Finally! After two millenias of persecution by christian countries they are not hating us anymore...

>Finally! After two millenias of persecution by christian countries they are not hating us anymore, and we can live safely in Europe!
>Now, let's go and colonize Palestine and found a nation there so now the whole muslim world will hate us!

What did the Jews mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>of course there is a two thousand year right of return

>of course there is no fifty year right of return

Seriously though Palestinians are a diaspora culture now.

>found a nation

>I can grab your clay because muh ancestors lived here 2 000 years ago
Really makes me think

I'd hazard a guess and say they didn't really trust Europeans after the whole holocaust thing

They love to be hated. Can't feel (((chosen))) and (((special))) when you are not being persecuted.

It's a bit dumb, but I guess the belief that it's the ancestral homeland runs deep. I imagine that if Europe was overrun by non-whites and controlled politically by a non-white majority state for hundreds of years while white people survived in the Americas and Australia... that there would be a powerful political movement among whites calling for a return to Europe and establishment of a white-majority state there.

No they could grab their clay because they could. You don't have the "right" to anything you can't take by force.

But jewish home is Egypt, where they served as slaves. Palestine belonged to the Canaanites. It's not their original home.


That's bullshit, Hitler asked that muslim leader of Palestine if he can send the Jews there and got a "Helllllll noooo" as a response.

They didn't even, there were jews in Palestine, but only in Judea, which would be today's southern Israel. The rest of palestine is being claimed literally because they think God promised it to them. Talk about religious fundamentalists.

>Send as many Jews as you can to Palestine while Britain allows it
>Britain stops allowing it
>WTF Nazi Germany was pro Arab
Fucking lol

So it was permissible for Hitler to murder 6 million Jews because he could? Explain this.

>implying the hall of cost happened

>implying ww2 existed
This must be the biggest Mandela effect in recent history.

>I can grab three continents and colonize a fourth because...

Another retard. You will get genocided because you can get genocided.

>>Finally! After two millenias of persecution by christian countries they are not hating us anymore, and we can live safely in Europe!

a lot of western people still hate the jews after the holocaust.

>>Now, let's go and colonize Palestine and found a nation there so now the whole muslim world will hate us!

arabs don't give a shit about Palestine, if they cared about Palestinians, why are they treated like shit in other muslim countries?

Why shouldn't Jews have their own country? Israel is like the size of Massachusetts, It's not like the size of China

wasn't it a british owned land back then?

>Mandela Effect
did you mean Buswon Effect?

>Live safely in Europe

It's interesting to note that Gaza shares a land border with Egypt. The Egyptians could throw up the border and set their Palestinian brothers and sisters free. But they didn't. Even when the Muslim Brotherhood was in control. How odd...

>we can live safely in Europe!


He's clearly talking about modern, post 1945 Europe.

Think about this

>goyim in Europe get pissed off at Jews
>all the Jews are in Europe
>Jews get rekt because Europeans are good at war

>goyim in America get mad at Jews
>all the Jews are in America
>Jews get rekt because Americans are good at war

>goyim in Middle East get mad at Jews
>Jews are in Middle East
>Middle East gets rekt because Middle East is bad at war

You don't survive for ~2600 years by trusting people, putting all of your eggs in one basket, or living anywhere near a competent potential opponent.

The Jews started colonizing Palestine a long time before the Holocaust. Zionist nationalism was already emerging as a serious force by the 1880s, when the Jews were very much being oppressed in Russia.

They give so little shits that they fought two wars over it and are waiting for an opportunity to fight a third over it.

Jews should have settled somewhere where they don't have to take away land from some other people. Why didn't the USA give them a piece of Texas for example?

Fucking with the world's second biggest religion will bring them their second holocaust. The support in the west for Israel is already ver weak and still fading. I'm from Germany, and here is a poll I read about some weeks ago:

the numbers of the poll: 41% of germans think that Israel is using Nazi-methods against Palestinians. This is up by 11% from 2007.

62% think Germany should abandon political support for Israel. For the generation under 29 that is even 79%.

The Jews got themselves into big trouble. Once western support for Israel is gone they are going to have their second holocaust, and there is nobody to blame but themselves.

>Once western support for Israel is gone they are going to have their second holocaust

Holocausts aren't all that special in history. The only problem with the Nazi one was the fact those facilities were there to eventually get used by everyone in Europe of non-German descent. The situation and sentiment is literally mirrored in the (shortened) quote: "Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out... Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me... and there was no one left to speak for me."

No one cares if Arabs return the favor and gun them down to the last or if they manage to do the same to them like they seem to be doing at the moment.

it would be arabia user, jews had a life before egypt

Israel would go to war with them if they did.

The two states are complicit in the state of the Gaza.

Jews are Canaanites, only Jewish bullshit fairy tales claim they aren't.

You are either a muslim or like arab dick

>They give so little shits that they fought two wars over it and are waiting for an opportunity to fight a third over it.

bullshit, palestinians are treated like garbage in every other arab country they're in, muslims don't give two fucks about each other, look at Myanmar, nobody wants to take in the muslim refugees there except for Checnya, but they're a Russian vassal state. The real reason they invaded Israel is because they saw it as a weak state to take advantage of and loot out of it, which they got blown away from like 3 times until Western intervention stopped it.

>Jews should have settled somewhere where they don't have to take away land from some other people. Why didn't the USA give them a piece of Texas for example?

Jews can't live anywhere in the long term apart from Israel, racism against Jews has built up as a phenomenon because of their higher class minority status (along with indians and japanese) and have gained infamy from it and it's started to spread from western Civilization . Jews have lived in their own enclaves throughout history but that didn't stop them from eventually getting exploited or destroyed by the state.

>Fucking with the world's second biggest religion will bring them their second holocaust. The support in the west for Israel is already ver weak and still fading. I'm from Germany, and here is a poll I read about some weeks ago:

yes, the religion of peace which just had another attacker in london today didn't do anything, attacking Israel three times in a row was self-defense. I'm with her 2016,aren't I right?

Israel doesn't want the west's help in the long term, many Jews I've met want Israel to start providing for itself and looking at how their government is acting, it seems they're building up their nationstate.

Muslims already hated jews so it was no big loss

Everyone in history hated jews pretty much until we saw sense about 50 years ago

this doesnt sound nice but it is actually true

If the muslims destroyed the jews white people would see sense and eliminate muslims withing 30 years

Its only jewish subversion that has let muslim terrorism go on so long, if the media was right wing or even neutral muslims would have been kicked out a long time ago

Yeah but if they draw the anti-Semitism or Holocaust card, they are appealing to a subjective morality which would undermine their justification for their treatment of the Palestinians. It's shameless flipflopping between being a literal apartheid state and playing the victim.

>we saw sense
You could interpret that in another way...

>implied it actually happened

>Inb4 back to /pol/

So essentially the holocaust was justified.

>bullshit, palestinians are treated like garbage in every other arab country they're in, muslims don't give two fucks about each other, look at Myanmar, nobody wants to take in the muslim refugees there except for Checnya, but they're a Russian vassal state. The real reason they invaded Israel is because they saw it as a weak state to take advantage of and loot out of it, which they got blown away from like 3 times until Western intervention stopped it.

Actually, Israel was losing its war for independence until the West intervened and
armed them.

Taking in refugees means giving up clay and they don't want to do that.

>yes, the religion of peace which just had another attacker in london today didn't do anything, attacking Israel three times in a row was self-defense. I'm with her 2016,aren't I right?

There was anti-israel terrorism long before radical Islam set foot in the Middle East. The terrorists who killed the jewish atheletes in 1972 were communists. Some of them were christians.

1)Because when jews arrived in extermination camps they were evaluated by a nazi officer. The people able to work are sent in the workforce and those that couldn't had to take a "shower".
Also the nazi couldn't solely focus on the holocaust since they were at war.

5)The fuck? there are tons of german documents that speaks about their will to exterminate the inferior races, here is a short passage from Goebbels diary ("The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943", 1948, p. 86)
>World Jewry will suffer a great catastrophe at the same time as Bolshevism. The Fuehrer once more expressed his determination to
clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that
has now overtaken them. Their destruction will now go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process
with cold ruthlessness.

6) this question is fucking retarded, what if there was "only" one million death in Auswitz? The holocaust started before the extermination camps were created and Auswitz certainly wasn't the only extermination camp. Also many jews succumbed to the harsh living conditions that the nazi made them live in (see the jews in poland).

17) Photographies aren't hard evidence? Since when?

Almost all these questions are either straight up lies or stuff that doesn't disprove the holocaust.

Lets present a dillema.
I was born in Israel, my parents immigrated here when the soviet union broke down.

Im not going to leave, I have no family (that I care for) anywhere else. I dont care for religion, and I see the problems orthodox jews and muslims cause here. What do I do?

I choose to stay here, pay taxes, served in the army, because at this point, even if Its "right" (not my opinion) that we all gtfo, tear everything down and give the arabs their hovels back, I dont care, I care more about my family and friends who live here. The various arabs are welcome to fight us, this country is very much built by the sword mostly thanks to them.

>Why shouldn't Jews have their own country?
The problem isn't that the jews deserve a country or not. The problem is that they decided to create their country in an already occupied land.

Spinning like a dreidel

They are masters of splitting while still maintaining identity.

>Im not going to leave, I have no family (that I care for) anywhere else.
Of course user, the creation of Israel was definitely a mistake at the time. However asking all the Israelis to leave isn't a solution as the generations who were born and raised there have as much right as the palestinians to call it their home. But it's still no excuse for how the Israeli government is treating the palestinians especially the ones living in Gaza.

theyre terrorists so they should be punished as the law demands

>theyre terrorists so they should be punished as the law demands
Are you implying that all the palestinians(in Gaza) are terrorists or that no civilians are being harmed in the process?
Also is trapping civilians with them in Gaza really the best solution? Won't it create ressentment in the civil population and "justify", in their eyes, the terrorists actions?

By that logic, 9/11 was morally right and so are school shootings.

They should have taken Madagascar or somewhere else.

Would you be okay living in identity-neutral multi-ethnic state where the demographics are like 50/50 Jews/Muslims?

Believe it or not, Israel was originally supposed to be located in Uganda.

(Im the guy you replied to)
I think gaza is a very complicated issue, and its hard for me to judge every decision made by egypt/israel/PLO regarding Gaza as it has a long history, but at this time we only attack there if they (they being hamas and various other militias) attack us.
I agree that a blockade is very hard on the citizens and causes them to support hamas, but our goverment would rather have that than tunnels leading from gaza to nearby israeli settlement.
The purpose of the effective "siege" of gaza, as I see it, is to prevent hamas from becoming as powerful as hezbolla is nowadays.
TL;DR not a big fan of our gov' or gaza, but I think it will prevent bloodshed in the log run until some solution is found.

>TL;DR not a big fan of our gov' or gaza, but I think it will prevent bloodshed in the log run until some solution is found.

A final solution. Jews are going to have to leave Palestine eventually.

No, because it will cause a rapid deterioration of the country in every metric, and a conflict would be inevitable as the vast majority of palestinians/Israelis doesnt believe in such a solution and believe the whole place to be theirs by right.

We (the majority of the population) will sooner nuke the entire middle east, so good luck with that.

>tfw Palestinians are probably medieval jews who converted to Islam

>they are not hating us anymore

This is the most retarded shit i've ever heard. Jews weren't safe in 1880, or 1890, or 1900, 1910, or 1920, or 1930, or 1940, or even 1950. There were many post-holocaust pogroms of slaughtering Holocaust survivors.

>tfw all they'd have to do solve the Israel-Palestine dilemma is revert to Judaism.

They aren't. They are mostly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and surrounding areas. Even Druze and Lebanese Christians cluster closer with Ashkenazic Jews then they do with Palestinians (Jordanians).

Source: (this study was done in BEIRUT, you know, that hotbed of Zionism?)

It happens all the time. There's a whole youtube channel of an ex-Palestinian refugee from Kuwait who lives in Israel now and shits on Palestinians.

It was more like this:
>I can take back my land because I am objectively indigenous to Judea in the same way Chinese are to China, Russians are to Russia, Native Americans are to America, etc. Arabs come from Arabia and they need to get the fuck back, Hebrew is the only indigenous Canaanite language still spoken and Arabic is as much a colonial language as Greek was.

The creation of Israel was an act of decolonization.

>The problem is that they decided to create their country in an already occupied land.
What's wrong with that? Just because it had been occupied by Arabs for 1,400 years doesn't mean that Arab colonization can't be un-done. The Jews proved it's easy to do that.

It was largely Arab before 600ad though, just christian Arab. People seem to forget that before Muhammad came Christianity was on the edge of becoming the Arab's religion.

What ancestors?


Because askhenazis do not have semitic blood, less alone hebrew blood

They are just LARPing germanics

Only jews that were in palestine before israel can claim that land

Sephardi and askhenazi came from europe and should have stayed there

>It was largely Arab before 600ad though
Why do like lying so much? Arabization was a slow process of annihilating any hint of a non-Arab culture and language. Muslims weren't the majority until the 12th century, and most of the Christians spoke Aramaic, not Arabic, until that language was ripped away from them due to Arab colonization. This is why some so-called Arab Christians identify as Arameans, because they pre-date this colonization.

Even then, Palestine was empty in 1880. There wasn't even 500,000 people living in there. Today there is 8.5 million just in Israel.

>Because askhenazis do not have semitic blood, less alone hebrew blood
Please go back.

>I can take back my land because I am objectively indigenous to Judea
Except they aren't indigenous to Judea at all.

Then why do they cluster closer with Lebanese Christians and Druze then the so-called """Palestinians?"""

You mean they piggybacked the British and the Russians who dismantled the Ottoman empire

They are though. By every definition.


I know about the Nabataeans, that doesn't change the fact that Arabs were never relevant in Canaan until they colonized it in the 7th century.

Modern day Jews are just Khazars from Khazaria. They belong there, in Turkey, not in Arab lands.

>all those jew names on those papers

Its you who need to go back

Why you germanics are so stupid that believe askhenazis are semitic?

>le big nose

Like if big nose is an only semitic feature and most semitics didnt have a big nose, many germanics have big nose, armenians, caucusus, etc
You mean in DNA?

Who do you think make those tests?

Palaestina is rightful Roman clay.

Yes they were. Arabs have been running the Middle East since ancient times. I don't care about your Zionist tears, every inch of the Middle East belongs to Arabs, it's called the Arab WORLD for a reason.

just ignore dai et al.

Proof you didn't read any of the studies. The most comprehensive one was done in Lebanon. Lebanese people have no incentives to prove Zionist narratives right. But they did accidentally, and you just proved you didn't even bother to read it by saying there were Jewish names on it.

Lol no, khazar were a turkic tribe, they were mongoloid

Do you people do any research before posting?

Askhenazi are mixed people, slavic, germanic, iberian and even people from caucasus

>every inch of the Middle East belongs to Arabs, it's called the Arab WORLD for a reason.
This. If Jews didn't want to be universally hated by Arabs, they shouldn't have stolen their land and split up the Arab world right in half.

Judea and Israel were separate kangdoms. Israel has a legitimate claim to both historic Jewish kingdoms

No, I didn't read any of the studies, because they're jew shit. I saw the jew names in the list of authors and didn't bother reading further, I outright said so in here

Arabs on average have more Slavic DNA than Ashkenazi Jews, so you are making a very weak argument.

Ashkenazis don't look like slavs.
t. slav

>the palestinians are the original jews

What ancient times?
Most arabs were in arabia, in mesopotamia/levant were other semitic people

Pic related

Thanks for admitting you didn't even bother to read a sentence. There isn't a single Jew who conducted this study, mainly Lebanese Maronites. Nice attempt at a deflection though, it's cute.

Fuck off with that Zionist revisionist bullshit. Do you not see the Nabateans? They were Arab.

Lol, there are many that looks what hitler would call pure aryan
Yeah whatever

>Arabs on average have more Slavic DNA than Ashkenazi Jews


>pure aryan

I see a dirty semite in this photo, not an aryan. This man is 100% Ashkenazi.

>Lol, there are many that looks what hitler would call pure aryan
You're a fucking idiot.

It seems you cant read, i said most, that means 80-90% of arabs

Not him, but Arabs bought a lot of Slavic slaves during the early middle ages, and presumably mixed with them.

Through SLAVery. No one bought more Slavic concubines than Arabs. Because of this they had a lot of Slavic admixture, even more than Russian Jews.

Israel was never jewish, just ancient jewish conquering fantasies. Jews in Palestine only live in the area around Jerusalem e.g. the roman province judea.