>$110,500,000 at auction
Is Art Dead?
>$110,500,000 at auction
Is Art Dead?
Damn, thats a nice painting!
You sound like the kind of person that likes dad rock and posts comments on youtube about being born in the wrong generation
Jean-Michel Basquiat is a hack.
I would say no. Rich people are crazy or cynical but the numbers they put on shitty art pieces have no relevance to the state of Art.
In the same way, Marcel Duchamp's Fontaine did not kill the industry of ceramic furniture... or the art of sculpture.
That's one of the most compelling pieces I have ever seen.
How is it more compelling than Francis Bacon's worsts paintings?
>a rich, happy hack with universal respect in the art world
you sound like the type of person who would pay $50 to see this in a gallery because it is "worth" 110 million dollars
I could paint something like this and it would be worth next to nothing, but a famous artist does this and it is worth millions. I wonder if the value is artificial or not
...I actually think that is quite nice. It is very expressive.
>I could paint something like this
Then do it.
did you not read my post?
>and it would be worth next to nothing
it would be a waste of materials because I don't like post-modern art and no one would want it
Damien Hirst is a hack who sells memes, Basquiat is alright, although I'll never actually understand why he's the most expensive living artist.
I personally don't get it but I'm sure it's a very important piece
Wait, Basquiat is dead.
Make it "recent artist"
Do you think these people just appeared out of the aether? You will never be famous enough to warrant a $100,000,000 price tag for your work, if you never try! Believe in yourself!
Dude he died in 1988 how did you not know this
>I could paint something like this
no youcouldn't, I mean you don't even get the artistic expression of this one.
>you'll never have an artificial price fixed to your existence
thankfully I think this will be the case
post-modern art is the result of classical art being "upstaged" by photography and the impressionists being "upstaged" by modern methods. classic works of importance will always be better for what they represent in the history of art while post-modern art will only be works which have no real innovation.
There is more art in more media being produced than ever before. The fact that is subjective value makes it easy to use in money laundering schemes is really irrelevant to the state of "art" as a whole.
>reeeeee but art is just oil paintings of horses
>like you don't even get it
what is there to get? it's all obvious if you understand the motivation unless you're talking about the obscure details of this painting. you're probably relying on your own interpretation as the "point" I'm guessing.
>$110,500,000 at auction
Sounds like the opposite of dead, tbqh.
No, she and God just bailed due to our immense faggotry
nope mate, we are talking artistic expression, some guys got it, some guys don't. If you can't tell the difference between a $25 amateur painting and a fucking masterpiece then this art thing maybe isn't for you.
easiest way to money launder.
There are now more skilled artist alive than there have ever been throughout history. All the schooling opportunities, the ability to self teach; your average comic book artist is better than 90% of the ''''masters'''' from the Renaissance.
Even if you're one of those casuals who thinks Neoclassicism was the peak of art, you can still get that today. There's dozens of ateliers around the world pumping out artists along those lines.
People who think art is dead are just casuals.
This is somewhat true, however, you'll pay a lot of money, no matter if you buy a Basquiat or a Canaletto.
>There are now more skilled artist alive than there have ever been throughout history. All the schooling opportunities, the ability to self teach; your average comic book artist is better than 90% of the ''''masters'''' from the Renaissance.
A common mistake, today you have solid craftsmen, but that doesn't make them artists necessarily. The top end is as rare as it ever was, because people didn't get more gifted over time.
>your average comic book artist is better than 90% of the ''''masters'''' from the Renaissance.
Dude, nigga's been dead for thirty years.
>people didn't get more gifted over time
On the other hand there are x times more people on Earth. Even if a lot of those are third-worlders there are vastly more Europeans than in the 16th or even 18th century.
For example, Wiki gives estimates of 11 million italians in 1500 and the 1861 census was a little over 22 millions, there are now 60 millions in Italy and at least as many who still identify as Italians in the diaspora. In short there are ten times more Italians alive.
How we talking about Basquiat the Nigger?
My bad, I thought we meant someone else.
You sound like a redditor. Go back.
quality > quantity
So you argue that people got less gifted over time?
If you want you can count Caravaggio belonging to the 10% who's not worse (not that he's a particularly strong draughtsman), but if you open up any book on Renaissance art you will find the majority of artists in there are absolutely garbage by today's standards (from a technical perspective).
You just went from
>your average comic book artist is better than 90% of the ''''masters'''' from the Renaissance.
straight to
>there are ten times more Italians alive.
Which shows about how stupid your argumentation is.
>not that he's a particularly strong draughtsman
Mate, if you ever manage to get away with murder just because you can paint so good, let me know. Same goes for when you are able to make a living of your art (whilst not being some pr whore)
>if you can't see the artist's name, then this art thing isn't for you
oh I'm sorry, I'll just hop right on the bandwagon then
here's a test for your ability to determine great art: determine which one of these works is the greatest piece through only using your own reasoning to support why the "better one" is superior. you can look them up if you want.
>Using reasoning
Wow, who needs to actually look at art.
Not the same guy actually.
I was replying to the claim that people don't get more gifted over time by pointing out that if you have ten times more people you have ten times more geniuses, including super-geniuses, with the same distribution.
Furthermore, given that 90% of the population isn't busy growing turnips and fucking their cousins in the countryside anymore, I expect a lot more talented people to take up creative careers. It's probably hyperbole to claim the average comic book artist is better than the average Renaissance painter but it's true that they have a much bigger talent pool to draw from.
>if you ever manage to get away with murder just because you can paint so good
That says more about how desperate the society was for talented artists than anything.
do you guys think i can shit on a canvas and get rich?
>left, not sure, but I like it
>middle, nope, thats handicrafts not masterpiece
>right, yeah, it's Barnett Newman, I fucking hate him, but I am very alone with my opinion
heres one of my favorites.
What does that say about our society where OJ gets away with murder?
>Is Art Dead?
No. There's plenty of great art being made nowadays, just ignore the money laundering items.
It has far more pizazz and chutzpah than anything I have seen by Bacon, the social norms it is challenging are incredible as is the cutting social commentary it makes sizzingly clear.
I fucking hate this stupid term "dad rock" americans are fucking subhumans, my dad listens to jazz.
On the other hand, literally nobody goes through apprenticeships like it happened in the renaissance. Best you're gonna get is some art focused high school and then a fine arts institute, meaning by the time you're 25 you've had less than half as much art schooling as an apprentice in the renaissance, and far FAR less intensive schooling too.
>cutting social commentary
>Let's draw some stuff
>splish splash. Hey, it kinda looks like a skull. I'm going to make it look like a school
>There. A masterpiece to rival with Leonardo's
I think this is the most recent work of art I like, and it's not exactly The Last Supper. It's not even that worthy, artistically speaking. It just has a strange aesthetic that appeals to me
Give me an Old Master any day
>you sound like the type of person who would pay $50 to see this in a gallery because it is "worth" 110 million dollars
You clearly don't actually go to art galleries, so why make these threads if art is not actually something that interests you? Work yourself into a righteous fury about the world today because it feels good to be angry?
Thankfully I live in the UK, so all the major art galleries are free to enter. Ergo I can sneer at such pieces of shit without spending my personal wealth.
>not the guy you were quoting btw
Symbolism is kino.
I can find art I like in most generations.
I don't particularly like Matisse, though.
Honestly, I find very little in Bacon that I haven't seen in Munch
You're crazy. Munch's people were still people, not the slabs of meat that Bacon's "people" were
>dad rock
Literal reddit term.
I thought these kinds of art deals are just sophisticated form of money laundering for drug dealers and fraudsters? Or are there people who bought into this meme unironically and think the paintings are really worth that much?
Figures a subhuman /tv/at would also like subhuman paintings.
That's not really what I get out of Bacon's work. I think Munch expresses much of what Bacon wants to with deeper sincerity
Please tell me what you think Bacon "wants" to express.
did this on a plastic plate once
This post is proof that spastics will equate literally anything with reddit so long as it's something they dislike. Term has been used on /mu/ for years.
>muh degenerate art
Well /mu/ is the most reddit board on Veeky Forums so it makes sense.
I'm pretty sure the picture you posted is by Jean Michel Basquiat.
All you need to know about him since you're a fucking pleb is that he was original, and is now unfortunately dead. His art would not sell for nearly as much as that when he was alive. So you see what happens to the price of art when the artist dies?
>hur dur i don't think art is worth how much collectors and galleries pay for it
>Why does a hyper-realistic painting of a flannel only sell for $50 when something I COULD DO sells for millions?
It's worth what the market think it's worth
Modern art is less about manual dexterity as Renaissance art is, you fucking moron. Styles change over time. Look at a Van Gogh painting and compare it to a Jan Van Eyck painting if you're finding this concept hard to understand.
Basquiat is incredible because of his originality, how emotive his work is, his personality, etc. If you want to understand the art then understand the artist.
No, that would be /pol/ with their active recruiting of redditors last US election cycle.
No, you're just looking at the wrong places. And today mass culture is often called "art" even though it's arguable whether it qualifies. But artistic output today is higher than ever. Just enjoy what you like dude. I personally never understood painting, it doesn't do shit for me.
Usually people who spend such sums on such things are plebeians or pseuds. Or it's money laundering as the user above said.
HAven't they realized that the only thing that made the old masters good was that their paintings were
I can't believe this hyper-realistic painting of some coke cans won't sell for the TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars that it is objectively worth...
What it evokes in me is a desire to articulate oppressive feelings, like anxiety, loss, or fear, through brutality or raw imagery.
Munch does much the same for me, but I feel much more hopelessness and sobriety from him than Bacon, and I like the somberness of his work better than the rawness of Bacon's.
It may be a personal preference
Veeky Forums boards: /k/, /sp/, /a/, /v/, Veeky Forums, /g/, /int/, /jp/
Reddit boards: /mu/, /tv/, /pol/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums
Tumblr boards: Veeky Forums, /lgbt/
Facebook board: /soc/
Modern Modern art is just the insanely wealthy laundering money through pieces made by crack addicts playing tic tac toe with their fellow crack addicts in some dusty underground shithole in a random first world city, people just read things in to it, but I've been told that's the "point". Try not to think about it too much.
you're pretty good at this
It's another "people claim art is a money laundering scam, but provide no examples" episode.
>muh emotions that can only be channeled by random abstract bullshiting
>muh art is progressing
>muh we have to break pure imitation
>muh personality
>muh you're a pleb because you actually think that a combination of personality, feeling and skill are possible in painting
>muh art that is dictated by some assholes in NY or whoever the fuck knows where who hype shit up and everyone follows
The emperor wears no clothes
>No /co/
Which Munich paint reflects the death of George Dyer?
Is anyone who complains about modern art capable of defining this genre, or capable of explaining what their favourite works of art are?
I bet 90% of them will say "Ummm... the Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chaple?"
>well...it's...it's millions of dollars and...uh...the rich people buy it and uh...they uh...pay millions of dollars for the art and the uh...money goes to uh...oversees...and they launder it
>you have to be in the know bro, I bet you don't even *HAVE* an art degree
explain to me how it isn't just people reading shit into things like the OP
>Ugh, why can't we just recreate old styles over and over again because it's comfy
There are systematic problems with the practice of auction houses which make it relatively easy to launder money. This is a problem with art as a whole though, not limited to "modern" (read modern and contemporary) art like people that dislike it baselessly suggest.
/k/, /sp/, /int/, /v/, and Veeky Forums are normalfag as fuck and are absolutely "reddit"
That's some damn fine taste, user. Ge is one of the best
Hi r*ddit
>wy can't we just recreate old styles over and over
Because continuing to create good things is better than trying something new for the sake of being new, even if it's shit.
Mein Neger
Veeky Forums: combination of banter with clinical autism
Reddit: combination of normalfaggotry with pretension and pseudo-intellectualism
Tumblr: screeching obese women and demipolyamorous padlocksexuals
Good point, I'll add /g/ to the list
>posts example of russian """"art""""
kill yourself Ivan
Like specifically?
His Sick Child series most closely reflects a personal, family loss
>I bet 90% of them will say "Ummm... the Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chaple?"
You haven't been here long enough. The Oath of the Horatii, der Autist über dem Nebelmeer, a choice of a couple of Corradini sculptures.
What is this, some illustration of russian AIDS/poverty ridden everyday life?
t. Jean-Mamadou L'Commibloque
Get triggered Nigger
t. not Russian
muh dick
t. Ivan Genghisovich Zhang
not russian
And not even close to what Bacon was trying to express in all of his paintings of Geroge.
Why do you think he always cut pieces of George off? Why he always drew him bruised?
There's tons of gingers in Eastern Europe so Russia probably too.