How common was/is rape in war times? We're Russians the biggest perpetrators of rape in history? (against the Germans)
What do mass/war rapes do to the population? Is it a legitimate war tactic?
How common was/is rape in war times? We're Russians the biggest perpetrators of rape in history? (against the Germans)
What do mass/war rapes do to the population? Is it a legitimate war tactic?
The promise of spoils of war (loot and women) is great incentive for an army. Combine that with sexual repression (no sex outside marriage and no masturbation either), like in Christian and Muslim societies, and you'll have some motivated soldiers.
>How common was/is rape in war times?
Extremely common throughout history, it still is when the war is not being conducted by a developed country.
> We're Russians the biggest perpetrators of rape in history? (against the Germans)
Not even close in fact the Germans conducted massive rapes against the Soviet population which were just as great without even getting into the vast other numbers of wars throughout history.
>What do mass/war rapes do to the population?
Make conquered women wet.
> Is it a legitimate war tactic?
It can be very successful at subduing a conquered population, it really depends on what you consider "legitimate".
It still happens when developed countries go to war. Obviously we have more social mechanisms in place to prevent it and does happen at a much lower rate, but it does happen at a greater rate than within non-conflict areas.
great post
>What do mass/war rapes do to the population?
>Make conquered women wet.
do you know there were wars before WW2? Every army raped every enemy civilians since dawn of civilization. I dont see how it can be "effective" in strategic sense, other than it lets frustrated soldiers let off some steam. From the strategic sense, more common tactic was outright taking women from the enemy and giving them permanently to soldiers as prize. If the soldiers just fuck women and then march away, it doesnt change much in the long run
>From the strategic sense, more common tactic was outright taking women from the enemy and giving them permanently to soldiers as prize.
Could this happen in a developed nation today?
Kraut rapes against the Soviet population continued even in the G*rm territory, Soviet soldiers got drunk and G*rm women tricked them to fuck them.
Well its kinda happening in China as a part of subjugating their muslims. The government offers monetary support to chinese Han men to go to Uyghur muslim region and they get priority for jobs. More importantly, Han men who mary Uyghur women receive monetary benefits. At the same time Uyghur men are persecuted, closely watched to prevent potential terrorism and generally treated as second rate citizens. And the results are showing. The muslim region Xinjiang used to have virtually no Han population and now its almost 50%. Chinks are cucking their muslims to death.
But this is peace time long term solution. Disregarding human right concerns, its probably only applicable for very large nation swallowing much smaller nation. Such policy would create endless animosity and rebellions, and if the enemy wasnt significantly smaller, this rebellions would create much problems. Also bigger enemy would mean a lot of women stolen which would inflate dating market in victorious country and fuck up significant portion of whole generation of women and maybe even distort the whole fabric of society for much longer. Maybe some moderate "carrot and stick" solution would be applicable, like the old Persians did with some rebels. They would take some women (the most beautiful) and castrate some men(the strongest). while they would offer support for people that behave good. That way the people can see what happens both if they behave well and badly.
But realistically such war policy is not realistic because UN deep concerns and human rights watch etc
>Not even close in fact the Germans conducted massive rapes against the Soviet population which were just as great
where do you get that from,not attacking or anything just interested
Yes, I would entirely agree with that assessment.
>And the results are showing. The muslim region Xinjiang used to have virtually no Han population and now its almost 50%
You're assuming that the Han population levels are directly a result of the CPC's policies. The Han presence in Xinjiang heralds back from the Dzungar genocide under the Qing. The manchus settled Han in former Dzungar land in order to repopulate the province.
The Germans loved to rape Belgium and France, so I can't bring myself to shed a tear for them when the Russians bent them over later on.
>We're Russians the biggest perpetrators of rape in history? (against the Germans)
On the contrary, Wermacht was the only modern European army that openly institutionalized rape through their military brothels.
> brothels
> rape
wtf do you even prostitution
Oh sorry how stupid of me. Forced prostitution is a very different thing from rape.
Who are you quoting?
Wasn't that just the SS?
The IJA would like a word.
Too bad they are not European army, then.
>Allowed to copulate with Slavs
lmao if germans won Veeky Forums would push the meme that germans were the biggest rapists. In reality it was about even and of course it increased after defeating the enemy, just like it would in a german win scenario