Who here is Jewish? How much has nepotism helped you in your job life?
Who here is Jewish? How much has nepotism helped you in your job life?
I'm quarter Jewish. All my jobs have been through family connections. Never had a resume.
10% ashkenazi
more than none at all
full jew here. It is the most magical race. Each race has its super powers
same, i think this goes for most.
forgot to mention the negative polarity is also Jews are the most easily possessed as well. Never had an issue with monetary resources either.
What is the super power of the Dutch?
my friend's dad was Mick Jagger's lawyer. Now all he does is travel the county to go to concerts and get paid for it.
mountainjew reporting in
very. got an uncle into crypto in the early days and he made massive gains, he got me in on an offshore bank gig afterwards
what is a resume?
>what is a resume?
curriculum vitae (CV)
Can't wait for the actual Shoah
I don't know. Never delved deep into your culture. I will leave you with a few pearls hopefully you continue to seek wisdom.
>1. Kefitzat Haderech
>2. Transmute yourself, transmute the world. Truthful living in thought, feeling, and deed is the blade of deliverance.
>How much has nepotism helped you in your job life?
Amen brother, they'll claim it's superior IQ but we all know it's just racial awareness and nepotism... two things they've convinced our people are evil.
>and the smoke of their torment ascendth up forever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image, and who so ever receiveth the mark of his name.
Jew here... if by nepotism you mean fellow friends that are jews pushing a few opportunity's my way over the years than sure yea, its been useful and ordinary. Jews treat fellow jews well at first glance and can form lasting bonds.
Also fuck you goy we don't all look like that.
Were just smarter overall.
What are the super powers of the other prominent races? Just curious
>there is no good fortune no ill fortune. No such thing as privilege. No accidents. No chance of any kind. WE determined before we came in the earth realm precisely what we were going to experience. A set of circumstances supremely fitting to kindle our learning. To force us to see what is real and what is unreal. Through suffering, despondence, courage etc. To learn how to rise above the situation we found ourselves in. The people and circumstances in your life are yours by design. Did they show you what you needed to see? Some people miss these invaluable gifts of learning. Don't take it personally. It is NEVER personal.
No, you've done that to yourselves.
Kill the commies and don't tread on me goy unless you want lead up your ass
>negros: run fast and invents new ways to murder
>oriental: dumps coins on white man, creates long term stable societies
>jew: nepotistic tribalists selected to hoard money and subvert host society
>white man: unmatched organized warfighting ability counterbalanced by pathological altruism
>abo: superior gas sniffing genes
>filipino: most powerful race in the world
Excellent job, but I was asking 5LWGuw3+
>No, you've done that to yourselves.
this meant for
Root out the traitors first, you have plenty. I'm sick of being called a right wing bigot/nazi by sloots and thots and church organizations and local newspapers that I steal gay prideflags and pro refugee shit from.
Even though I'm a jew your average non jew white liberal would consider my politics extreme right. DAY OF THE ROPE FAGGOTS. Do that and then roll on my block.
>Excellent job, but I was asking 5LWGuw3+
I was also hoping for a non meme answer.
I love learning more shinni magic
>You are master of your own reality. Your mind when moving in righteous equilibrium channels the will of God. Your hands bring divine treasures to whatever they touch. Your footsteps leave a guiding light for everyone who ever follows them for a thousand years. In harmony you are at total liberty. Every day we must HOLD the signal. Effort is required. Deep poisons are drawn out slowly. Though, high caliber men and woman will aid us on our journey heal us inspire us, protect us even. When we are alone too much we forget the home signal, we drift, we lose sight of the path and its treasures and instead we seek to divert ourselves with essentially empty activities. Doing things, filling the time with things that keep mind heart and body engaged sufficiently to block out the horror of the pointlessness. The rising dread that it all might be without purpose. This is a delusion of Ulro do not fall for it. Most people do.
I don't give a shit how right you lean, I got a bullet for you kike
>It is never what, but always how we do a thing. Why it is what it is. How we feel, how we think, how we act. So whats the point? To experience. Our experiences of beauty, truth, exhilaration, serenity, adoration. They constitute our sacred art. To experience well, we must become a clear channel.. A clean vessel that can receive the most profound elements of the world. To attain goodness so we may be filled with life. Only truthful living can bring this into being. When we become a clear vessel, soul flows inward. Soul inflow. Self witnesses. Soul shapes. Divinity creates.
>I don't give a shit how right you lean, I got a bullet for you kike
I don't give a fuck Goy, I got one for you too.
If you don't care about punching right then I won't either.
Filthy gentile, i'd gut you.
what have I done
t. Larpers
I have never had a resume, always been offered jobs by fellow Jews.
I don't see the problem with this, that's how the world works!!!
When I was in federal prison, the rabbi helped me get a transfer from minimum security to a camp.
>mfw was just LARPing as a Jew
>yfw it worked anyway
33 vertebrae in your back the number of ascended masters
88888 the number of gains both physical and spiritual
>what have I done
We are here my good gentile. Buy pillar, its the american libertarian Tenxpay/OMG.
Holy crap you Americans have it bad. Here in Europe you can be openly racist and most people are (Swedestan not included).
Meanwhile, in Jew HQ, the Jew plans his next Jew trade while spreading FUD across planet earth
>Meanwhile, in Jew HQ, the Jew plans his next Jew trade while spreading FUD across planet earth
were all gonna make it
I can't wait to build my first jewcave with my crypto gains
>Be me
>Be half polish ashkenazi jew
>ancestors converted because they thought it was shit
>Hate most Jews because they really are conniving, greedy, manipulative bastards
>Can't really use my jew status to get a good job because I'm not Jewish religiously, nor have a Jewish last name, even though my nose is the size of Manhattan
>Can't join the alt right because of the one drop rule
>only thing I can do is criticize Jews and make jew Jokes to my coworkers to at least somewhat redpill them as to how much they suck and are screwing them
>Jewish enough to be good with money
>Not Jewish enough to work the tax codes
>Still Jewish enough to make good gains on crypto
Being a half Jew is the worst of life. It's a hard knock life.
Can I become a Jew? Do I have to marry a Jewish girl and cut off my foreskin? Srs question.
good luck finding a rabbi willing to chew off adult foreskin
Is this really true?
In America, you can deny the holocaust and not go to prison for it.
>Can I become a Jew? Do I have to marry a Jewish girl and cut off my foreskin?
But even with those digits you can only become a shabbos goy.
Honestly its not even worth considering. Its not so grand if you don't have the blood. And even then its not so great either. Just be yourself user.
You would not have to be circumcised.
>good luck finding a rabbi willing to chew off adult foreskin
This is only certain sects of Hasidim that do this. Its fucking gross we know.
>In America, you can deny the holocaust and not go to prison for it.
No. It's in your Dino dna dog. It's not a magical club you can just join. We evolved this way. You can't evolve through marriage.
>Can't join the alt right because of the one drop rule
>only thing I can do is criticize Jews and make jew Jokes to my coworkers to at least somewhat redpill them as to how much they suck and are screwing them
what the fuck? they actually chew it?
i thought that was just a pol meme
what else is pol really right about?
>what else is pol really right about?
Lots of things, and lots of things wrong.
but in reference to the jews...Lots of things too.
The entire world is just a battleground between two factions of jews. Everyone else just gets caught in the middle.
Read about, jacob frank to whom sin was holy.
Adam weishaupt, the jesuit priest who founded the illuminati on may day 1776 from which the communist party emerged.
How weishaupts illumaniati and frank's frankists masons worked hand in hand to destroy religions and goverments.
Theconnection between the frankists,illuminati,jacobins and the french revolution.
why jewish born karl marx was an anti-semite and wrote "A world without jews"
the 18Th century roots of the womens liberation movement
how the illuminiati founded artificial judaisms
why thefrankists provided the leadership for the reform and sonservative movements.
how judaism was labelled "orthodox" in order to destroy it.
How the lubavitcher rebbe foiled a mass assimilation conspiracy in russia
the plot to destroy the torah through the field of biblical criticism
why todays reform clerics gravitate to communism,communist causes,and support black anti-semitic groups
why the wealthy financed the communist revolutions
the true sources for the frankenstien monster
leave the jewish communists to us, you handle yours
>Equality does not exist. I see no evidence for a state of equableness in the state of the natural world. Anywhere in the natural kingdoms of animal, mineral, vegetable nor do I see it demonstrated in the deeds or character of friends, family, colleagues, allies, no one. I can not find it in art, literature, music, science, engineering, war spirituality, philosophy. I can not find it anywhere. In fact I see the very opposite everywhere natural un-equalness. It is very clear that the contemporary ideology of equableness is being used to acclimtize people to the doctrines of collectivism. collectivism really is giving the group priority over the individual. The political philosophy of centralized social and economic control. centralized power structures deciding what is best for everyone else. From the mid to late 1800's collectivist philosophy the fake ideologies of equality have been slowly introduced into our education systems. to a point where now all mainstream schools forcefully diminish individualism and promote collectivism. Every one conditioned to favor group uniformity over individual distinction. It makes me really fucking angry. Hearing of the vile non sense being taught in most 90%+ school. Today to dare to suggest something is superior or inferior risks social exclusion or jail. Equality racism hate speech privilege do not exist.
Couple of shinni warlocks in this Veeky Forums boys
I think your race has a cycle they fuck the world
The world wakes up and mass murder you all
What did you think would happen when you posted a jew thread on a website infested by literally retarded nazi larpers?
You are right there's no equality fo the same very reason each person shouls be his own god means i dont have to follow the collectivism I'll make my own laws fuck you and fuck the world and fuck everyone that tries to sieze me
forgot pic
>Go with the program? Or go your own way.
found out my last name has Jewish history. I'm greedy and shrewd by nature. Seriously all I think about is turning a profit and spending the least amount of money possible and I've got a big nose with coarse hair. Fuck do I do?
Jew in BRAZIL were there is few few jews. Family came fleeing from the war and now we are rich again. Never had any help since there aren´t many jews here. Is just that we´re so much more smart than peasants like you that its easy top became rich again and again if its needed and you resent this because looks like cheating for your tiny brain.
That feel when pure Finn, the most ancient and glorious of races
>>white man: unmatched organized warfighting ability counterbalanced by pathological altruism
Idk, ask I'm sure they can help.
Meant for
>found out my last name has Jewish history. I'm greedy and shrewd by nature. Seriously all I think about is turning a profit and spending the least amount of money possible and I've got a big nose with coarse hair. Fuck do I do?
DNA test obv.
>Not calling chinese shills on reddit goys
Prepare for my autism Veeky Forums
>Not drunkposting while trading and calling out the goys
Well doxxed my account who cares
it's my friends and hes albanian bully him if you want
>not threatening the mods for calling out your drunkposting.
>Stupid liberal redditfags
>Not using mongolians to blame the chinese
>Its like you don't even want to make sick gainz
Adon 'olam, 'asher malakh,
b'terem kol yetzir niv'ra
L'et na'asa v'ḥeftso kol,
Azai melekh sh'mo nikra
V'aḥarey kikh'lot hakol
L'vado y'imlokh nora
V'hu hayah v'hu hoveh
V'hu yih'yeh b'tif'arah
V'hu 'eḥad v'eyn sheyni
L'ham'shil lo l'haḥbirah
B'li reyshiyt b'li taḥ'liyt
V'lo ha'oz v'hamis'rah
V'hu 'Eli v'ḥay go'ali
v'tsur ḥevli b'eit tsarah
V'hu nisi 'umanos li
m'nat kosi b'yom 'ekra
B'yado af'kid ruḥi
b'et 'ishan v'a'ira
v'im ruḥi g'viyati
Adonai li v'lo 'ira
>how jews think
>how jews think
Only the warlocks my good gentile.
>Hur dur I'm really only pretending to be retarted, trust me G-guy
guys come on already
just stop