if the average IQ is rising, for example in America, despite white's percentage in the population decreasing, can we safely assume that genetics don't play a significant role in IQ?

If you want to join them, it's no use to keep whining over here.

Weak excuses

So you agree with Inca superiority? Great for you, my little subhuman.

t. average redditor

the funny thing is you're white

If you agree with Inca superiority, then it's no use to keep whining over here. You better help your subhuman relatives to keep making your inferior race go extinct'd.

Considering the definition of "white" has been expanding for over a century I'd say the white race is anything but doomed.

Is not a punish if we are enjoying it.


Except niggers are billions in their nigger continent and white arent moving there en mass
There will always be pure nignogs

Men select women outside their tribes/people/nationalities too.

In any case intermarriage between tribes/people/nationalities has been an important part of human cohesion for as long as tribes/people/nationalities. Stop memeing.

You are the worst shitposter this board has ever had


Why do inferior subhuman eurangutans want to make Veeky Forums their safespace?

He is from /pol/, if we ban pol we solve every shit, yet you faggots keep rejecting that...

>slightly different
this would be a german man having kids with a swedish woman

>incorrectly valuing physical attributes over mental attributes in the modern world
this is correct while your intent is not. physical traits are becoming less valuable in regards to artificial fitness every decade we progress.

>racemixing man is little worse than a virgin
is that why im getting so much African pussy and your getting nothing but were on the same imageboard