All memes aside, why can't they figure it out?
All memes aside, why can't they figure it out?
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Figure what out?
I don't know. I honestly can't name one thing they HAVE figured out, besides effectively spreading disease
They are right now. Africa has seen vast improvement in living standards and economic growth over the past few decades. Birth rates are still very high but starting to decline.
I really wish we could discuss sub-Saharan Africa without "niggers XD" or "we wuz kangz XD"
It's cause the Chinese are bleaching them.
look at this negrocentrist faggot crying for a safespace
>counting Nigeria and South Africa as "sub-saharan"
Absolute kek
If it makes you feel better, it's just as dishonest to blame all of Africa's problems on colonialism.
"sub-Saharan" = south of the Sahara Desert you fucking idiot
They figured out agriculture and civilization before Europe.
>nigger lovers blaming the thing that makes Africa barely worthwhile
Go worship some of those chest high mud walls, leftypol
Yeah maybe if you want to look at it in the literal sense like a dolt. Anyone with half a brain knows that South Africa is not bunched in with the sub-Saharan umbrella which is really referring to the charcoal black south-central countries like the Congo and thereabouts
i dunno, maybe because they had the shit exploited out of them by europe for like 150 years and were then granted independence but as states with pretty much totally arbitrary borders and barley any infrastructure or economy to speak of and then thrown into the cold war and then were alowed to take out a tonne of loans by idiot banks and when they couldnt pay them back had to hand control of iscal policy to international bodies and then they got fucked by the rising price of oil causing the economy to collapse and teh fall of teh USSR cut off one of their largest sources of aid and no longer having to compete teh USA dropped investment aswell and now to get access to aid they have to hand over trade policy aswell to international organizations that basically set it up so resources can be extracted for as little as possible and now 'states' where they exist are basically figureheads with no real control over policy and whose only job is to fight rebels where they appear and enrich a tiny minority usin aid moniez
but im sure you could totally figure it out
>Yeah maybe if you want to look at it in the literal sense like a dolt.
That's the way everyone except (you) uses the term
Africans seem to do okay in rural settings, it's the cities where it all goes to shit.
t. eurangatang
That isn't true at all. No one gives a shit about South Africa. It's done completely fine. Counting South Africa as sub-Saharan outside of a geographical map would be as retarded as bundling Egypt with Africa. It's irrelevant. We are referring to the Bantus when we talk about how stupid and poor Africa is. Not the successful nations which obviously aren't Bantu derived
Fuck off back to leftypol nerd
How'd they get exploited tho my man?
Really, really unlucky geography.
On the other hand, North and South american natives have no excuse to remain literally in the stone age when the old world already figured out gunpowder and transatlantic sailing.
Inb4 "africa is a paradise" meme
Why not talk about bantus instead of SSA then?
Who the fuck are you supposed to represent? Certainly not Veeky Forums
>the charcoal black south-central countries like the Congo and thereabouts
If only there was a proper name to handily group these countries...
Ah fuck it, I will go ahead and coin the term "Middle Africa", please be sure to inform everyone that I'm the one who came up with it.
The circle of life moves so slow
Then what?
15000 years of offset
Then OP's question is answered.
they figured out iron metallurgy and a few medical practices before europe and in course of 50-60 years some of them have even figured out how to make functioning modern states
That's pure autism my child
mesopotamia did all that you fucking Kangz
fertile crescent much?
You made me gigl
Read King Leopold's Ghost. It explains how the Belgian king exploited the shit out of the Congo. That's just one European country and one specific part of Africa. Expand that to every other European nation, then fast forward a bit and apply it to China the United States and pretty much everybody else. It really doesn't help that culturally, central Africa was waaaaaay behind the technological curve.
>Expand that to every other European nation, then fast forward a bit and apply it to China the United States and pretty much everybody else
Come on pal, no one can outdo Leopold II's Congo Hand State