Did you already bought BCC?
Other urls found in this thread:
its gonna break 700 today
With an investment of 0.1 BTC, if someone managed to time the dip around 125, and sold right now, the gains would have been 0.0126
So you went from 0.1 to 0.1126
If you barely managed to time the dip.
The ROI for this shitcoin is the definition of BULLSHIT because it is too expensive, the price of this shitcoin DOESN'T ADD UP.
I'm up over 100% on this shitcoin (which will eventually replace bitcoin)
Please, Bitcoin Cash will always be the chinese version of Bitcoin. When was the last time a chinese copy of something replaced the original?
>jew banker propaganda.
Bitcoin Cash isn't chinese and isn't a copy. It IS the original.
LN/Segwit is the replacement and it won't work.
Look at the mining graph you idiot. The biggest chunk >51% is two miners. You're being played like a fiddle - Wake the fuck up. It's an attempt at an attack on the original Bitcoin chain. The rich VCs behind it won't be able to sustain it forever.
joyetech (vs evolv)
BCC has 4 days to survive.
I'm betting it will replace bitcoin also.
Go BCH go! GO, BCH GO!
>Competition is an attack
>Thinking miners have any obligation to mine any coin
>thinking economic incentives don't promote mining
Blockstream shills are so obsessed with their gains they've abandoned all reason and formed a cult.
bought 21 bitcoin cash at 330, so i really dont give a fuck what happens but seeing these gains sure make me hard
meanwhile, real Btc is going to break 5k again
I actually don't care much for Blockstream either you muppet. But I do put more trust in hundreds of devs from different companies, different ideologies, representing themselves than a small handful of BCH devs sucking Roger Ver's dick for a piece of his pie just because he can't see past the end of his oversized ego. Feel sorry for you man.
Which is why they're pumping BCH so bad right now. Because they know it's dead if they don't.
>feel sorry
I bought it at $300 so don't bother feeling sorry for me. I made $15k off Bitcoin cash.
>Representing themselves
Who gives a shit? What is this, preschool? let me bow down and suck blockstream's dick for "representing themselves".
>I made $15k off Bitcoin cash
Yeah me too, and it's all safely back in BTC now. Didn't have to buy anything.
Will there be riots when BCC becomes the new standard currency for exchanges instead of BTCore?
Boomers will FUD the shit out of it. It's disappointing that we had to fork off to preserve bitcoin.
What happens to btc in 4 days?
curious as well. wtf happens in 4 days?
So you haven't noticed that every big name in Bitcoin merchants has been alienated or straight up cut off by Bitcoin Core?
Bitpay: Core cut all ties for supporting NYA
Openbazaar: Bringing in support for BCH among others
Yours: Left BTC for LTC then for BCH
Tipbot: Resurrected with BCH
Mixers: Resurrected with BCH
Zero-conf: Resurrected with BCH
Core has the LTC Devs, Bitfury, and Slushpool. Basically every other business has already left or plans to either leave/support both.
Once the SegWit2X shit hits the fan and Blockstream goes full retard yet again there's going to be nobody building on SegWit and everybody switching to BCH.
BCH will become unprofitable to mine again. Likely for the last time as the gap widens.
if BCH doesn't make it this time, it won't be able to recover after BTC soars.
This is not a sprint, but a marathon. So long as BCH can keep producing 1-2 blocks an hour it will remain fully competitive with BTC.
In the meantime the dev teams supporting BCH are not sitting idle. More improvements are in the works including more support for zero-fee tx, FlexTrans (smaller, cheaper tx and a whole world of new use cases), and new libraries for developers including a port of Bitcore.
BTC has a short term plan that will peter out as LN's real performance and vulnerabilities are analyzed, and people actually wake up to the fact that software unicorns don't just spring into existence in a couple of months.
BCH is set for at least the next 2 years without changing a single thing, same old Bitcoin but faster and cheaper.
question, go all in on bch?
numba wan rule of investing is to never all in. hedge your bets appropriately, cater for how big the moon is gonna be vs your entire portfolio. then buy enough bch so that if it moons your double your portfolio in btc and still have your btc if the flippening happens and you need to get rid of it. if you all in and your wrong your gonna be stuck bagholding this while missing out on gains elsewhere. DYOR and DD this is not investment advice just my 2 cents on the matter.
but BCH have no developers my friend. the things they want to do take time, and BCH cannot keep producing 1-2 blocks an hour at a loss
We will see, I hope you haven't gone all in friend.
Gamblers go all in, speculators hedge their bets.
Personally I've been playing vol trader and have been cleaning house. Helps I bought some BCH for $250 and spend half my time mining BTC and selling high, and the other half mining BCH and hodling.
BitcoinABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, Bitcoin Classic, and Bitcoin XT.
Dozens of developers, with years of experience, who have been pushing updates and testing constantly since the fork.
The gigablock testnet is now fully funded for 2 years and will be compiling actual data on scaling limits, do you think that data is going to be used for Core, or Cash?
> BCH has no devs
Fucking kek, open your eyes pleb
then the price will tank back to 300 and people will buy it and keep it incase the developers stay and implement the tech they want to, the only way to completely kill bch is if no one kept it when they recieved their share from the fork. Coinbase is gonna add bch in 2018 too which means this coin isnt going anywhere.
1742 nodes between them. Good luck!
Remember when BU nodes all collapsed because the developers all have downs?
All the more reason to trust a network built on four implementations instead of just one.
Not only have you fallen victim to the fallacy that node count means anything at all, you clearly believe the Core devs are incapable of making a mistake.
The day they do it will be a serious problem, as their codebase is now many times more complex than any BCH implementation, and their reliance on SegWit and it's serious security flaws is going to be their downfall sooner or later.
Add this to the fact that not only have they summarily dismissed any and all valid concerns raised by outside testing, but they are also determined to keep increasing the complexity of Bitcoin Core, and you have a recipe for disaster.
>you clearly believe the Core devs are incapable of making a mistake.
u wot m8
I'm just pointing out the spasticated BCH mob have made more, in a fuckload less time.
When I finally sell my BCH I'll sell it to you.
No you pointed out an isolated incident where one dev team made a minor mistake, and then corrected it.
Convenient you don't bother to mention the UASF debacle headed by Core which was vulnerable to replay and re-orgs by design, and was itself a Sybil attack on the network that could have fucked everyone over.
If you're dumb enough to be selling BCH during the dips: don't worry, I'll be there buying it.
> spasticated
>During the attack, the BU node count slipped to as low as 252, according to cryptocurrency data site Coin.Dance
Oh no! A bunch of human beings made a mistake! Tell everyone to go back to hunting and gathering, clearly we're not cut out for high tech society.
You see the shit that happened to Burstcoin? That's the kind of shit we're talking about if Core shits the bed, which they will.
You keep grasping at straws though, maybe someday you'll learn something.
Thanks for the laughs
smart user what is ur opinion on obsidian?