Tfw you got pretty rich doing crypto

>tfw you got pretty rich doing crypto
>tfw you would give it all away for her to come back

You told me I would be happy once I had money, but I still have no friends and my ex gf doesn't love me anyway. Why did you shill me Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself

Fuck off kid

You're not rich enough retard

It will happen to you guys too

i'll be your friend, for the right price
It'll be fun! and i can hook you up with drugs that are way better then your girlfriend!

Move on with your fucking life faggot

what an idiot

Stop being a fucking pussy and develope a drinking problem like the rest of the rich men.

Wake up, go for a run, make yourself an amazing breakfast, get money, and then drink expensive liquor while brooding in your pain, fuck shallow bar sluts that look like her. Rinse, repeat.

find someone else retardo

D-DELETE THIS FUCKING POST RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you really are rich you would not give a fuck about your stupid ex girlfriend, you would go ball out and fuck some hot gold digger sluts.

just buy her back

lmfao why are these replies so extreme?

Find a new piece of ass. Somehow you kids think girls dont get horny. They want "new" dick just as bad as guys want new pussy . Normal guys not gays like you. She found a bigger dick get over it. Learn to eat the booty and you wouldnt have these problems.

Don't worry OP, you always have us

right? jeez i fucking hate him

I know bro, it's so hard...

get over your oatheic oneitis.

There is nor really that much difference between women anyway, except the outside.
You got brainwashed and abused by her obviously....
I pitty u

They know we all feel more or less the same inside. They know it happened/will happen to them and they are scared. They know their lives will be the same shit even with money.

>s-someone please validate my feelings of worthlessness
All this self defeating bullshit is cancerous and I'm getting sick of seeing it. Get the fuck over it, OP. You don't think other people have shit of their own? Quit wallowing in your own pig shit and improve. She's already fucking someone else, and she will never give you another thought. It's time for you to move on too. Stop wasting time on people who don't care about you and use that time to think about yourself.

My gf loves me and gives me sex on command. She knows I hold crypto, but has no idea how much.

I don't really care about anyone but my parents so I doubt it.

You need to see a therapist OP. Read no more Mr nice guy and get help. I'm in the same boat. We have abandonment issues. Unfortunately there is no easy solution to get you parched up. Will take a good therapist.


youse a bitch nigga for real. go eat ten bags of dicks.

because we know you can get a sugar babby to screw when its convenient, that you can shoo out and trade up whenever you get sick of her

providing you have teh cabbage

Channel your money into experience you fuckwit that way you meet new people and actually develop and become interesting.

Worst advice ever.

You are a fucking idiot. Give me your money

I'm there bro. Just poor too. Wish I could go back and change things. She actually fucked someone i thought was my best friend after I broke up with her over the fact that I was noticing things. Shit was sad. Literally got cucked bro. I promise it gets better eventually. Just takes a lot of endurance, really. Been almost 3 years for me and I'm still tormented, I don't think money would change it much.

If you're feeling a bit elliotrogeresque:


nah I'm already happy irrespective of my money situation dude

Spend well pupper

worst part is, when crypto goes under you will have nothing

Maybe the necessary courage to kms will come, you never know.

buy a lexus lc / ferrari 488 and drive it around

join wallstreetbets and bitpam discord servers

make other people happy and you will become happy. stop throwing a pity party for yourself like a degenerate, there are people literally getting killed over loafs of bread, change other peoples lives and it will change yours. godspeed user and best of luck in the pursuit of happiness, you will make it.

Dude, unironically this. I offered to pay the rest of my girlfriend's college off. Luckily she broke up with me before I could kek.

I'm like you though. No friends, no gf, shaky relationship with my family. All in all, I'm pretty successful. Got a master's, work an amazing job that let's me travel to other countries and get paid a shit ton for someone my age, got into ETH when it was $8. But, really, I'm unhappy. I drink a lot, gave up being Veeky Forums so I'm getting fat again, have no real, meaningful friendships.

Thinking about quitting my job and moving to Maine and just starting a coffee shop or something.

It's a hard world user.

Also, all these "hardened" responses are just edgelords, teenagers, fatfucks from /g/, t_d's and nu-/pol/ types, and the like. They are probably the most damaged people irl, which is why they hang out here on Veeky Forums. At least you and me, OP, can admit it.

I dunno, I got a pretty good job, trade crypto but only make a decent amount on it. I have a girlfriend but she literally wont stop harassing me for sex. Every fucking day. Plus she is into cuckolding and pretends to be my room mate, takes me out to the bar and acts as my wing man, sets me up with her slutty co workers or friends. At least she doesn't know about crypto and pays me rent. It's super fucking exhausting however. Sometimes i think that nothing really matters. I get caught up day trading sometimes and it nulls the pain of losing my late wife. I think perhaps I should put it all into digibyte and go on a holiday for a while. It seems like a stable sure bet.

>tfw you have her but you are poor and can't provide her the good life both of you want

I know this is more of a /soc/ thing,
I'm from the Toronto/waterloo area. If anyone would like to meet in person, discuss our successes and meet up occasionally for who knows what,
would anyone be interested? Keep it Veeky Forums related of course, just irl. perhaps that could fix some of our problems in this aspect of our life.
sounds like most of us resolved the financial issues.

I'll meet up with you bby. I promise I won't rape you k bby?

best advice . reality they call it

Don't come to Maine. Such an ignorant and politically clueless population. Go to vermont.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

>Such an ignorant and politically clueless population.
Don't really care tbqh. I was considering Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. I just want to get as far north as possible and live alone and comfy

New Hampshire sounds like God's country