>tfw the enlightenment destroyed European civilization
Tfw the enlightenment destroyed European civilization
Was the enlightenment even a real thing? Yeah, it was a movement in literature but did it have ANY real-world impact? Probably not.
Not sure if /pol/, trolling, or both
It actually developed European civilization beyond all others.
Europe has fallen so many times - it always returns tho. Bronze Age Collapse, Persian Wars, Fall of Rome, Barbarian Invasions, Arab/Moor invasions, Viking Invasions, Ottoman invasions, Black Death, Religious Wars, Colonial Wars, World Wars, Cold Wars (we're in Cold War II now) modern terrorism and growing civil unrest. Bewildering.
>every arguments I don't like are either leddit, pol, leftypol, sjw, or fedora
And you don't think real world movements are influenced by literature?
Not only that, it destroyed all other civilizations by spreading the liberal and ultimately Marxist ideology to other civilizations.
RIP Confucian civ
The Enlightenment is the only thing that makes European civilization worthwhile. Without it you may as well be Arabs.
>The Enlightenment is the only thing that makes European civilization worthwhile.
Is this what spending too much time on reddit does to your brain?
*tips pepemaga hat*
>hurr durr reddit XD
fuck off to the levant if you want to live in the modern equivalent to dark ages europe.
Haha, everyone who thinks that pre-Enlightenment European culture is worth preserving is either a kekistani MAGApede or wants to live in the Middle East, am I right?
lmao just stfu you redditor cuck
Yeah, fuck those stupid Ancient Greek, medieval Christian and Renaissance thinkers, they were all barbaric savages, unlike us, enlightened liberals.
>medival Christians
>Ancient Greek
>bunch of pedo faggots
hAhaAA kys right now mah dude
>le Dark Ages
When will this meme die?
wtf I hate America now
>centuries of cultural oppression and genocide
You can thank the fedora atheist like Tyson and Dawkins for perpetuating it
Aquinas said nothing of value
pretty much
pre-enlightenment Europe was your average feudal shithole
>daily reminder that anyone who opposes modernity is either a naive, idealistic dreamer or a beta cuck demanding the return of unearned social privilege
That's not even Aquinas
When conservatives praise Euro supremacy but reject all modernity, what exactly are they praising? How is medieval Europe better than, say, Japan or Persia, etc?
In their minds it was better because certain light skinned men had it really easy, and if they close their eyes they can imagine themselves, a lily skinned beta cuck with no talents or ambition to speak of, as having access to power, prestige, and a qt wife.
In other words, they are living embodiments of why we 'shouldn't' go back.
>what exactly are they praising?
Just the previous couple of millennia of history.
Nothing big, user.
Going from 2.0 dollars to 2.1 would be 5% increase in income, so actually yes.
wow thank you based neoliberalist countries like china and india
Can smell the curry from here.
indeed, just look at all the wealth modernity had brought us
>t. john green
This one got me good.
Sure, there's a lower PERCENTAGE that are dirt poor, but still a much higher raw number. How is that better exactly? The net suffering is way way higher. But there's more white leftists sipping on tea and getting foot massages from vietnamese women, so it's an improvement.
but the studying of history, caring about it and learning from it overall reached an entirely new level during the enlightenment era
You're just spouting /pol/ memes at this point
you're cherrypicking. Most of the world lives much much more comfortably, is much more educated and lives longer than let's say a hundred years ago
Yes, that's why literally all of the negative memes about the middle ages were invented during the enlightenment era, they just wanted to study and care previous history.
>Just the previous couple of millennia of history.
Everywhere has history.
a much higher raw number because there are dozens of times more people on this planet than ever before, you idiot
What kind of a world do you people exactly aspire for? I understand opposing materialism but you just seem to want to replace it with an abstract sense of religious indoctrination and belief in something that has never existed outside of your heads. You also overly romanticize the past world all the time and it is more than clear that most of you have never actually studied history and major in completely different subjects
This but unironically. Learning about history gave them ideas about what to emulate and what to avoid. Part of the broader idea that things can be made better than they are, which is modernity is all about and which is the entire reason western civilization has so utterly dominated the world.
Most of the negative memes about middle ages are true.
When we say that medieval people knew that the earth was round, it means that a few scholars who studied Greek philosophers were aware of that.
99% of population, including most nobles, thought that earth was flat
nobody who actually studies history thinks of the medieval age as a "dark era" but neither do people who have seriously studied history have such a ridiculously naive sense of the past as /pol/tards do.
The modern world has many many problems but this doesn't mean the human race hasn't managed to tackle many more problems during the past 600 or so years. Even if new problems surface, they will be eventually dealt with but the answer to those problems isn't having a small class of elites handling everything while the others live a more or less shitty life and have been indoctrinated to shit by a strong belief in something otherworldy.
It's a sad case of affairs that the belief in God has been replaced by senseless materialism and degeneracy but at this point there is no going back and there really is no reason to either. What exactly are you aspiring for?
Yes, that is because of the population increase. That was my point, you sperglord.
Jesus pal, calm down. You're really making a lot of assumptions considering what I said. How did you deduce my religious beliefs, political persuasion, and education all at once, via one post on Veeky Forums?
All I'm saying is that those who praise the great improvements of modernity in contrast to the past are somewhat disingenuous when they fail to mention the fact that their increase of the population has multiplied the suffering of third-world nations by an insane degree. The average chink was always pretty horribly poor, but atleast before he was just living on a farm in his mudhut, growing rice and fucking his wife. Now, he, his wife, and his kids are all packed into concrete antfarms, cities filled with noxious gas, their traditions practically destroyed, to work all day in horrible conditions for shit pay, so you can shitpost on a cambodian sewing forum.
>It's a sad case of affairs that delusion has been replaced by realism and personal freedom
Are you saying those are also delusions?
Do you believe in objective morality?
If not, do you believe that some things can be 'right' or 'wrong'?
If so, what determines why those things are 'right' or 'wrong'?
>they fail to mention the fact that their increase of the population has multiplied the suffering of third-world nations by an insane degree.
Not true. Somalia and North Korea are pretty good representation of your average feudal lifestyle. Any country that is doing better tham them is an improvement over medieval standards
>Somalia and North Korea are pretty good representation of your average feudal lifestyle
Pretty sure they'd kill you if you believe in some kind of higher power and stopped worshiping fat Kimmy in NK
>poverty is measured in money
You fucking idiot, people could live off of what they produced before modernity
Do you not understand what that means? It means GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD AND LIVING OFF OF THAT
Poverty only begun to become an issue with the rise of novel goods. Now people are wasting money on useless china, which means they have to sell more food, or land, or whatever.
You're so stuck in capitalism that you can't imagine economy before it.
The people in those countries havea similar quality of life as medieval peasants.
Whats the next stage? Islamic domination? Nationalism strikes again? Pan Europa? China conquers all? Also why i am getting chinese adds?
The most ironic of all of this is that people were more "free" in those "dark" medieval times.
More community and free market based.
Quality of life =/= Similarity of lifestyle. Get your argument straight nigger.
people who bitch about materialism are just mad that their sheelpe dont buy their religious bullshit like they used to
>If so, what determines why those things are 'right' or 'wrong'?
certanly not the sky wizard who will torture you forever if you work on saturday
Okay, if not, then what? I'm not even suggesting it's that. What makes something right or wrong? I mean, you seem to believe in such a thing. Is it just what makes you happy vs what makes you angry?
>hahaha there is no le god becuz reddit sed it BUY MORE GADGETS!
'studying' history is for idiots, by the way. It's a complete ideology for children, aimed at narrating the past into a clear message of progress
The Earth is flat.
>Do you not understand what that means? It means GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD AND LIVING OFF OF THAT
And dying when you have famine. Or when you get an easily curable sickness. Or when your neighbour kills you, takes your stuff and rapes your wife.
Sounds like paradise
>there is no reason to
>fucking salvation isn't a reason, BUY MORE SHIT GO INTO MORE DEBT
Every successful society must obey certain rules, in order to function.
Will it be a secular or religious community you are always gonna have some universal laws, like "thou shalt not steal"
haha everything before le CURRENT YEAR was le DISEASE FUCKRAPE MURDERKILL
You need to go back. 10th grade propaganda-education isn't 'studying history'.
Being a 1st year shit in a 'history' major isn't studying history.
You children learn what is popular.
That's not how a community works.Public hanging and executions where there for a fucking reason, you maroon.
>universal laws
Fuck off back to r*ddit you functionalist retard
Okay, but why is functioning a good thing?
way to miss the fucking point. Salvation in your own mind through philosophy and psychology can be achieved without a belief to a non-existant higher power.
The options we have at hand are not just moralism or degenerate materialism but there are way more choices to pick from
realism and personal freedom are not synonyms to materialism, user. The world is not black and white and it's more than obvious that replacing the void left by nihilism cannot be filled by materialism
>Salvation in your own mind through philosophy and psychology can be achieved without a belief to a non-existant higher power.
That's not salvation you stupid fucking atheist.
not functioning leads to chaos, death and misery. Most people agree that this is not something that is desired, thus they see a functional society as a good thing
Hobbes figured that out like 400 years ago
reddit does not say there is no god. Reddit is filled with normies who believe in mysticism and judge the world through a black and white moral system, much like most /pol/ dwellers
>'studying' history is for idiots, by the way. It's a complete ideology for children, aimed at narrating the past into a clear message of progress
if you are not willing to actually study history, be it on your spare time or in a university/college, you should just keep your mouth shut about the entire subject instead of making bold and stupid claims
I know you're trolling so I don't even know why I bothered to answer
The world is not black and white, but living in a modern developed country is inheritly better than in a feudal society.
That's why we have so many illegal immigrants in Europe and USA
Why is chaos death and misery bad though?
Oh look, more reddit claims
>morality exists becuz i sed so
>history is good becuz /pol/ sed im le smartie not biased person le science xD
Again, 10th grade propaganda-education is not 'studying' history.
>most people
Not an argument, retard.
Europe has never known such a long period of peace like now. And even in 1918, over 50 million people died on influenca.
We came pretty far since then
>boohooo muh feelings
summing up your counter-argumets here
Every time people here debate about religion they keep on giving half-rational evidence up until they get totally proven wrong by both philosophical and scientific theories that are based on rationalism. After that they go full on damage control mode and start claiming that you can't explain belief with rationalism, despite trying to do it themselves up until they start losing the argument
I miss Veeky Forums before the /pol/ invasion happened.
Good and bad are subjective terms. Since most people don't like dying and living in misery, they see those things as bad
Europeans are being genetically erased from existence
>liberals believe this
>arguments are good because reddit sed it
>rationality is good becuz abloobloo muh fweewings u HAVE 2 FOLLOW RULZ
>misusing rationalism
>sam hyde
Oh, so you're the actual troll here; or just fucking 14.
You do know that I was defending the modern world, right? I was just saying materialism has gotten way out of hand and has to be dealt with if we are to salvage something out of the western civilization
People are more wealthy, healthy and more educated than ever before in human history but this doesn't mean we aren't making major major mistakes and it will eventually lead into a blood bath
European is not a genetic term
you're just shit posting at this point
Sure, materialism might be a problem, but it's not like it is a threat to our civilization
Climate change, globalization and digitalization are all far more serious challenges that we are facing nowadays
So stop calling it good and bad, and start calling it 'beneficial to me' and 'not beneficial to me'.
we're still here but we can't be bothered to argue with these mouth breathers all the fucking time because they can never admit of being wrong. We have threads like this every other day and they get flooded by /pol/acks with babby tier levels of historical and philosophical knowledge every. single. time. They're also extremely loud about their opinions
It's not shit posting, it's my established rhetoric, which at this point the mods simply ignore and maybe I'll get a day ban from Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums if it makes them actually work instead of eat hot pockets and masturbate to Prisma Illya.
The purpose of this rhetoric is to let the other see their argument in the stupidest and most exaggerated tone that I can come up with at that moment. I've been doing this for about four years now, and it seems to work on some. My task is a Socratic task.
>and start calling it 'beneficial to me' and 'not beneficial to me'.
that's the definition of good and bad
yes but all of those are fueled by materialism.
I wouldn't say digitalization is a problem though. I'm optimistic about the future, despite of this all