Why aren't you using your free time to make more money? Do you hate money...

Why aren't you using your free time to make more money? Do you hate money? Start a blog and use your free time to post and market.

I sell drugs for WAAAY more than I buy them for from the darknet in my free time. Very comfy gains.

I can respect that. I considered selling weed for a while but I found a much more lucrative way to make money.

What, kneepads?

Id rather not be a wagecuck OP

Being a fagget?

working for yourself is not being a wagecuck, you massive retard

Did you even read what I said? How is creating your own business wage cucking?

I have enough money.

I'm lazy

No one said anything about starting a business. Just using your free time to make money which translates to bending over for your employer

I don't know what to write about...

Are you a fucking retard? I said to start a blog.

I "work" full time but my job could be done by 1/4 of a person, so I soend the rest of my time trading

Yeah but realistically how much do you make from a blog? Perhaps if you get enough people to click your affiliate links you'll get a few bucks for weeks worth of wasted time.

Might as well do things I actually enjoy doing instead of blogging for maybe 4 or 5 readers. I don't believe you actually make good money from a fucking blog

If you can use SEO to make your blog the top result on google then you can rake in upwards of 2-7k a month

It's a good way to get shot. A guy i work with was killed last weekend while dealing.

if ur clients are willing to shoot you for a few thousand bucks and risk jail etc. you CLEARLY have the wrong clientbase and shouldn't even consider doing this bs (the same answer goes for all you idiots thinking about it and having no clientbase yet)

making money doing nothing

why would i waste time on a blog and minute trading?
when i can simply hold the top 10 shitcoins and keep learning trade skills?

why dont you better yourself?
can you repair your lambo with a blog