Why isn't OMG mooning more? Did people already forget about the google stuff?

Why isn't OMG mooning more? Did people already forget about the google stuff?

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they had their DGB moment

downhill from here

no one cares about an asset """coin"""

that's what an accumulating whale would say.

>COO goes to Google
>Price spikes 20%
>the "NEWS" is still not out

what do you expect? OMG will Moon hard when there is actual "NEWS"...

obvious b8 to get attention.
That looks like some shitty bar. Probably nothing will come from it

When a coin doesn't dump after news, especially a news conference that means it's doing really well

>That looks like some shitty bar

Welcome to google

It was a puff piece photo op. Not a legit business reason/platform advancement to cause the value of the coin to increase. Just HODL/buy dips. It'll go up when it's warranted.

give it some 10h and it will be around 240
>screencap this

Good developers wouldn't play tricks on investors like that. Right?

nigger why the fuck do you think they keep shilling some super duper top secret "news" to you fucking omisecucks? they're obviously trying to pump their own fucking bags
huge red flag

Fuck Google tbqhwy familia

post some wojaks when we moon faggot

Fuck me I bought at ATH. Fuck this stupid coin

Enjoy staying poor dumb faggot

>this is the typical fudder
Lmao. Learn to break your sentences up btw

Im honestly hopeful that it might be something but I'm kinda worried they're never gonna elaborate on this and the McDonald's thing.

>scamcoin CEO takes picture of himself in a lobby meeting with an irrelevant thai branch manager of an actually large successful company
>retards are amazed and buy more despite "relationship" and "partnership" being obvious weasel words that mean nothing
>why isn't it mooning moar?
u guys know this is a PnD right?

fuck buy my coins

It's more like it's normal business social media type shit but every autist shill here thinks "HE'S WEARING SHOES, THEY'RE PARTNERING WITH NIKE!"

Yeah omg totally has nothing to do with omg
Omise didn't create omg with the sole intention of integrating the into their services
Its just an elaborate ruse

Ty user how could I never see the this before
Sold 100k

>Lmao kys cunt

All you people worried about Omise hyping up nothing realize it's an established company with 130+ employees and locations in multiple countries right? It's not just some shitcoin trying to be a real business, it's already a real business that's adding crypto capability.

They're not so fucking stupid to hype up nothing and soil their company. Think for a minute.

I just sold, will rebuy the drop in the next 24 hours.
Free +10% omg.

looks like a bullish flag, might be another run

what do you actually expect to come out of a meeting with google

what will the news be

Google has payment systems that would benefit from OMG just like Apple.

looks like he just asked some randos to take a selfie at the reception desk before security escorted him out

oooo baby lets go


we hit ATH, what fucking chart is this?

5 min candles, just saying that it disn't break out and we will probably drop to 00262

>up 13x since last month
>why isn't it mooning
>why no moon?


Because that's exactly what happened, being in a google reception is considered a photo shoot to start rumors to pump their coin for these guys

Honestly I don't know. I thought it was going to go to andromeda.

I think at this point, the hype is more than the $$ available to pour in. A lot of people are stuck in holding their NEO, Monero etc. bags and are waiting for those top 15 they have to skyrocket to ethereum levels.

So with big potential news, it barely moves a bit. Which I can't why OMG isn't higher when NEO is just chink vaporware that will be banned soon anyway. Meanwhile Omise is a company with 130 employees that can actually implement something.

Coins are supposed to continue to moon daily. If they don't, they are shitcoins

>why aint this coin increasing in value forever >:(

By this measure every crypto in existence is a shitcoin including BTC. Its perfectly natural for something to level out and stabilize a bit before resuing climbing.

>mfw no one on Veeky Forums actually understands what NEO is, thinks "hurr durr it's gonna be banned anyway"

holy fuck you are brain damaged aren't you

This is why:

Now think about that on a larger scale with people doing a hell of a lot worse than "handing out a dollar and maybe getting a dollar".

Broke retards are broke, they aren't gonna moon your fucking shitcoin.

You can't even get in the building without a Guest ID card.

t. I've been to Bangkok Google office on a visit with my school

might be but vitalik wouldnt endorse such people right? the fact that they had a decently succesful company before they started omisego is a good sign