Is FOREX still a thing or is being overtaken by cryptocurrency exchange?
Is FOREX still a thing or is being overtaken by cryptocurrency exchange?
/pol/ is a fucking scourge upon this board
This is a blue board dudebro
This. Take your cuck fetish shit back to /tv/.
Blue board bro, take this shit over to /b/.
Thanks /pol/
Mods confirmed asleep
Qucik--start shilling shitcoins
Angel Smalls has AyyLmao face
>he doesn't browse Veeky Forums in BLACKED mode
lmao like that matters white boi
This isnt /pol/ its either a /b/ fag, or a socialist shill.
why his nipple so large?
Nice, Just got fired!
>not his dong
The vag and the dick both look fake
I'm fucking dead
You know, reevaluating my previous estimation as to the nature of his penis, I'm starting to think you might be onto something there with that.
Why don't you guys answer the fucking question?
Fucking cucks.
>nigger cuck porn
It's pretty obvious with how much they use the word cuck that they are "secretly" cucks. See
>expecting legitimate answers on a /cuck/ thread
youd be surprised!
A hate boner is a boner regardless.
I love how kids who post on /pol/ have this gay attachment to their little mongolian basket weaving segment of the website.
>recognizing a thing makes you that thing
That's some Veeky Forums-tier logic, fellow white.
>im not a cuck so I'll talk about it 24/7 and spam every board with cuck porn
That's some /pol/ tier logic