I fucking love scale armor.
ITT: Veeky Forumstorical armors you have a fetish for
>hey user-Baghatur... do you need help removing your armor uwu
You can remove my gambeson any day.
Advantages/disadvantages of scale/lamellar vs plate?
More gaps.
Surface less likely to defect blows off the armor.
Scale and lamellar can be weak to thrusts coming from the side to which they point. Sorry this would be easier to explain in my language...
Like, if the scales POINT downwards an upward thrust could more easily get in under a scale, and if it is one thing horsemen get a lot of it is stabs from below
Scale and lamellar are exclusively to their own abilities.
Scale is bound four by one, onto each like much like chainmail. It was used early as the late Egyptian dynasties and went under progressive development in materials and cord strength until the Polish stopped we wuzzing. The Problem with early scale is that thrusts from the underside was quite effective on cutting the cords and creating large gaps. It was also less likely to disperse energy when struck upon, much like chainmail.
Lamellar is extremely old as well. There have been several archaeological finds from late Sumer graves. Lamellar differentiates from scale from the fact that lamellar has no gaps from below. It is also extremely resistant to arrows and can disperse energy much better than Mail or lamellar due its ability to hold a rigid concave shape.
The problem with cord bound armour is that they are prone to getting soaked and become extremely heavy. It is also the cause for lice infestation in cord heavy armours like the Yoroi Armour. You can fix this problem by backing the plates with a leather canvas.
One great advantages of lamellar over scale is that it' can be worn over chainmail or heavy canvas armour. The problem is that you would be literally boiling in the heat, especially if you were a late Byzantine cataphract.
>liking a historically inaccurate QT
Post the lewd
that armour looks great, has an eastern kick to it
It's because the Polish larpers thought they were sarmatians. But that just makes Eastern European armour all the better in my opinion. It's like a good fusion cuisine.
>It's because the Polish larpers thought they were sarmatians.
so polacks larped as aryans before the germans?
That's the German inferiority complex for you. They can't stand, that someone is doing better than them. In all matters.
Those armours are inferior to plate in all aspects. Though, being Veeky Forums is arguable one.
how do you spell it in english/german? "karatzena" ?
>It's because the Polish larpers thought they were sarmatians.
Prior to the Mongol invasion of 1241 A.D., (and later attacks) the Poles looked no different then Western Europeans (indeed, the same applied all the way into Muscovy) and used the same weapons, armor and tactics but after getting their ass handed to them by the Mongols, they gradually adopted Eastern styles and practices better suited to the conditions and their opponents, while Western European knights got heavier and heavier.
Now this isn’t to say that Poles didn’t also have heavily armored knights in full-plate but they also specifically developed light armored horse archers and lancers, copied from their Tatar/Turk enemies.
The cultural concept of "we wuz Sarmatians!" came later, after they had already adopted Eastern tactics.
Mail is always my favorite. Plain yet the most effective armor throughout history
Make way for the gendarmes!!
30 years war cuirassier (especialy with Pappenheim helmet are my fap material, French napoleonic cuirassier are second place.
I'd argue ease of maintenance would be an advantage of Scale/Lamellar over plate. It's a lot cheaper to replace a damaged scale than it is an entire plate.
Helmets with chainmail veils give me a boner.
Eastern European armors are so sexy.