What are the characteristics that we should be looking for when it comes to identifying the Antichrist?
I know that the Jews and Muslims will see him as a Messiah and that he willl supposedly unit the world in a one world government and religion.
If such a person exists, who is it and what characteristics are we supposed to look for?
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Revelations was a text coded in Jewish mysticism and history. It wasn't meant to be taken literally
The internet is the Antichrist
How do you stop the anti christ if people view thier ideas as the natural progression of the world.
We aren't supposed to stop him, Jesus does.
is he Jared Kushner? If the answer is no then he's not the antichrist
Don't know about the jews but muslim are waiting for jesus' second coming as well
Yea, but descriptions of their messiah fit in the the description of the Antichrist.
You mean the breaking of the cross and killing of pigs?
Why are they waiting for Jesus? Why isnt Muhammmad coming for them?
Muhammad is just a man, right? Jesus is the son of the LORD.
Muzzies are waiting for a messiah that is greater than Mohammed.
>Abdul just wait for Jesus
Muzzies don't consider Jesus a messiah.
They consider him a prophet just like Mohammed.
Descriptions of their respective messiahs are in line with the descriptions of the biblical Antichrist.
How could the Bible have predicted this?
>If such a person exists, who is it and what characteristics are we supposed to look for?
You people are utterly hilarious in the most disturbing ways possible. What is this planet? Why am I on it?
Why ate you so triggered?
people have tried to find him for thousands of years
>I know that the Jews and Muslims will see him as a Messiah and that he willl supposedly unit the world in a one world government and religion.
light-veiled european religion
I'm agnostic but it's kind of sad to see how Europeans took the traditions of the Jews and Arabs and then warped it into the condition it is in now where protestants in America think that God dislikes you if your poor and incoporated rock music into some churches, and then these same Europeans/anglos bash jews/arabs for having their own religious beliefs.
This graph is bullshit
He's obviously schizophrenic, just don't reply
t. redditor
>Why ate you so triggered?
>He's obviously schizophrenic, just don't reply
I'm not triggered nor am I schizophrenic. I just can't help but note with a kind of bemusement the "hunt for the antichrist" while most of you humans worship a genocidal manic who claims to have spoken with a burning bush. And, more amusingly, who think because they read the book by this homicidal manic that they are experts on intergalactic superhuman billion year old entities.
Donald Drumpf
Muslims have a concept of an anti-christ figure called the Dajjal
He's not Jewish nor is he a leader of a global government.
Hell, all the swamp politicians (probably the same that would worship the Antichrist) are interfering with everything he is trying to do.
Muhammad already finished his job on earth. Jesus hasn't, and according to Islam, he'll come not as a prophet, but as king, and will cleanse his name from the biggest blasphemy of all, hence the breaking of the cross
Ye you definitely got some kind of a disorder going on buddy
Lmao Muhammad didn't see the burning bush, bud.
That's wrong though, the Al Mahdi is supposed to arrive with Jesus (As in, Jesus Christ) and be his sidekick. Nothing in this text is true
Nietzsche lumped alcohol and Christianity in the category of “shit that makes you not embrace suffering.” Nietzsche, according to Botton, doesn’t think we should “drown our sorrows”. As such, he never drank. Nietzsche, according to Botton, believed that Christianity like alcohol, “dulls pain” but also “weakens resolve to overcome the problem from which the pain has arisen.” And if you thought that might piss off the Church, it did. After his death, Nietzsche’s burial records written by church authorities note he was “a known antichrist” next to his name”
Planet earth
You are here because we love you
My mom used to called me antichrist or son of the devil. She is a religious nut Job, a priest had to told her I wasn't the devil just a child
"I have written to you who are young in the faith because you are strong. God's word lives in your hearts, and you have won your battle with the evil one."
>Lmao Muhammad didn't see the burning bush, bud.
Moses and Muhammad are pretty much the same - I wasn't talking about Muhammad. They're both murderous losers who decided to incite genocide because they weren't chosen by God.
>Ye you definitely got some kind of a disorder going on buddy
In your dreams.
>Moses and Muhammad are pretty much the same
What would happen to a person that took the mark (chip) and had it removed later?
The Anti-Christ, or Satan, is an archetypal symbol for Jews/Esau/Edomites walking into the "temple" or high places of the Nations and declaring themselves holier than Christ, and the Apocalypse is a Divine drama that plays itself out in the fate of nations.
>Eygpt fell
>Jews got BTFO
>Babylon fell
>Jews got BTFO
>Rome fell
>Jews got BTFO
>(((Catholic Church))) fell
>(((Papacy))) got BTFO
It is writing of eternal degeneration and regeneration, everytime the Sons of Israel or Jacob conquering his adversary, the Jew. Everytime, the Jew, blinded by ambition, extends his reach, shows his true colors, and ultimately brings his own demise. However, I believe that Revelation was not only written to not only describe the fate empires and Jews, but also to foretell the ultimate empirical punishment of the Jews. Every time they ever pulled their shit they got immensely punished for it (Rome Killed off 3/4 of them). The return of the Golden Age and reign of Christ or the Christos is the final solution of the Jew. Rosicrucian initiates make this rather clear in their works hidden in both allegory and parable.
>(((Catholic Church)))
Wait, what?
There are three criterion for the number of the Beast.
> Number
> Name
> Character
It is a Number, Name, and Character. None of you really understand gods of the ancient world, so none of you can really understand. Firstly the ancients anthropomorphized gods, that is; ancients gave gods human or real world attributes, most ancient gods were given female and male versions, and thus often had children. But the deity itself was one aspect, or one god anthropomorphized with a female counterpart or male counterpart which ultimately is the same deity. Take Isis and Osiris, they are the same entity, only anthropomorphized.
So firstly you must understand what the Name of the Beast is. The Beast is the Whore of Babylon AKA Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Venus et cetera, many names. Attached to this post is the hieroglyphic name for Inanna.
cont - Number
As you can see it is also a character.
This isn't a fluke, it is on most versions of the dollar. pic related is the first version.
Jesus already stated that there would be many anti-Christs. Some say Hitler was, others say that guy who lead the Jones town cult. It's basically anyone who
a)wasn't Christian
b)lead people away from Christianity
c)made themselves up to be God, or some type of messiah figure like Jesus.
Seeing these points, I say the Catholic church/pope is the Anti-Christ. But, we'll have to wait and see who helps build the jewish temple and sits on the thrown declaring himself to be God.
Well, seeing as how the quran is a copy of the bible, I can see how they would come up with the same conclusion.
France is the false prophet of the whore.
>protestants in America think that God dislikes you if your poor and incoporated rock music into some churches
Who the fuck says that? TVangelist != Protestants. As for rock, it's been confirmed that music alters the way humans view life and act. If you listen to degenerate and dark music, you start to fall in line with that. Also, the existence of Christian rock invalidates that.
>free and bound
That implies slavery is common when this happens, so we're safe until it comes back :^)
Have you even read the Quran? If anything it copies parts of the old testament, but they aren't even structurally similar otherwise.
The Antichrist is here and Applr and Google are it's minions. Facial recognition? Fingerprint scanners? They are literally taking your identity and making you their bitch.
Obviously not
It's historically confirmed that the quran is a plagiarization of the bible. Whether or not if was a plot by the Catholic church that created, is up for debate.
Tell me, can you explain to me Sura 5:68, Sura 4:136, Sura 5:48
Also the similarities of sura 2:62 and John 8:32? These are some that I can remember, I'm too lazy to look up the rest.
The Quran is made up of thousand of Surahs. I'm not convinced by a handful of similarities. Furthermore, the Quran isn't as narrative based as the Bible. It's similar to claiming a technical manual plagiarized a novel. You clearly haven't read one or both to be making that claim.
Seeing as how one is a copy of another, I can see why it's true.
>mohammad merchant turned warlord
>moses prince turned shepherd
just stop
Am I the anti-christ? How do I stop myself?
>>mohammad merchant turned warlord
>>moses prince turned shepherd
Moses is a fictional story - he was no prince but whomever wrote the Pentateuch was sure jealous of real God-Kings. Can't blame someone for being jealous of a God-King in the ancient era (or even the modern era) - but you can blame them for being a genocidal maniac because they aren't a God-King.
Turn to Jesus, or kill yourself. Depending if you become an icon for (((world peace))) and help build the temple. Either or is a-ok tbqhwyfam
t. Redditor
If I don't build the temple am I in the clear?
Jesus was such a cool guy
Then christianity arrive fucking all up
-so he was god while being the son of god
-how the hell could he have had a virgin mother
-Was really neecessary that is dead but not really dead
-and what hell is antichrist
Why pope ? Why? you look more and more like those companies who are still doing pointless sequel to my favorite film
According the Scripture, he is a mysterious person associated somehow with the color Orange, and, in a more obscure passage, the hair-style "windblown."
Hmmmm.... THAT could be a fun idea.
Jews are pretty straight forward about it once you have reached certain Kabbalah-levels: The messiah will come in the year 2240 and will probably be either a genetically improved human or a perfect A.I. He/it will rule the world for 1000 years, earth will be a paradise and every human will meditate until reaching enlightenment. then every human soul gets to return to god for a while until god repeats the process of creation, and the souls are again distributed to the bodies.
An antichrist or something doesnt exist.
The christian revelation was heavenly inspired by the fact that they were a persecuted minority in rome. The antichrist was the roman emperor who basically ruled all the known world. 666 is "the number of his name", and in Kabbala numerology 666 stands for "Nero Caesar". The mark was some sort of identity that christians needed to have so that they were allowed to participate in trading. All the relevation is about rome, it is just not so explicit because christians would have been murdered had they spoken out openly against the emperor.
>t. Redditor
I use Reddit, I use Veeky Forums, I use YouTube. Do you have something meaningful to contribute? I'm discussing ancient documents - you're whining about the existence of multiple social media platforms.
There are more slaves today than have ever existed in any other point in history.
Isn't a thing about the Antichrist that he won't show up until we least expect it? Which basically means as long as people are always looking for him he'll never come?
We're living in a time where the conditions for his arrival are very plausible.
United Nations is the one world government that can easily be established when he is elected as the supreme leader.
The technology for the Mark of the Beast exists (microchips? Facial recognition technology and biometrics, maybe?, etc).
Multiculturalism being pushed so hard to establish a "united" world.
Tensions that can escalate to great wars.
It's scary, but I would be surprised if the Antichrist doesn't show up in our lifetime.