i am canadian and my exchange uses Equifax(for confirming validation only, not keeping record).
am i fucked or unaffected?
I am canadian and my exchange uses Equifax(for confirming validation only, not keeping record)
Dont sign up for this, You will have to sign a TOS that says you can't sue later.
Not true there is no sign up. I did it. I typed in the last 6 digits of my social,m and my last name, clicked the button, and a message popped up saying my info was not affected. That's it
Just burgers affected I think
Only burgers got roasted. Leaf cucks are fine.
no, Canada and the UK as well. Did you even bother reading what happened or are you just spewing misinformation to try and pretend to be smart? Plebbit tier mate.
Canadians don't have SSNs
It said limited information, although I have no idea what's that means
why do you use quadriga? it's fucking shitty and overpriced
I did the Equifax thing but fucked it up and mixed up something. It just says "Unsuccessful" and you never get a second try. I uploaded ID and was verified in like 3 days after that so they dont like blacklist you or anything if you fuck it up
chances are it won't hold in court anyways, a TOS is not some blank cheque for companies.
It will just be another home depot style bullshit, congrats everyone gets 6-12 months of free Identify theft protection !
>admit to having millions of people's info hacked
>ask you to enter your personal info on their website to check if they let it get hacked
lmao these guys are too much...
Yes we do
maybe you can list one that's better instead of random insult.
yes we do..
They are called SINs here
Quadriga user here. Would also like to know if I am affected...
Canadian here and i did the quadriga equifax verification thing. But it seemed like the info they had was already there with equifax, and i just had to confirm them by answering some multiplw choice questions. I didnt even know what equifax was but they seemed to already have my info. I guess they have it through the banks?
how fucked am i lads?
actually freaking out here
after reviewing it, we actually don't have SNNs, we have SINs...but who the fuck actually knows if its transferable or not.
i hope it's just a burger plague and nothing more
SINs are roughly analogous to SSNs in that they're used for keeping track of bank accounts, employment, student loans, checks, etc but I'm not sure if the Canadian SIN db for equifax was breached.
I haven't gotten an email yet so