Why aren't you all in on 0x Veeky Forums? Do you want to miss the moon mission?
Why aren't you all in on 0x Veeky Forums? Do you want to miss the moon mission?
because I value my money
nice trips
Everyone's so impatient. Zrx is probably the comfiest hold here
What you ZRX niggers need to understand is that this shitcoin is not going anywhere and you might as well start jacking it into a jar so you drink some cum when this doesnt moon.
And not moon it shall or I'm not randy fucking orton
dubs dubs trips. just bought 100k zrx
You're losing your enthusiasm. It's getting sad.
Unironically buying this because of trips. If there's one thing Veeky Forums has taught me, it's never doubt the authenticity of meme magic.
>Implying he didn't sacrifice to the false gods to earn a temporary buff so he could steal from heathens like you
because anyone that understands this coin knows it's a gamble like everything else and not a "guaranteed moon mission" like you shills are implying
Are you the lazytown poster?
Moon overnight please, I need to cash out for a new condo.
Because I have no money.
I did manage to put some though.
You're right but if is a safe play in my mind. At its current marketcap and the number of projects being built on it, it's reasonable to expect good growth in the short term and an above average shot at mooning
there's plenty of reasons to believe good growth in the long term but none in the short term. something massive needs to happen to noticeably drive up the price of 500mil+ ZRX
TNT has significantly less in circulation at the moment, there's a big update coming, and it's half as cheap
What price do you predict this coin will be in 3-6 months?
what app is that
0x will be a good long term hold. Other business mean (exchanges) can be built on top of it. Peer to peer asset transfer. There will be no finite moon, but it will increase in value over time.
It's a spreadsheet I made in Excel.
Keeps track of my transactions, portfolio, wallet / exchanges that have my coins, and has that neat chart too.