>when you keep giving Veeky Forums sincere advice on how to get rich but they just refuse to listen
Guys. I'm not fucking around here. I've researched a lot of coins and done my due diligence. If you want one of the best risk/reward ratios in crypto, buy ANT. Get in now and you WILL make good money this month.
When you keep giving Veeky Forums sincere advice on how to get rich but they just refuse to listen
Aragon? Ok just bought 1k
i feel bad for you user, this coin has no floor
should cut your losses while you still can, I've seen these slow bleeds before, they just dont stop.
Why is anyone is supposed to just take your word for it? Also ANT is such a weird coin its like its being developed underground, the movement is really bad on this coin, if you wanna sit on a stagnant dud then be my guest
Yeah that one.
I've been talking with them on slack, read through all the whitepaper and development updates, tried out the product, and considered the new partnerships on board like ZRX. Also looking at their livestreams, they've got big things coming soon it seems.
I'm almost surprising more people aren't really fucking confident about this one.
But why would you do all that hard work only to give away your valuable info for free to a bunch of internet raised sociopaths? Everyone on biz has an agenda and its not to make other people rich
I'd bet my house this month it's going to go up. This thing makes other big name coins (GNT, OMG..) look like toys.
>Why is anyone is supposed to just take your word for it?
I've made roughly 15 BTC since the btc fork and August 1rst and although that's not much, I have yet to be wrong about this kind of thing. I know what I'm saying here.
If you had ever brought a crypto coin before you would understand it is in your best interests to let everyone know about the coin you think is great... After you have brought up a ton of it.
Investing, beautifully, is not a zero-sum game like some people think it is. I have other ways of making money which are "zero-sum" that I simply don't share here. This is different. If we all get in, we're a small enough group that we can all profit from this and when you need to sell for money reasons you take your bid out accordingly.
• Alpha: January 2018
"Before building Aragon, Luis and Jorge were in Silicon Valley working on solving the problem of patent trolls with Unpatent. After figuring out how broken the underlying infrastructure of innovation is—patent trolls thriving, Donald Trump winning the elections, bureaucracy eating entrepreneurship—they decided to focus all of their time in building the infrastructure that new companies and organizations will run on top of. "
"Aragon MTU, from now on, the Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Estonia,"
They have their third ever public AMA this Friday (tomorrow) so if you have any questions you can ask them then.
"why is your coin so shitty and losing value at an alarming rate?"
It's really not but ok. Like I said in the OP, Veeky Forums doesn't like to listen for some reason.
Most of you idiots tend to buy high and sell low anyway. then you make fun of people for holding things like DGB when we all told you to get in under 40 sats but you people laughed and didn't listen. that's what Aragon is now.
i literally took quotes from their roadmap. Have you even read it you stupid faggot? It had spelling errors and hand draw models. If someone presented this at my old job I would have laughed in their fucking faced and called security.
OP you post an ANT thread everyday those bags you sold me weeks ago are starting to feel heavy.
Just a little longer here. The time is coming.
WTF is ANT? Its not even in the top 20 or top 50 or 100?? I am done with Alt Coins I hold OMG, NEO, LISK and Civic all will Moon and I will get out at the right time, the main goal is to obtain as much BTC as possible before it hits the 10K mark and beyond
Are there actually people on Veeky Forums this retarded?
Prove it
dude back the f off, you basement virgin i bet you would give up all your crypto to be with a girl like me in a second, OP should have posted the icon for the lame alt coin hes trying to pump