What's the most historically inaccurate film you've seen which actually tried to be historically accurate?
pic related: my choice
What's the most historically inaccurate film you've seen which actually tried to be historically accurate?
What part was historically inaccurate?
Gonna answer for him.
It's black and white. Real life has colors.
Weak I know.
Great Jew move there.
Sell the film as historically accurate and when it's called out for not being so, misdirect and say that it was never intended to be.
It's like a microcasim of Holocaust Survivors testimony.
>What part was historically inaccurate?
He didn't show the pool or soccer fields at Auschwitz and hired human actors to play The Jews.
>Great Jew move there.
>Sell the film as historically accurate...
Please shown us where it was sold as being historically accurate?
>movie spends litterally 5 minutes in Auschwitz
You know, if you want to start yet another holocaust thread, you can just start a holocaust thread. It's allowed.
Aren't you the tripnigger who was shilling his manifesto back in 2015 Veeky Forums?
Please show me Steven Spielberg saying he took artistic liberties.
I don't.
Seeing the replies I actually regret using Shindlers List as my pick.
Shoulda known better.
You're an idiot. Stop posting or educate yourself. It's getting really annoying that people without even basic knowledge about holocaust want to discuss it.
Time to get this thread back on topic.
>It's getting really annoying that people without even basic knowledge about holocaust want to discuss it.
Yeah really annoying all those people wanting to learn
So annoying
I haven't seen it
Big blunders?
Come on, not even the guy you're responding to, but there is no way someone like "Wants to learn" given that one of his objections is that they "hired human actors to play The Jews"
>wanting to learn
They didn't even read the Wikipedia article or information from the Auschwitz museum website. What is there to discuss? They don't even know the difference between Auschwitz and Birkenau. There is nothing to discuss.
A woman being shot in the head and her body literally bouncing off ground like a ball literally violates all possible laws of physics.
Also, Amon Goeth and Schindler were both fat fucks in real life. Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson were far too handsome to play either of them.
Although to Goeth's credit, he was a way better shot in real life than he's portrayed in the movie. He killed prisoners from long range using a Kar98 with standard iron sights rather than the scoped Steyr Mannlicher-Schoenauer Sporter he uses in the film.
So you are saying that you don't have an example of it being sold as historically accurate?
>implying anyone spouting shit about muh swimming pool wants to learn and hasn't already made their mind up
I do often wonder why they didn't reshoot that scene. She is an actual, professional actor, right? She must have known that acting dead doesn't mean throwing yourself around like a 10 years old in a school play?
>& Humanities
the holocaust happening
You're so cool and edgy.
Real answer. Mission to Moscow is one of the most disgusting films ever created. It's a Hollywood movie made by a famous director Michael Curtiz.
>The movie gives a one-sided view of the Moscow trials, rationalizes Moscow's participation in the Nazi-Soviet Pact and its unprovoked invasion of Finland, and portrays the Soviet Union as a state that was moving towards a democratic model, a Soviet Union committed to internationalism. The book was vague on the guilt or innocence of defendants in the Moscow trials, but the film portrays the defendants in the Moscow trials as guilty[10] in Davies' view. It also showed some of the purges as an attempt by Stalin to rid his country of pro-German fifth columnists.[11] Some fifth columnists are described in the film as acting on behalf of Germany and Japan. The film "defends the purges, complete with a quarter-hour dedicated to arguing that Leon Trotsky was a Nazi agent".[12] In the film, Davies proclaims at the end of the trial scene: "Based on twenty years’ trial practice, I’d be inclined to believe these confessions."[3]
Off the top of my head, Ragnar is shown as an actual person.
But I guess that can be forgiven if they want to say that the legend of Ragnar was "inaccurate, but based on the actions of the man portrayed".
>Wants to learn" given that one of his objections is that they "hired human actors to play The Jews"
How do you think I got to that conclusion?
From learning.
On one side, you have folks like whom are very hostile towards inquiries and never provide proof
On the other side, Nazis, who are inviting of inquires and who offer proof.
Proof may be weak, but they offer some, when the other doesn't.
The other side is losing the debate because of arguments like this:
>They didn't even read the Wikipedia article or information from the Auschwitz museum website.
There's plenty of footage of close range executions around from that era, surely they could've shown it to all the actors who were supposed to die and tell them "play dead like this".
No, "the other side" offers lots of proof, which then gets accusations of being written by Jews and then ignored.
You want proof? Start here. holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com
When you've read all that, go on to this.holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com
Then we'll talk.
There is no debate. You don't deserve a debate if you ask about stupid shit like the pool or soccer team. It means you don't even know what was Auschwitz and how it operated.
>literally a nigger wearing a digital wristwatch in 1863
>Then we'll talk.
OK, can we do it in a Holocaust Thread tho?
I legit started this thread to discuss the topic
>There is no debate. You don't deserve a debate
Already had them.
Your side lost.
It's losing more and more every day.
And you attitude actually helps that process move quicker.
From the bottom of my Jew hating heart, thank you.
Keep up the good work
>Your side lost.
Hardly, holocaust is accepted by pretty much all historians. Most holocaust deniers such as Irving never even studied history.
>your side lost
Hmmmm, one side is taught in every school in the western world and has entire museums dedicated to it. The other side lurks on the internet spewing the same 10 infographics over and over. Wonder which one won...
No contest.
>legit started a thread about historical accuracy
>with a holocaust movie as it's first example
Why are all stormcunts pathological liars?
This. Amon Goeth looked like a complete untermensch in real life and they got an Aryan model tier actor play him in the film.
>Hardly, holocaust is accepted by pretty much all historians.
They lost me.
>we dgaf about you
I know. And that's my point.
You can have all the (((historians)))) ya want, but if the public doesn't believe them, they ain't worth shit
And if the public believing them depends on ppl like you defending them, well your side is uber fucked.
moms gonna freak!
this is his granddaughter....
>the public doesn't believe them
This is what stormniggers actually believe.
Ok. Prove it. Prove that the public back your version of events. Go to your nearest mall or shopping centre, go to the main area and shout "the holocaust never happened, it was all fake!" as loud as you can. Make sure to video it and post it here so we can all see the reaction you get.
Not a film but whatever.
I thought this movie was really good, didn't know there were problems with its historicity. What are the big things wrong with it?
>hired human actors to play the Jews
>most of the actors playing Jewish characters were Jews
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say here.
>fantasy series
>actually tried to be historically accurate
Does she feel white guilt for the holocaust?
>Ok. Prove it. Prove that the public back your version of events.
I didn't say they back it.
I said you're losing the public, one person at a time.
And that rate is growing.
The fire rises, as the kids say.
Also, I bet if I was to do that, someone would come ask me why, and then we'd discuss it, and I'd have the seeds of doubt sown in a ten minute conversation.
Because I've heard all the normie arguments, and they haven't heard mine, but I'll tell em.
And they won't hear yours, because instead of telling them, ya call them a cunt.
And now they're on my side even if they still think the holocaust happened.
>tfw the left is so utterly clueless and incompetent and lacking in self awareness that they can't even use Holocaust Denial against their opponents effectively
>fantasy series
Is it? It's listed as a historical drama.
Well now I don't know what to believe
fuck off. its historical fantasy, and in no way are they implying that the black guy being there is the fantasy element. It will be because of monsters and wizards ect.
So you're saying that the public doesn't believe historians when they say that the holocaust happened, but at the same time they believe the holocaust happened?
>implying you're being called a cunt for asking questions about the holocaust and not for posting well known and tired stormcunt talking points
You're small time, Hitler
>I didn't say they back it. I said you're losing the public, one person at a time. And that rate is growing.
Just like the geologists and their "round" (((Globe)))
What was inaccurate about it?
In before you post something that reveals you blatantly haven't seen it.
t. Anglo
That's nothin'
Nothing. I'm retarded. I thought we were just posting the most historically accurate movie we could.
Untergang is nearly perfect.
You could always try to list the innacuracies, it would at least make your post interesting.
>So you're saying that the public doesn't believe historians when they say that the holocaust happened, but at the same time they believe the holocaust happened?
>implying you're being called a cunt for asking questions about the holocaust and not for posting well known and tired stormcunt talking points
Please keep that attitude up, please. It's hard to hate you guys when you're such good indirect allies.
>is on Veeky Forums
>is crying about being called a cunt
So this is the power of the mighty Aryan warrior...
They generally give up any actual attempt at a bio to make him look like an enraged caricature, with shit like beating a dog in the trenches, manipulating his superior to getting an iron cross, and fetishizing his niece, and having all around no real character. I'm not a /pol/fag but I had to watch the thing years ago in high-school as some kind of official look at Hitler and it's abysmal, especially considering it's an acclaimed film. The whole thing's on youtube; you could watch it yourself.
That scene with the freikorps makes up for it though.
Thank you, user
You're an asset to the Alt Right
>posts blatant stormturds talking points
>thinks the response he got is the same as what would be posted for other people
Reddit? Is that you?
>I'm not like that IRL
Backpeddling, are we?
You admitting that attitude hurts your side and you can't expect to win any one over with it?
I think so too.
You're making progress my lil progressive.
When I'm talking to one of (((them))) I use terminology they understand.
Who said anything about IRL?
So, how did you learn about the global multi millennia ethnoconspiracy to rule the world and cast down white anglosaxon protestants? YouTube?
>having Begbie play Hitler
>everyone I don't like is Jewish
Nope. But it's a fair assesment of us.
Why do we call ppl who aren't Jews (((them)))?
Well you see, (((they))) have a plan to get rid of white ppl
We are opposed to that plan
You may not be FOR white genocide, per se, but if you actively oppose us, the ones who ARE against it, you're an unpaid by-proxy Jew
It's a fair comparison
>So, how did you learn about the global multi millennia ethnoconspiracy to rule the world and cast down white anglosaxon protestants? YouTube?
And my father.
He's an executive at a large bank and says everything bad ever said about Jews is basically true and it's actually worse than that
They basically insects w/ a high IQ
>((( )))
Ah, the pretentious parentheses of doom. You've never studied this seriously. You've never visited the camps IRL. You'll never acknowledge the evidence recorded by the Nazis themselves.
You're just another annoying anti-social fuckwad who thinks he's found a grand mission in life.
>pretends to know history
>uses the word nazi
>legitimately wanted this to be a thread about historical accuracy
>hasn't actually posted anything about historical accuracy
>is now telling everyone about the grand Jewish conspiracy
Is it autism?
>act like if you know history
>uses the word pretend
>On the other side, Nazis, who are inviting of inquires and who offer proof.
Here's a German transmission about tens of thousands of jews being deported to camps over the course of a fortnight in 1943.
Funny how all of my professors who touched upon the subject used it, and never corrected its presence in any paper I wrote, isn't it?
>physical inaccuracies for cinematic effect
>the actors don't physically resemble the real persons
What about the historical inaccuracies?
He's just going to be amazingly creative and put ((((professors)))).
Ahhhh... OK
So yeah, six million gassed for sure.
Thanks for the proof.
No seriously, what you offered there is literally more than I've seen offered by Holocaust affirmers since I've been on Veeky Forums.
>No seriously, what you offered there is literally more than I've seen offered by Holocaust affirmers since I've been on Veeky Forums.
So this is your first time on Veeky Forums. What made you come here?
>6 million gassed
Said no actual historian, ever.
I take it you've been on Veeky Forums less than a day then, as the holocaust primary sources sites are usually dumped in the bi-hourly holocaust thread quite quickly?
There are other inaccuracies, not only relating to Hitler. The whole Nazi/Papen conspiracy is incredibly simplified.
It's pure pop history, but I guess that's okay considering this is not a documentary.
At least they didn't show Hitler saving Germany from hyperinflation. It seems like many people believe this crap. I'm not talking only about stormfags.
Enlighten me, sources and all.
Enlighten about what? Read a book about history of Germany.
>Re: Solution of the Jewish Question
>1. To the Reich Commissar for the East
>Re: Your report of October 4, 1941 in respect to the Solution of the Jewish Question
>With reference to my letter of October 18, 1941, this is to inform you that Oberdienstleiter Brack of the Führer Chancellery has agreed to collaborate in the production of the required shelters and gassing devices. At this time, the envisaged devices are not available in sufficient quantity; they will first have to be manufactured. Since in Brack's opinion, the manufacture of the devices in the Reich will cause much greater difficulties than doing it on the spot, Brack considers it most expedient to send his people to Riga, especially his chemist Dr. Kallmeyer, who will effect all further steps there. Oberdienstleiter Brack points out that the procedure in question is not without danger, so that special protective measures are necessary. In these circumstances, I request that you address yourself to Oberdienstleiter Brack in the Führer Chancellery through your Higher SS and Police Leader and request the dispatch of the chemist Kallmeyer and other assistants. I should inform you that Sturmbannführer Eichmann, the expert for the Jewish Question in the RSHA is entirely in agreement with this process. According to information from Sturmbannführer Eichmann, camps for Jews are to be set up in Riga and Minsk, to which Jews from the Old Reich territory may also come. At this time, Jews are being evacuated out of the Old Reich to Litzmannstadt (Lodz), and also other camps, to then later be used for labour in the east insofar as they are capable of work.
>As things now are, there are no objections if the Jews who are not capable of work, are eliminated with the Brackian remedy. In this way, events such as those that, according to a report in front of me, took place on the occasion of the shootings of the Jews in Vilna, and which, considering that the shootings were carried out in public, can hardly be excused, will no longer be possible. On the other hand, those capable of work will be transported for labour in the east. It goes without saying that the male and female Jews capable of work will be kept apart.
>I request a report on your further measures.