> be arabia
> start off as cattle ranching tribes whose life and religion revolves entirely around pillaging each other and taking one's livestock
> literally have a holiday based around NOT killing people
>go to a cube for said holiday
>the area around the cube is essentially a "time out" area for Mad Max-tag
>over time learn to find killing people bad
>tradeing is more fun regardless
>times get hard
>trades gone bad
>people killing themselves by wandering out in the desert and accepting death via starvation or whatever
>quirky epileptic comes along
>saves the day by inventing companies and trade routes
>day is saved
>quirky epileptic keeps inventing things
>ya sure, okay man. you do you
>really passionate about this new invention him and cougar wife developed
>it's like Jewish law and Ethiopian religion, but all the all the good parts removed
>"you don't like it? why? I thought we were friends"
>tweaker runs off
>starts butchering and looting the caravans HE founded
>starts militarizing his followers
>coups the capital
>brainwahses the son of the only remaining sane people
> flashforward
>killing people is perfectly fine
>will you be able to make it to this year's cube worshiping ceremony?
be arabia
9/10 brought me entertainment
Anyone else think a lot less of Islam after learning about it's history and doctrine? I can't believe normies equate it to Christianity and the NT
My thoughts as a normie myself are that while the whole thing is ridiculous, we must refrain from Islamaphobia and similar tensions. I say this as a Christian and the OP of this thread.
The best way to convert others is to love and respect them first and make them interested in your ways of life in the process.
Dumb kafir
>we must refrain from Islamaphobia
You can't be serious. Maybe a good place to start to "reduce tension" are the murderous zealots bombing tween concerts and indiscriminately killing their hosts
You have a point. What I mean is simply that while both are incorrect, we must keep those who are radical and those who are not in separate groups.
People are, for the most part, good- regardless of their indoctrination.
Guess how I know you're a mainline protestant.
Are you talking about pre islam or post islam?
Pre islam arabs were based, similar to their extinct semitic brothers
The opposite.
The opposite happened to me. Every normie hates Islam nowadays.
>Pre islam arabs were based
Pre-Islam Arabs were a bunch of retarded savages even in comparison with post-Islam Arabs.
this is actually pretty accurate, though it should be noted he was a bit of a warlord alongside being a merchant
Becoming a warlord was the only way to acquire political power in pre-Islamic Arabia
>being this much of a failed contrarian
>implying hating on islam in a more or less covert way isn't the normiest thing to do
Islamic calligraphy is incredibly beautiful, likewise the geometric decorations of mosques and madrasas. Much of the folk music and poetry of Asia and North Africa, to my ears, is like birdsong. And, yes, like any other man who has learned about some of the Moorish rulers of Spain, I can't deny envying the idea of wandering around the corridors of the Alhambra, on my way to enjoy the pleasures of a vast harem. To stand in Istanbul at dawn, staring across the Bosphorus at the vast expanse of the Asian continent unfolding before you, the call to pray ringing around the ancient city, is enough to move even the most un-Islamic of non-Muslims.
Having said all of that, I have little respect for the core texts. What are they? A dash of the Torah here, a sprinkle of the New Testament there, a dollop of Arabian paganism and baked for 1,500 years at 200° warmongering.
Even the prayer mats and minarets are 'borrowed' from Eastern Christians. And has a Muslim had an original thought in the last half-millennium? I don't know of any.
There are secular Muslims, yes, and when you encounter them it can be a fascinating cultural exchange. But it's worth remembering that many 'secular' Muslims are aware of how easy it would be for them to feign religiosity in light of 'Islamisation' than to stand by you as kafir. Hence why Muslims who drink and eat bacon should not be interpreted as evidence of sameness, nor equality of thought nor actions.
>I can't believe normies equate it to Christianity and the NT
There is literally nothing wrong with that. Christianity is a castrated Abrahamic religion that was conquered by Liberalism.
>And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
>Leviticus 11:7-8
>But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels.
>Corinthians, chapter 11.
>If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife— with the wife of his neighbour—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.”
> Leviticus 20:10:
The only difference is that Muslims are not hypocrites and actually follow what is in their holy book and utterly refuse to pander to Liberals and Secualrists.
They're not interested in your way of life, John. They want to forcibly convert you and make you live the ways of their stupid desert religion, like no drinking, no bacon or ham, and no music.
Islam is a religion incapable of reform because super autists always chimp out, kill attempting reformers even if it costs them their lives, and claim that they have defended the faith. It's like a giant game of "who can be the most autistic about minor details" that even the most talented, conniving Jewish rabbi cannot match.
>Muslims are not hypocrites and actually follow what is in their holy book and utterly refuse to pander to Liberals and Secualrists.
That probably explains why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world while Christianity is slowly decaying. Muslims actually follow what they believe in and won't give an inch to their ideological enemies.
It's because most Muslims are a bunch of poorfags who can't into birth control and breed like rabbits. Actual conversion these days is a rare event, mostly because the socioeconom reality which encouraged conversion back in the day have lost their effectiveness.
You may be right in a paraphrased sense. I just don't want to live my whole life making teams of "us vs them".
I understand it's not the Veeky Forums way. I'm just here because things get discussed here that aren't commonly talked about, like some obscure North African war and what not.
Not really. Conversions still happen to this day. About five hundred thousand to one million convert every 5 years.
It's not us vs. them. It's them vs. everyone else. With the rise of autistic Wahhabism, we've seen religion tensions explode across the globe.
Again, everything you said is correct. I know people in my life who are Muslim however, and they're not Wahhabs. Confrontation isn't going to help them. Friendship certainly has better odds.
>The main reasons for Islam’s growth ultimately involve simple demographics. To begin with, Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups analyzed in the study. Muslim women have an average of 2.9 children, significantly above the next-highest group (Christians at 2.6) and the average of all non-Muslims (2.2). In all major regions where there is a sizable Muslim population, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility.
Can you give me your source for your conversion figures?
You have anything that still exists?
Yes, the two other sources you conveniently ignored.
I wanted a globalized total. If I wanted UK or France, I could just look up a census.
>Not really. Conversions still happen to this day. About five hundred thousand to one million convert every 5 years.
The other two citations are not evidence for this statement.
If the Uk and France have 100,000 converts each on their own. It's not really a stretch to say that there are more than 500,000 converts globally.
they werent
>Islam is a religion incapable of reform
neither christianity
if you need to modify christiniaty to your way of life then why even convert?
fuck off witht that shit
Dude, Christianity has been revising itself since the very beginning. Even the original version got coopted by that lying nigger Paul and turned into some Hellenistic Neo-Platonic hippie dippy love bullshit.
Religion is just another facet of culture and it changes when people need it to change to adapt to changes in historical circumstances. Islam itself is just a fucking redux of the Arabian pagan religion, incorporating We Wuzzery from Judaism.
If you looked at the fertility map insteed of parroting memes you'll see muslim countries have betwin 2 and 3 children by women, except mor the subsaharan ones.
I literally linked a study and a fertility map
they have highest reversion rates.
That's still a high number of converts.