Yes that's Richard Branson. Need I say more?
Yes that's Richard Branson. Need I say more?
Fuck richard branson
fuck someone was posting about this earlier. guess it's true that branson is involved
this coin could probably 10x if the tech is solid
That's literally not Richard branson
Is Branson gay? Is this metal fag his boytoy?
It's branson on the back row with all the sloots.
Here's a pic with the metal guys with him from MTL's slack
His house got wiped away by the hurricane, kek
No it literally isn't
did you know that you can rent this island?
lmao RIP richard KEKson
yes it is. are you fucking retarded?
Wow it's a shame he doesn't have dozens just like it across the globe. You didn't have shit worth saying to begin with so shut the fuck up idiot.
case in point note the crazy fucking christopher lloyd hair
Hi, Richard!
>the Virgin workaholic
Let me know when The Chad Entrepreneur makes an appearance
checked the Devs: Some of them were working for Visa , others seem to have some nice experience as well. This coin looks solid. Worth a shot? Am I missing something?
actually that is one the records he produced in the 1980s... tubular bells... (which is pretty good)
not sure what it has to do with crypto currency.
it already mooned like 10000%
yeah looks pretty solid and under the radar so far
The guy on the left is Marshall, the MTL developer. They have been vacationing together all year.
Under the radar? This coin exploded 2 months ago and then died. It's up 1000% from ICO.
This is a great coin and an amazing investment. Beware all the tenx cuck fudders.
went up like 3x on coinmarketcap. That is far from "mooning" in crypto terms.
fair enough,... though it's a very misleading photo.... which makes you think he his holding a logo of that guy's company..
This. It's only at $13 and has gone up steadily if you zoom out the charts with 4-5 notable significant jumps. It has not mooned at all yet.
it's a photo i pulled off marshall's facebook to show that he actually knows branson to correct someone above, sorry if I gave the impression the pic was a MTL promotion
his gf should stop using those eye increasers that asians makes her look like a freaking alien.
some people fuck with aliens my dude
sex me tenderly
Aaaaaand it's mooning
i told u guys this shit would moon
i just lost 3 minutes of my life ill never get back.
>metal is digital money
>look at how technology can go far
>how inspiring I am in muh mazda
>watch me drive saying things like real value, digital money and future
> don't you know pennies and nickels are cash and made of metal, so metal is cash?
>check out my inspiring view
>im inspiring because technology is digital and digital is cash.... and check out the view "dude speed up!" I'm trying to inspire people to do future shit.
>oh man i hope I'm inspiring.
>metal is different because....
>the name man, its metal and inspiring