Are their games a good way to learn history?
Are their games a good way to learn history?
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EU2 and Vicky series, yes.
The rest? Hell no.
A good introduction maybe. But the last thing this board needs is more pseudo-historians that get all their knowledge from grand strat.
Historical geography and a few things from the text in events? Yes.
As an adequate substitute for reading a history book? No.
I've played 1500 hours of eu4 and 100 of vic2 and I have way too much European history shit in my brain
I have 800 hours on EU4 and just picked up CK2
They are by no means a substitute for books as said but they are an entry level media that could push more people to develop a more serious interest in history, especially the young
Not really, they might spark and interest though
I have 0 hours in EU4 and 0 hours in Victoria 2. Just read fucking books. Get audiobooks if they can't hold your attention.
It may help the noob at history understand that things are always changing and that periods of History are not static.
Download the HIP mod for CK2 if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty of it. That mod is historical autism.
>tfw remember the first HoI manual which had a day by day of WW2
How far it's fallen since then
Unironically, yes. For the typical normie, anyways. If they actually get into that game, they'll learn a lot.
I did.
It's good for understanding geography
For the Glory + AGCEEP, Victoria 1 + VIP, Darkest Hour/HoI2 + any realism mod
that's how I learned my basic history
It's a good place to start learning basic history.
Not anymore, they've stripped the hard coded events to almost nothing, I mean I don't mind it I just wish it was a game rule
I think the problem is that paradox games (other than CK2) let you play as a country. This creates the unrealistic point of view that countries and not people are the central actors of history, and turns you into a nationalist
You can learn history even from Assassin's Creed, just don't listen to the ingame narative. Take the historical events and characters then do your reading.
All I learned from Vicky 2 was that Jacobins are cunts and free markets are cancer
Geography, mostly yes. Real history? Probably not so much.
Pleb who can't get high levels of technology growth while maintaing strong enough military to deter would be invaders detected.
Free market is great, once you established a solid industrial base.
Unless you enjoy micromanaging thousands of factories
Also sphering China = economic collapse
Communist uprisings are cancer
Had a game one time where almost the entirety of Europe and North Africa were Communist while Russia became a republic
It's a good way to learn about the starting year, that's about it
>hey, you know what we need?
>Another ammunition factory, even though we have no fertilizer!
>Bankrupt in 3 weeks, can't delete it
survival of the fittest, user. Just switch to interventionalism a few years and delete the bankrupt factories
Nah, Paradox should just fix their shitty AI
Ot offers more depth than the zverage videogame but WAY less depth that even the shittiest history book. Also inaccuracies, often for the sake of gameplay.
>Stellaris is becoming the most accurate history game
How the fuck did this happen?
this. EU2 (or ftg, its the same thing) and AGCEEP gave you so much history insight because of the events. EU4 always turns into clusterfuck. Ive actually read once that some Chink school uses EU2 to teach European history (this was when EU2 was a new game)
It's like watching crash course: it's great if you're some uneducated normie with no historical knowledge or interest whatsoever, but you're a manchild if you continue past that.
In any case, the whole fun of a paradox game is being ahistorical as shit and restoring all byzantine lands in 1914.
dont watch that shit. its politically correct propaganda focusing only on the aspects of history they want you to know and disregarding everything else. Also you cant learn anything from 5 minute history snips. Grab a fucking book and dont be braindead
It's for high school classes, kids who don't give a shit and will probably not give a shit without bill nye-esque soundbytes to hold their attention.
I mean, reading a book is well and fine, but as a matter of educational policy "read books lol" is not particularly effective. Students have to be eased into study.
well then you are on the wrong board, kiddo.
And leave the board to pseuds like you? That would be cruel.
who the fuck is pseudo? Pseudo- what even? Pseudo is a prefix. It doesnt mean anything by itself
Are you new here?
t. Pseud
yes. I came here for history and only found shitty memes, "what if" threads and black penises
perhaps there's somewhere you should be going back to
is it reddit?
In the sense of that they may jump start an interest, sure. But 99.99% of the time after the first five years (At least in EUIV) history goes straight out of the window and you have France being reduced to nothing by England, Spain, and Austria while Britanny and Tunis have discovered colonization and the Hatakeyama have conquered northeast Siberia. It's one of those games where you go, "Oh! That existed at some point before I gobbled it up with my OPM." and you look it up from there.
jokes on you, newfriend. I come from /pol
Then you should be right at home with black penis threads
im actually refugee from black penises. But now i have to escape again. SAD!
civilization series i guess
kiss your sister
>be greece
>fascist rebels keep taking over
>keep overpaying soldiers
>keep going bankrupt
just noting things that need to be fixed. or things like
>want a part of another country that has your minority culture
>Get entire province
>gotta keep fighting nationalists because i cant give back a small part
so fucking true. also managing huge armies is cancer.
playing countries like USA or HRE is fucking boring. plus your entire army gets disorganized after 1 fucking war so you gotta merge them all together and split them into 20 armies and spread them out again, just do to do the same thing over again in 5 minutes
I'd say the U.S.A is a fairly relaxing country in Vicky 2, especially if Europe has constant wars, then you get a trillion immigrants, can grow your industry peacefully and test out some economic bullshit, experiment a bit. I agree with the reorganizing armies part and HRE being boring. I can see why some might find USA boring, but I guess it was made to be a beginner country rather than some hardcore shit like going Oranje great power without prestige spam.
honestly these games are just gross. they promote imperialism, nationalism, and colonialism, and every person i've met who plays them is some sort of "anti-sjw" nerd type. i wouldn't be surprised if all the people who posted positive things about them ITT post on /pol/ as well.
The dedicated central planner will outperform any other nation, which I guess is kinda the point of the policy.
This is probably by design. Vicky 2 throws a shit ton of rebels at you and politics influenced by consciousness and militancy simply because they don't expect you to say HM's government the whole game, considering the period was one of rising nationalism and frequent revolution.
superfluous factories is certainly part of this, because even though you get considerable growth unemployment drives up militancy, resulting in either different parties getting elected or, well, jacobins and reactionaries and communists EVERYWHERE.
Yeah prestige is kinda a problem when it comes to deciding great and secondary powers. The idea is probably that even if you prestige up you can lose it to being on the wrong side of a crisis, but in practice that rarely happens. It needed reweighting.
>is alternative history a good way to learn actual history.
It teaches you geography and to get interested in history. That's about it.
They intentionally ignore a lot of history to make game balance 'more fun' for the general player. Also its very disconnected from a lot of history that isn't related to politics like actual technology growth, migrations, war, etc. one of my favorite books about the age of absolutism went to great lengths that looking at its history purely from the eyes of statesmens histories is absurd. So at the very least in the case of EU and Vicky especially the games turn out to be little better then Diplomacy.
They are games first and foremost.
are war games a way to learn history?
no- they both fill entirely different purposes
What's autistic about it? It's easy to play, nothing compared to truly autistic mods like Europa Barbarorum.
Paradox armchair historians are the worst, the base their historical knowledge completely on abstractions, then abstract those abstractions when discussing real history here
>Austria-Hungary collapse was inevitable, they let their pops militancy get to high
>G*rmans won the franco-prussian war by researching better artillery techs then the frogs
>panzer divisions were op, single handedly caused mass encirclements.
>byzantium should have allied with hungary and pooland against the stinky turks
>burgerland got more immigrants because they passed more political reforms
Anyone here who gets 90% of their historical knowledge from paradox games needs to go back to or im sick of arguing with you retards when you present shit arguments
Not quite Paradox (as its Eugen, but its published by Paraducks), but they made me realize how suffering some of the German divisions went through on the Western front.
>Be the most well equipped German Division in the entire war, tons of Tiger IIs, Is, Panthers, Pumas, supplemented by fully motorized infantry
>All manned by Tank propaganda demonstrators, training instructors, and ex elite members from other divisions
>General de facto led the Afrika Corps for months and was Rommel's Chief of Staff
>Be hyped to be the greatest Panzer division next to only LSSAH, Das Reich, Wiking, etc.
>Second you show up to Normandy you get targeted by the largest air bombardment in the entire war with over 1500 planes headhunting your mere 100 or so tanks
>sends the general into becoming a bumbling mess from shell shock from the constant bombing and the artillery of the three divisions he was fighting
honestly this is prolly one of the most depressing division chronicles ive heard jesus
One of these days I'm going to restore Hellenic Paganism in CK2, and bring the Pagan Roman Empire into EU4 with Rome as the capital.
Haha, eat shit, Constantine!
No, they are games.
It's a good way to learn political geography n sheeit
read books pleb
>Europa Barbarorum
Best mod.
Gameplay isn't significantly altered but the title and dynasty histories are insanely detailed, way more than vanilla.
>Gameplay isn't significantly altered
Oh yes it is. The fact you can't use captured enemy military buildings to train your best troops immediately in bum-fuck nowhere Gaul was a huge step up from vanilla by itself.
I wasn't talking about RTW, I was talking about HIP.
They're not even about the same game.
Sorry, my mistake. I thought you were talking about EB there.
>let you play as a country. This creates the unrealistic point of view that countries and not people are the central actors of history, and turns you into a nationalist
But that's true you retarded post modernist. The nation-state remains the best unit to promote your happiness and move society forward.
Go let in all the immgrints enmass and see how that works out for you. Everyone operates within a nation, a the government is ALWAYS the biggest spender in a economy and thus the main driver in that sense.
The government is ALWAYS the biggest spender in research and development.
The government frames how everyone inside it operates, great man history theory is trash. There are no great men in shitty countries
Its really not that hard thanks to secret societies.
Hellenism can't be reformed so enjoy your empire getting split by gavelkind
Or download a paganism mod
>The government is ALWAYS the biggest spender in research and development.
But thats wrong.
>when Roma Surrectum II's in game encyclopedia has every article be at least 1000 words and has a bibliography
Crusader Kings 2 is a good way to understand medieval politics from my experience.
it's really not a good way to understand "medieval" anything but keep telling yourself it is shart
1. Suzerain-vassal relationships (they are kind of too vertical but hey, it was a clusterfuck irl so no way to implement that in a game)
2. Claims
3. Investiture
4. CBs
Are implemented well, it's a good start but later you will learn that it was much more complex
Only Historical Geography, and even then that's mostly irrelevant once you've played for a few years. You do get the vague idea of what countries are there, and a sense of when various historical events occured
That's not true. That's what 20th century leaders tought to idiots like you.
Meanwhile, elites of different countries were always international and best buddies, and they cared more about each other than about the poor people of their respective country
It doesn't need to be reformed, it's not the same as the other pagans. The ridiculous loops you have to jump through to get it not-withstanding.
>only 1 units stacks on most provinces
Truly the cancer has not even begun
Also >ancap rebel spam
"Pseud" is short-hand for pseudo-intellectual.
>Control holy site
>Secret convert to that faith
It's piss easy now with Monks and Mystics
That still doesn't work for Hellenic pagans. The only way to get hellenic in-game without custume creating a character is these exact steps.
1) Have 'supernatural events turned on' in the game rules.
2) Be both immortal AND insane.
3) Appoint a horse named Glitterhoof as chancellor.
4) Make the horse immortal.
5) Get the event where an immortal demon horse challenges Glitterhoof as a duel.
6) Be charismatic enough to have the dialogue option to convince the immortal horse to be your courtier.
7) This horse is Hellenic pagan, so you can have him teach your children and convert them to Hellenic.
No other way. It's hard enough to get the Immortal trait, let alone all this other stuff on top of that. It's basically an Easter egg.
You can't custom create a Hellenic character anymore, not without modding the game.
I like paradox games, particularly Victoria 2 and EU IV, and I hate the mouthbreeding right wing retards
Love that falseflag there bucko, go back to whatever pile of shit you come from.
They're the John Green of videogames. If you're unlearned they will eventually introduce you to a thousand concepts, people and cultures you never or vaguely heard off. But this introduction will be very flawed and simplified. So you decide if that's good or bad for your learning.
Is this normal if you play as France? I started a game as France and eventually uninstalled Vicky because of fucking jacobins.
it's not a terrible supplement and can spark interest.
I was introduced to this games by my oldest cousin and he's a literal commie who is in the Pirate Party. The fucking Pirate Party.
>but later you will learn that it was much more complex
Which you won't if you're a fucking normie who thinks that CK2 thing is already complex, ie if you belong to the great majority of the population.
So you're from Iceland?
Why should he be from Iceland, he could be from all over the place.
Where can this quote be found? In what source I mean.
The Pirate Party is fucking everywhere in Europe. They're just mostly an irrelevant minority but so are paradox players in general.
My mistake, I thought Pirate Party was an exclusive Iceland thing. Thank you for enlightening me.
It's normal as any country in Europe