Europe is very liberal today with no morals. More snd more atheists in Europe thsn christians. But alot of muslim immigrsnts plus muslim childbirths. Will islamic morals/values replace former christian ones?
Islamic Morals
>islamic morals/values
Gamea Taharrush:
>Islamic rape game. One of the fine cultural customs the mustards enriched the west with.
>Many German white whores had the pleasure to experience it during Cologne NYE.
Basically a group of dozens mustards surrounds a single women, the ones on the outer side prevents any help coming from outside, while the ones in the inner part repeatedly rape the woman.
>The chick in the video got raped fifty times, and to this day she suffers through severe internal bleeding.
Taharrush isnt muslim my friend. And you must be pretty autidtic if you think all muslims support taharrush kek
kek im to autistic to spell autistic
>Will islamic morals/values replace former christian ones?
Islamic and Christian morals are practically the same.
The fact you don't even realise that speaks volumes about how much of a fuck Europe gives about Christianity or Islam in the modern era.
>fascist theocracy created by pedophile caravan raider
islam isn't going to supersede anything really, it's just going to fill in a new class of proles as white people grow out such things and eventually they will too. when they come here and see the shelves they also see the writing on the wall for their future generations. it's all going down.
>But alot of muslim immigrsnts plus muslim childbirths.
You're assuming these kids are muslims in anything but name. Or that the birthrates doesn't go to shit after the first generation due to their life not being shit any more.
Only way muslims have this sort of effect is if hundreds of millions of them migrate into europe at once, and that isn't likely. They'll just secularize and become as decadent and hedonistic as everyone else in europe.
>no morals
Christ, /pol/ is really grasping at straws these days.
Also actually. Does users of Veeky Forums that there is a "moral decline" in Europe?
islam is a shit ideology and muhammad was a warlord but your shit is straight out of the SJW playbook and thinking the above makes it okay is the same mentality as well.
>written by slave owners
see? stupid right?
there is
I see teenagers today and girls are all whores.
I blame social networks desu.
but they let men fuck men dude
that's gross dude
No. In fact, I would argue that there's too much moralism everywhere in the world, not just in Europe.
>written and signed by a majority of non-slave owners
>a groundbreaking revolution in History where instead of power centralized in a "supreme leader" or institution it defines small government and gun rights
>not moral
>Implying you need religion to be moral
top kek no
People smoke, drink and fuck less while eating healthier and taking more care of their bodies and education. The day people stop feeling ashamed of being home when they're ill is the day we can start talking about any kind of moral decline.
Does this look like /pol/ to you?
We're taking over and there is nothing whitoid subhumans can do about it
There is a very real possibility that should Europe experience a financial disaster or some other catastrophe, society will be in chaos and people will flock to what gives order and stability and the only thing they are able to really grab onto in Europe is islam.
You are assuming the future generations will all be believers.
Why would they not follow Christianity's current trend of slowly losing ground to atheists?
Scripture is very malleable. Imam Tawhidi and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are both Muslims, which shows that Islam can be interpreted in a diametrically opposite ways. Islam usually incorporated aspects of pre-Islamic cultures of the regions in which it spread. For example, the legacy of Zoroastrianism can clearly be felt in the type of Shia Islam that most Iranians follow, just as the legacy of Tengrism can clearly be felt in the type of Sunni Islam that is followed by most of the Turkic people of Central Asia. It is reasonable to assume that if Muslims become the majority in Western countries, the type of Islam which most Western Muslims will follow would in large part be influenced by pre-Islamic Western culture and morality, including Christian one. We can already see how in the West, Islam slowly starts to intermingle with Western cultural norms. The growing number of LGBT-friednly mosques in Western countries crearly demonstrates that, which is why a lot pf traditional Muslims, especially Salafi Muslims, strongly oppose Muslim immigration in the West.
The majority of Muslims in the West are white
>The majority of Muslims in the West are white
Because the third world invaders are allowed to suppress insurgents in their midst unlike Westerners who invite the enemy to come kill them to absolve them of their inherent sin of being Western.
I too view all immigrants as enemy combatants
Gee several million aggressive people flooding into your country, demanding tribute to themselves, and demanding you change the way you live sure doesn't like an invasion.
You don't know what invasion is. Invasion is a military offensive waged by a geographical entity.
That's right, stretch it until you don't have to confront it.