How can anyone study history and remain racist?
If I look at European history, I can't help but to realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
How can anyone study history and remain racist?
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then I'm reminded that the Holy Inquisition was a structured court system with presumption on innocence were very few "witches" were actually burned, instead it's real mission was to root out crypto-muslims and crypto-jews carrying out terrorism in Spain while in the godless protestant lands any parish could label someone a witch and kill them, reminder that protestants killed hundreds of thousands of gingers because "red hair is pact with the devil"
>a structured court system
Read an actually informative history like Europe's Inner Demons.
you can literally only study history in any meaningful quantity when the people have had a writing system and the tendency to record events/literature. this understanding alone should make you racist.
>The classical Latin alphabet, also known as the Roman alphabet, is a writing system originally used by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language. The Latin alphabet evolved from the visually similar Cumaean Greek version of the Greek alphabet, which was itself descended from the Phoenician abjad, which in turn was derived from Egyptian hieroglyphics.[1]
so you be sayan...
>drawings are evidence like photos are
wtf, are you St. Bartholomew's Day massacre denier?
>protestants elites force their cult on their subjects with violence
>king still gives free worship in France
>wherever protestants become majority they attack catholics
>hugenots begin to conspire with the heir to take over France
>people see the hugenots trying to impose protestant tyranny like it's happening in german states
>St bartholomeus massacre ensues
medievil europe still had more infrastructoin than todays Africa
never trust a protestant
Medieval Europe mostly only had dirt roads
because white people improved over time
also when you look into "barbaric" things whites did they are usually exaggerated
Witch burnings are a good example, not that many even happened
The catholic chutch literally invaded the islamic world and killed millions if not billions of innocent muslims for no other reason than they wanted to erase a rival cult
FUCK christianity
what is your point?
are you one of these "Greeks were black, Romans were black, Egyptians were black" people?
I don't consider dying out because you refuse to reproduce improving over time
How can someone look at history and not be racist? It's one big story of different ethnic groups fighting to survive and excell, why would you ignore what has been staring you in the face all your life? Humans instinctively look out for their closest genetic group, just as every creature does. I'd also add that medieval or dark age Europe was just as shit-tier as pretty much everywhere else barring a few exceptions at various times and in various places
leftypol punks fuck off.
What makes you think that non-whites dont or wont improve over time?
That European got their writings from foreign sources. Same as africans
>Humans instinctively look out for their closest genetic group, just as every creature does
This is why the Germans allied with the Japanese instead of the French
Or why Yugoslavia is a strong unified nation today.
Or why tribal infighting between Germanic tribes never existed.
If anything history has made me less racist because it shows that the so called irreconcilable identities your ancestors had have no bearing on the irreconcilable identities we have today. People are just divisive by nature, and like to group themselves in ingroups and outgroups that really don't mean shit
I see different religions and different kingdoms fighting for survival, yet i dont really see any race war
Levant, Egypt and Anatolia were all Christian before Muhammad had an autistic fit and mass murdered one third of the civilized world's population because they didn't think he was actually talking to God
Wake up, Islam was literally founded on blood of the innocents
>If I look at European history, I can't help but to realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
Yeah, mono"theists" are wiggers - that's all they were, all they are, all they'll ever be.
That's why hell exists - for such vermin.
Go back to your containment board faggot, you are the retards that have ruined this board
>because white people improved over time
Thanks to greeks and roman knowledge
>barbaric" things whites did they are usually exaggerated
They arent, you raped iberians, latins and greek people, you destroyed everything they had then today you call themselves sucessor of rome, etc
You are the worst, g*rmanic
I'm not from reddit, sorry.
hang yourself
>if not billions
big if true
I'm pretty sure meds (greek included) consider themselves white though
>If I look at European history, I can't help but to realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
Think you need to get your eyes tested, pal
>because white people improved over time
>/pol/ isn't Reddit
Get out, Schlomo.
>uses witch burning as an example when nearly all supposed instances of it were myths
Ah I see. By "studying" you mean reading trendy opinion pieces in some e-zine rag.
I mean the beloved ancient Greeks went centuries without written language until they borrowed the Phoenician alphabet. The Germanics were illiterate until they developed the rune system which was inspired by italic script. /pol/ memes completely fall apart when you actually study history in a thorough and objective way
Black or not, they were still "shitskins" by pol standards.
Well many people here don't
That's more a problem with christfaggotry then with white people. Oh and niggers are still doing shit like this today, some guy in nigeria was killed by an angry mob because some other guy accused him of stealing his penis by casting a magic spell.
>white people did something mean hundreds of years ago
>but then outlawed it and welcomed others into their society
>blacks still do those things today...and also did them hundreds of years ago
yeah I see what you mean white people are terrible
When the first post is the god given best post
>two story buildings
Already dwarfs anything from south of the sahara.
You mean "white" by US standards.
The first thinker to classify the peoples of the world as White, Black, Asian, and Amerind was Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus, often called the "father of modern taxonomy", in the 18th-century.
>and remain racist
But on the contrary my dear commiescum, by comparing results that different civilisations produce over a set ammount of time we can extrapolate what civilisation ethnicities are better suited for what. We can now clearly see that Songha did not stand the test of time and the main reason for looking down on niggers is geaographical. By analising the history of African civilisations I have come to the conclusion that shit ecosystem in general and mosquitoes in particular are to blame for retarded african population genes. The study of the fall of the Roman Empire clearly shows what happens when a country is flooded with foreigners who do not know how to associate themselves with said country - the country stops existing. Before studying the iron age African civilisations my hate for niggers was merely based on looks and smells, now I can also hate nigger for the socioeconomic processes of the African Continent.
Bullshit, ancient texts have always differentiated between the races. Heck, I remember that they found a stone dating from Ancient Egypt which basically said "niggers aren't allowed to immigrate".
that literally has nothing to do with the inquisition wtf is wrong with you?
That is what i said
Did africans destroy the roman empire?
shame you wrote a paragraph just to say absolutely nothing
Also, the more I study history the more I realize that white people were always more competent, more intelligent, more organized, and just plain superior to others.
In fact, the more I study history the more I realize that liberalism was quixotic meme that should've failed with the Jacobins.
>/pol/ is Reddit
>Don't you just hate conservatives like a good prol?
Shame you didn't read the paragraph. Not him btw.
It means that white people aren't inheritly superior to other races, they are only lucky to live in more developed countries
Why hasn't Africa developed despite and abundance of natural resources, why is Haiti such a shit tier country after colonialism, why is it that everywhere there is tons of Negroes there is crime disproportionate to their total population when compared to other races, why is it assumed that the environment causes all forms of behavior when we know for sure fact that it doesn't?
>my ancestors were African-tier savages
You're Jewish?
>How can anyone study history and remain anti-racist?
>if you're innocent you'll float in the water when we drown you
>if you're innocent god will save you from death
Trial by Combat and Trial by Ordeal were both Prottie innovations.
Lucky? Lol Who do you think developed those countries in the first place and still maintain them civilised?
Romans, who were developed by Greeks, who were developed by Egyptians/Sumerians
Because we are not at the end of history. All of this will still happen.
If you lived in ancient Greece, you would think European people are inferour since they never developed civilization
>If I look at European history, I can't help but to realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
It's a horrible feel, isn't it? I went in expecting everyone, especially the big names like Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and Napoleon to be Reinhard von Lohengramm, instead they turned out to be power hungry thugs beating other people's into submission. They were no better than the black guys who bullied me in school.
>realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
But didn't we go through a period where we had mass-executions for reasonably petty crimes? Wouldn't this have impacted genetics?
Also, committing inhumane acts is obviously bad, but I don't think that malice is as integrally related to other human qualities (intelligence, trust, etc.) as you believe.
>If I look at European history, I can't help but to realise that my ancestors were African-tier savages
Juding history by today criteria make no sense.
Best post.
All protestant sources on the Inquisition are just anecdotal trash and myths.
Yeah, they were just typical warlords and show-offs, no better than this guy
Why not?
>If you lived in ancient Greece, you would think European people are inferour since they never developed civilization
No, I wouldn't. Because Greece is full of Greeks, not niggers.
>Biological determinism doesn't exist a priori
>people ITT trying to justify all the barbaric actions
Looks like a lot of them are still African-tier savages.
>Barbaric actions
Such as?
>Inb4 posts a bunch of Hollywood memes like a good brainlet
>African-tier savages
Speak for yourself. I see the exact opposite.
medieval torture techniques
Greeks didn't see Germanics as their fellow Europeans.
For them, they were barbarians and savages
>I see the exact opposite.
>Conflating the murderous tyrant Napoleon with based Germanics like Alexander, Caesar, and Charlemagne
Most of which are Hollywood memes, most people were hung not tortured to death. Mass incarceration was not a thing back then.
Everything that ever happened in Europe pales to what happened in Mesopotamia.
Lol no one else does
Meds and Greeks are bottom tier shitskins
Studying history and the theory of evolution makes racial reality impossible to ignore.
The conclusion is always the same. It's european's turn to get mongrelized. That's for the Amerindian genocide.
Go ask them their opinions of r/The_Donald
he said they instinctively do, which isn't wrong. in group preference is pretty static.
This post is accurate but unfortunately no place on the internet is safe from the inquisition/medieval torture fantasies that have been bred through books and movies for a while now
Tons of fucked up shit happened in Europe but the inquisition and witch hunts were pretty much unsignificant.
Protestants did the actual few significant witch hunts. Catholics returned the kindness by outright butchering protestants in specific moments like Saint-Barthélémy in Paris.
Both sides were fucked up, but for some reason an anecdotical side of the story is constantly fostered.
>muh histery
Fuck off back to r*ddit, it's ridiculous narrativized nonsense.
Why would you need fucking asphalt roads for horses and shoes
Dirt roads are actually better for walking on because they have more 'bounce' than asphalt. Asphalt is painful to walk on, moist grass is probably the best. Dirt is a middle-ground because grass can't stand up to that much walking. It's also easier to follow. Eventually, cobblestone became a norm which is still better than asphalt but not as good as grass. It has the benefit of not cracking like asphalt during the winters, because it's pre-cracked.
You're a fucking retard for suggesting a technology for a time that did not need it.
They hate /r/the Donald and think the kekistani thing is cancer. Anyone who posts with that flag is the same as the Soviet or anarchist flag
>the entire world's population at the time
woah.. so this is the power of islam
>for a time that didn't need it
Excuses. Even the "roman road" was superior to those pathetic middle ages europe. And the romans just were a literal revisionism of ME civilizations.
Most things get you called racist nowadays though, I don't despise niggers and think they're all hopeless inherently low-IQ savages and a lesser subservient race but I don't want a horde of them in my white European country either.
>I don't despise niggers and think they're all hopeless inherently low-IQ savages and a lesser subservient race but I don't want a horde of them in my white European country either.
wow you are so tolerant, not racist at all
>prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
>the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Yeah I'm not, I just value my nation and nationality and don't think it should be wiped away because homogeneous societies upset post-LBJ American sensibilities.
woah dude relax, your autism is showing
greeks, romans and egyptians were nordic peoples. the pyramides are actually odin sanctuaries until the brown people invade and made them for their dumb cat gods