The brutality of the Anglo-Norman is boundless.
After we were driven before the Roman menace the witless Saxon moved in, like the craven carrion craving cretins they are and leeched from the Romano-Celtic culture, claiming it as their own.
Then, then themselves were driven before a greater foe, the Norman.
This is when the Anglo-Norman aggression against the peaceful Celtic people peaked in such vitriolic action as:
Not to mention the destruction of Celtic genetics, language and culture.
It is time for you to leave and for you to take your multicultural sacrificial lambs with you.
Go back to Germany and Scandinavia and never return you filth.
The brutality of the Anglo-Normans:
Other urls found in this thread:
No such thing as "Anglo-Normans"
There are the Anglos And there are the Normans, their masters who cuked them
I don't care what you identify as, all I know is you're an incredulous invader.
You're not the real British, we are!
I'm German, but my great grandfather was from Normandy
We cucked your country hard
And what about the innocent pre-Celtic Bretons living on the Isles centuries before the Celtics invaded; massacring their people and destroying their languages and cultures in turn?
We're going to get you, German!
Do you know what is the best thing in life?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Although, your multiculturalism might beat us to the punch line of that joke, with you being the butt of the joke known as the Germanic people.
Nice Anglo-Norman propaganda.
You're the colonist scum here, not us, you even spread your 'culture' (ours) around the globe.
You just have to keep spoiling better cultures, don't you?
>Anglo-Norman propaganda
Are you really roleplaying or are you actually stupid enough to think there weren't native people on the Isles predating Celtic invasions into it? Also I'm not a G*rmanic or a C*ltic, you cuckold.
Stonehenge alone proves there were people living there way before your kind ever came to the islands.
You're so ignorant, we're born of the sod, from the great oak.
Britain is our ancestral land, of course there was no one before us.
That's ours actually, nice try, [Germ]an.
>That's ours
No its not you retard.
No, but keep trying to poison the well further, lad.
Well, if the Celt was born of the land, how can anyone have been there before us?
See, it doesn't make sense.
Nice try though.
The Celt was born to be the whipping boy and servant of the Italic and the Germanic. And later on again the French.
>whipping boy
>Stalemate Scottish victory
>Scottish victory
Mhm, nah.
>Be peaceful Gaelic community
>We just finna gets sum of dat green but romanz keep oppression us n shiet
>continue to raid England from the fourth century until the eleventh century
>settle in wales and scotland
>normans raid back
>haha okay alls fair in war
>normans build castles
>english refuse to leave
>w-we wuz kangs of Britain n romanz n shit u fuggen germanic mofukkas
do you believe you are celt, pure celt?
celts were close to iberian celts, they didnt have pale skin nor light features
all celts in brittany got germanic blood
We let you stay.
But don't get too comfy!
Celtic resurgence!
That doesn't matter, we'll purify and dispose of these unclean genes.
Toutatis will overcome and re-establish the true tribes!
this angers and confuses the gaylick
We need neo-tribalism!
This man is a scumbag!
Bring back paganism!
>the gaylel is also a bagan
>Cross of (((Saint))) George
Remove that oppressive image at once!
Or physical removal will occur!
You don't want to lose the north too, do you?!
>thinking that could ever happen
how drunk are you?
I'm always the mandatory amount of drunk!
But that's neither here nor there!
You can't even keep your hands on Londinium, you aren't ready for the Celtic uprising!
what are the odds OP is currently blackout?
"I am an Irishman" - Ian Paisley
*blocks your path*
irishman ≠ g*ylel
Irish are subhuman, one famine wasn't enough
>We need neo-tribalism!
I always liked celtic culture because they perserved-well their tribal structures unlike most Western and Eastern Euros
>le deusieme 'Astings commence
Hey, fuck you!
It's called having a good time, Puritan!
Go home Oliver!
*blocks your path*
Precisely, a famine couldn't even kill our spirit.
Your Anglo blades will do nothing!
I'm glad and proud to find a like-minded Celt.
Anglos need to GTFO.
Damn right, you [Germ]ans need a good antibiotic.
>The Truth
well.. no. the whole feudalism thing was basically old germanic societal structure based on individual oaths and blood ties. it was the romano-british petty kingdoms that held with the catholic church and remains of roman bureaucracy.
I've read the mabinogion but what other Celtic literature is there? I feel a tad inundated by all the Celtic literature out there and don't know where to continue.
Pls help.
>I've read the mabinogion but what other Celtic literature is there? I feel a tad inundated by all the Celtic literature out there and don't know where to continue.
Táin Bó Cúailnge my guy
Also check out
Aided Óenfhir Aífe
Compert Con Culainn
Fled Bricrenn
Mac Da Thó's Pig
Mesca Ulad
Scéla Conchobair
Serglige Con Culainn
Táin Bó Flidhais
Tochmarc Emire
Tochmarc Étaíne
Togail Bruidne Dá Derga
I was talking about Scottish/Irish Clans, but the Welsh came back to their old tribal ways :
Reverting to a more militaristic tribal society allowed the Welsh of Gwynedd to concentrate on those martial skills necessary for their very survival;[14] and the Romano-Britons of western Britain did offer stiffer and an ultimately successful resistance.[14]
>the whole feudalism thing was basically old germanic societal structure based on individual oaths and blood ties
Feudalism = / = Tribalism
Trojanposter here
I came here to say that none of these guys ITT are me, and also to inform you that G*rmniggers are hated by the entire planet be it Non-Whites, Slavs, Celts, and so on
PS : Your obessession with me, aside from being annoying is pretty pathetic
Stop confederating.
>brits sperging out over centuries old events
You mean like the blacks do?
Why's that okay?
>You mean like the blacks do?
>Why's that okay?
Making up things to get triggered by is not normal user
Nonsense, celts are described in ancient sources as being tall, pale and with blonde hair
Making things up?
These are well known historical atrocities.
And if you're going to pull out the 'muh Civil Rights era', The Troubles and before that the age old Hibernophobia.
They'd also performed (as mentioned above) similar cultural genocides against other Celtic people, such as the Cornish, Welsh and Scottish.
I'm sorry you can't be enlightened like us.
t: buttmad taff
has the heroin given you the droop, m8? maybe you should hand over your sheep to a tiger bay somali
Celts only left a sizeable genetic impact in SE England
Ireland got its Celtic language thirdhand from Iberia
Almost every significant Celtic art find was dug up in England