Top 10 unlikely friendships in anime
Top 10 unlikely friendships in anime
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Stalin really unironically liked FDR and Churchill, it's very weird but he was a diffrent guy with them than with his politburo
probably because he saw them somewhat as equals in terms of being "strongmen" rulers, but we know how that turned out after FDR died. Stalin thought Truman was a bitch (and he was a bitch)
t. People who know nothing of history
Churchill, FDR, and Truman saw Stalin as a bigger enemy than Hitler. They just used Stalin to get rid of Hitler so he'd be gone.
It's like a bear using a deer as bait, to get a Jaguar to not attack it.
Absolutely not. Theres a reason the allies helped stalin and attacked hitler first. Stalins ideologu was abhorrent but he wasnt an extreme belligerent hothead like hitler proved himself to be. History proved them right pretty much. Hitler was insane enough to launch a general war of cobquest while stalin and his successors took territorites as oppotunist swipes which had rational reasons behind them.
>Churchill, FDR, and Truman saw Stalin as a bigger enemy than Hitler
Then why didn't they instead team up with Hitler to defeat Stalin? You fucking retard
>but we know how that turned out after FDR died. Stalin thought Truman was a bitch (and he was a bitch)
literally the exact opposite. FDR was a stupid cuck who got used by Stalin like the dumbass he was, then he died and Truman took over and would listen to any of his bullshit so stalin hated him. Thank god to, FDR would have probably given him control of all of Europe at Potsdam
>Top 10 Greatest Anime Twists
Basically that's what the Brits were doing in the 30s. When the Nazis supported international business interests the Brits supported Hitler indirectly by their apathy to his aggression. So did the USA. The western allies gave him Austria on a platter. A lot of the early resistance to Hitler ironically came from conservative elements in his own government who did not like how he treated the military, and his unrealistic plans for war. Hitler didn't have much mass support for war outside of his party, in the 30s, because Germany still remembered and was reeling from WWI.
The soviets made appeals to the Czechoslovakians and the Western powers Britain and France for a joint pact against Hitler when he aggressed against the Czechs. The British and French refused this pact and instead "Munich" happened. Odd that we British-French-Nazi cooperation "Munich" but we call Stalin and Hitler's non-aggression pact and "alliance." This is historical antiseptic euphemisms at work.
Czechoslovakia was not even allowed to attend Munich, and it was at Munich that Chamberlain gave the Nazis Czechoslovakia. That was the beginning of the end of the peace.
Even after Munich the Soviets offered to stand with Czechoslovakia but were denied passage there by Poland, which was a right-wing military dictatorship. Poland dug it's own grave there. Britain and France appeasing Hitler led to WWII more than a non-aggression pact between Stalin and Hitler. Britain and France cite "war-weariness" from WWI for their inability to confront Hitler but this does not explain appeasement, nor does it explain their attempts to overthrow the Soviets with expeditionary forces immediately after WWI. They were more ready to fight Communists than Fascists. It was hesitance to fight fascism by western powers that led to WWII.
Chamberlain even refused to respond to overtures from anti-nazi germans. He actively encouraged Hitler's policy on Czechoslovakia. He threatened to freeze their assets ffs.
Germany could've been stopped in 1935. The British were reluctant to confront germany even when it was weak and could've been stopped. They had wind the German generals were waving and that there was a conspiracy afoot. British intelligence heard from the German intelligence agencies that there was a buildup against Hitler. Chamberlain failed to respond to even high-placed conservative conspirators. Chamberlain saw Hitler and Nazism as a bulwark against Communism in Europe. It was part of his geopolitical strategy. Basically to him, Nazis were useful idiots who were too overtly reactionary to support directly through military action, but could be supported indirectly through the sausage-making of foreign policy and trade policy. Much like the Muhajideen and Osama Bin Laden were seen by Reagan as a bulwark against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Leading to them getting beefed up by the CIA. Leading to them having the power to pull of 9/11 (with the disproportionate help of that other great American ally: Saudi Arabia).
But I digress.
With a few exceptions, Western leaders were more concerned with the Bolshevik specter than the Fascist menace because unlike the Communists, the Nazis were not nearly as much of a direct threat to private enterprise.
If anything, The National """Socialists""" had crushed Socialist organizations in Germany and Italy, and had made these countries safer for private capital. Chamberlain et al were eager to avoid war, not out of pacifism, but from a willingness to strike a bargain.
Hitler's successes in foreign policy were due less to German rearmament, the deficiencies and limitations of which were known to competent military circles, than to the tacit alliance of powerful reactionary elements in England and France which, EVEN THOUGh they were upset with the reassertion of German equality in Europe, they were still more unwilling to check it by military alliance with Soviet Russia or to run the risk of social revolution in Germany as a result of Hitler's fall."
In other words, it is not that Chamberlain necessarily loved Hitler, although there were plenty of leaders in the West who did. There was Henry Ford in America, who was an open Nazi admirer, and a number of other American plutocrats and a number of people in England also. But Chamberlain's feeling was, if I have to choose between Nazism and Hitler or the risk--even the risk--of Soviet influence in Germany, then we will take Nazism.
This is why you see the arming of terrorists in the Middle East today. Better right-wing insurgents than even vaguely leftist or nationalist dictators. Leftism is opposed for the same reason as nationalism even though leftism and nationalism are different. They are opposed because of their opposition to international financial interests.
I didn't remember when I've seen this amouth of bullshit
Provide any sort of counterpoint.
The USA loves backing right-wing dictators and insurgents as a bulwark against Socialism, then kill them off once they've outlived their usefulness.
In oblivion I would level my weapons skills by summoning creatures and then killing them, while in the safety of a town. This is American foreign policy.
It's more like American policymakers are usually too busy with current crises to worry about potential future crises.
Nonsense. You don't need to care about financial crises if you have a strong ruling class, the strongest military in the world, bases everywhere, intelligence everywhere, and the ability to create and destroy your own enemies to create hero narratives for times to come. Digital advancements in currency are going to render national deficits meaningless by the end of the century. Multinational corporations are mobile feudal states. They are going to erode the power of nations and take ownership of the remaining resources. Private security firms are going to replace traditional militaries. Private schools are going to make education impossible for the poor. There is going to be a postmodern worldwide caste system that will likely survive until we are off this planet or dead.
Islamofascism is manufactured and cleaned up by US foreign policy. The Sauds came to power because of the British empire, and the most right-wing and hateful elements of the Islamic world now control the cultural center of Islam. These things are according to plan. American foreign policy is radicalizing the entire middle east so that it can have an excuse to exterminate the entire middle East and lay claim to its resources. Whoever isn't radicalized will be killed by radicals. Israel will become this century's third reich with overt backing by Western powers.
I know the future.
Send me bitcoins
You gotta admit though. If you hate right wing dictators, and you hate socialism, it sounds like a win-win for you.
>plot twist: user likes socialism
>Digital advancements in currency are going to render national deficits meaningless
Go on...
> Multinational corporations are mobile feudal states.
No they aren't, Bill Hicks. By the way, quit watching that guy, he's a hack.
>Private security firms are going to replace traditional militaries.
A good thing. Who's signing up for that shit nowadays other than poor mulattos and mexicans looking for free college?
>Private schools are going to make education impossible for the poor.
>Hey Jimmy, why was Jim Crowe bad for america?
>Because, teacher - governments would never fund public negro schools
>And Jimmy, what's bad about private schools
>You'd lose your job
>Private security firms
>Executive Outcomes makes a comeback
Thank you for this
>having a beard in the military
you're not allowed to look good and serve in the military/police/fire/first responders
nigga they are PMCs
>Top 10 unlikely friendships in anime
>tfw your friends turn against you after beating up an autsitic kid together ;_:
Top 10 anime betrayals
>A good thing. Who's signing up for that shit nowadays other than poor mulattos and mexicans looking for free college?
>No they aren't, Bill Hicks. By the way, quit watching that guy, he's a hack.
I wasn't aware bill hicks said this?
Mussolini looks happier in the picture of his corpse.
It's a pretty good tactic since our military is made up of expendable classes, as the characteristically sadistic reactionary () was more than happy to point out.
It's a pretty good tactic by the way. 9/11 served as a wonderful pretext for so much imperialism. From Bush's 2 wars, to Obama's seven interventions, to Trump's negotiating in advance what was it, 110 bn dollars in arms to the saudis.
>Trump agrees with Clinton, in secret, in 2013, to run in order to dismantle the republican party
>trounces Clinton in ebic betrayal
>takes the white house
>clinton can't say anything
This has been my conspiracy theory
You and I both know public schooling has been good for poor people of all ethnic backgrounds.
You just want a return to a time when the proletariat was illiterate, obedient, and completely dependent.
he knows it's bullshit and the West fucked up
Neither of which went through.
That's sort of my point with War Plan Red, you fucking dolt.
Executive Outcomes was a private organization, groomin standards didn't apply. In all seriousness EO did literally nothing wrong while it was in operation and did more good than the fucking UN at ending conflicts.