In what ways is Japan the successor to classical China?

I know that the kimono tradition continues from the Tang Dynasty.

Also, Japan is the only place where you can find Tang era architecture.

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Modern Japan? They abandoned the Taika reform for a western institution, no Mandate of Heaven. Unrecognised by the Ancient Chinese as the Huaxia, and referred to as dwarf barbarians.

Chinese culture today including it's national dress comes from barbarian culture.

I'm being honest here, but I think China lost there culture to a certain extent. Their Ming traditions were completely wiped off by the Qing and Qing traditions were exterminated during the culutrual revolution. I feel as China today is a hallow husk of its former self.

It's amazing how such a large nation with so many people can lose sight much culture in such a small time

Does some of it still live on through Taiwan?

No they're not
They're better
Much more than on mainland, but even that is the diluted-nationalist version of it, just like current revivalism in china

>Chinese culture today including it's national dress comes from barbarian culture.
Tang and Ming court dress came from barbarians as well.

>lost their culture
You're the equivalent to that Tai Chi huckster getting his ass handed to him by that MMA chad
>m-muh tradishuns! Muh kultur!
Just backwards looking grifters selling a fee-fee to gullible idiots through flowery displays of pretension.

Sure, big boy. Come back if you have any arguements.

There's nothing to argue over. You're chasing an idealized vision of a pre-modern society without asking yourself why people abandoned those kind of ideas and social arrangements in the first place, and why they're never coming back.

For the same reason why the tai chi "traditionalist" couldn't get up from the pounding that MMA chad gave to him.

Well, take a look at America now.

there is no natural chinese culture in china real - they have to be taught how it works/what it is.

In Taiwan/HK they grow up with it surrounding them.

In your opinion, the Cultural Revolution was progress?

T. Canto ball fondler or KMT shill

America is what happens when you mindwipe 100 people from different countries and cultures and put them on a continent by themselves.

>oh no he disagrees with me he's a shill

Taoism is alive and well in Taiwan, with a large amount of the population practising it.

in china ?no, only foreign religions like christianity are thriving because there is no local culture/religion to fight it

Koryo was the legit successor of Ming China spirit. The korean dynasty was incorporated into the Japanese one after annexation, so OP is right.

America never had culture.

It's not really a "nation". Just a state with many "nation" within

In the sense that it was an autistic overreaction which also caused a lot of harm.

Nobody said progress is a clean, straightforward process. It's a messy lurching of trial and error, hence why so many traditionalists can get away with bamboozling people by appealing to one mythical golden age or another, where men were men, and women and negros knew their place.

America used to have a culture. Every country has.

>Nobody said progress is a clean, straightforward process
Do you believe that the Cultural Revolution was a step in the right direction? Change for the sake of change is always good?

>t. Toyotomi Hideyoshi
The Japanese monarchy didn't absorb the Korean one. They abolished it. So no, they don't have succession. And the House of Yi still yet lives.

>Has wars with Chinese states including Ming and annexes Jurchen territory

How is Koryo a successor if they existed before the Ming? Not to mention they had less then friendly terms with the Southern Song, often being accused by their officials for using the tributary system to extort them for their lack of security.

If you meant Joseon, then that would make a lot of sense.

>Has wars with Chinese states including Ming and changes tributary every time they can get money out of it.

How is Koryo a successor if they existed before the Ming? Not to mention they had less then friendly terms with the Southern Song, often being accused by their officials for using the tributary system to extort them for their lack of security.

If you meant Joseon, then that would make a lot of sense.

My bad, doublepost.

America still has a distinct culture you nigger. Just because current politics are going in a direction you don't like doesn't mean the culture stops existing. Cultures change and morph over time.

Sorry and yes, I fucked up and actually meant Joseon. Looks like I have to go back and repeat Korean History.

Degenerate. Of course you support your government, as well as anyone should. It would also be your governments role to suppress and retain an absolute authority on

If it is wrong to value your culture. one that has bred for 4000 years, maintained by your own ancestors through everyday life, to define ones identity and heritage through those customs for the sheer sake of "modernisation" then I have no words for you.

Would you call Japan and South Korea as failures? Yes, the pre-post war periods war brutal and many fell due protesting to the dispotic authoritarian rule of their respective countries, and yet progress ensued all the while maintaining and preserving their heritage at all cost.

China is a hallow husk, because it attempted to destroy every essence, artifacts, treasures, literature that had to do with the old world that so many kingdoms and empires respected. China is a husk because the state attempted to destroy the foundation of ones identity. Without a base, nothing can rise safely.

If I am wrong, than was China always uncivil, uncaring and unsympathetic to the wellbeings of ones kin? Were they always the arrogant nationalists? Were the texts and texts upon evidence from the world wide that depicted China as an esteemed state, out of admiration just a faux?

maybe you should try rewriting your post in english

It was neither wholly good nor wholly bad, but inevitable. The traditionalists brought it on themselves by refusing to adapt with the times.

>destroying inanimate objects and buildings that are an irreplaceable and invaluable part of your history because of muh proletariat revolution means all old things are fucking garbage
Chinks have to be the most autistic Asians, even more autistic than WW2 Nips

English isn't everyone's first language, don't be a dick. He made a few grammatical errors but I still understood his point

Japan is a failure because it is subservient to the interests of it's colonial masters.
China might of lost all their useless culture that would've been lost to materialist and consumerist pressures in the modern day age but at least the Chinese rule themselves instead of taking orders from their masters across the sea

>some fucking idiot on Veeky Forums speaks for all Chinese

This is what /pol/ does to the specimen's mind.

>China is a hallow husk, because it attempted to destroy every essence, artifacts, treasures, literature that had to do with the old world that so many kingdoms and empires respected.

"85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish."

Not everyone petalling a tradition is a huckster and most of those who are hucksters are selling a reinvented tradition, usually their own.

Most actual traditional arts, be they dance, or pottery or martial arts take a huge effort to learn since they are so removed from and antiquated via modern culture which is why most versions of them we see are somewhat reduced or modernized

Those retards, Qin and Mao, sent China back by thousands of years with the knowledge they destroyed during their culture revolution