Communism starved people to dea-
Communism starved people to dea-
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B-b-but nobody ever had food except for potatoes and beets once a day under communism and people had to buy capitalist black market food because nobody worked and there was no food ever and people who didn't steal or use the black market starved to death on the streets until 1991!!! PragerU, Stefan Molyneux, David Horowitz, and Yuri Bezmenov said so!!!!
but it did, every red part of the map is communist and/or subhuman
yeah, communism sure works great once you start importing food from capitalist countries
>no data for ukraine
we all know that it wasn't communism, but the flying kulaks that did it
>muh subhuman communists
Russia probably would have had to import food even if the Soviet Union never existed. Food shortages and famine were definitely not unique to the Soviet era; late Tsarist-era Russia was getting seriously overcrowded and agriculture was rather primitive.
Communism starved people to death.
Maybe in the 30s and 40s if you're talking about Russia. The last Soviet famine was in 1946-47.
the Soviet Union at it's peak managed to achieve the minimum standard that every liberal democracy ever has rested on. wtf i love communism now
All communists are subhuman, but not all subhumans are communists.
This seems like a really sketchy map, I mean, Finland, Iceland, and Poland have higher calorie consumptions than the United States? All three of them were shitholes at this point in time.
Oh great another communist faggot. Why don't you go jack off to Maoist Rebel news and go watch that faggot Ginger Caleb Maupin on RT talk about how great communism is. I used to like RT somewhat but ever since they hired that ginger on there I just can't watch it anymore.
Caleb has such a punchable face that I seriously wish he was given a helicopter ride I'm not joking seriously fuck that guy.
I assume the data for all the greyed out Soviet Republics is included in Russia, and it's not like the Holodomor was happening in 1961 anyway
triggered much ?
The Ethiopian famine was at least in large part due to natural disasters. The North Korean famine in the 90s was from a combination of severe weather and loss of trade partners. Besides, those aren't Russia.
>minimum standard
Looks better than America on this map senpai.
Soviets chimped out during Gorbachev becaude they wanted jeans, coca-cola and (((democracy))), not because they were starving.
1960s-1980s Soviet Union was actually pretty comfy.
Fuck off to /leftypol/ and take your shitty memes back with you.
Tbh, Asians normally eat far less
Anyone willing to follow communism is a subhuman by definition.
This isn't really true, you can't overstate how inefficient Soviet agriculture was. Ukraine and Southwest Russia is some of the most fertile land in the world, they should've been able to feed the entire eastern bloc.
>believing propaganda
t. Pinochet
Soviet agriculture had some obvious problems (it was one of the less efficient sectors of the economy) but some of the issue came from other sources. The population was much bigger and much, much more urbanized than in the Imperial days. Only 11% of the land was arable IIRC. These two things alone would have been substantial difficulties.
The population was much bigger and much, much more urbanized than in the Imperial days.
More or less than the western world?
>Only 11% of the land was arable IIRC.
That makes roughly 2.400.000 sq km (8,649,50 sq miles) of arable land. If that was a country, it would be the 9th largest country on planet earth at the time. This also includes the most fertile areas of Europe, Ukraine.
>These two things alone would have been substantial difficulties.
Everything is a "substantial difficulty" when communists are in charge.
>Pretty comfy
Maybe by your standards, I still wouldn't ever wish to live there even after trawling through old online galleries of Soviet life in the heyday. There's something empty about all of it.
>"Because collective farming was notoriously inefficient, people were tacitly encouraged by the authorities to take care of themselves and to grow their own food.....these (Dacha) tiny plots of land yielded an astonishing 30% of the total agricultural produce in the country in 1980"
>"Because Soviet agriculture was so inefficient, the Soviet union had to import about one-fifth of its total calories by the early 1980s, making it the largest food food importer in the world"
Source: Blinnikov, M. S. (2011). A Geography of Russia and its Neighbors. Guilford Press.
Niggers starving. Also commie china. Wow
>10 million starved to death in 1921
>13 million starved to death in 1932
>1.5 million starved to death in 1946
>B-but muh infograph!!!!
> loss of trade partners
> Only trade parners are China and USSR, because Communist Juche
> China implements market reforms and joins the much more attractive world market
> USSR falls apart
> OMFG evul capitalists
Some of those numbers are bullshit. The Soviet Union didn't even exist in 1921, and most of the deaths from the famine then were not only a much lower number than 10 million but were in large part due to war damage and natural disaster.
>Everything is a "substantial difficulty" when communists are in charge.
Did you forget China was a communist country and the Russians just made shit up or else they were sent to the gulags?
>The Soviet Union didn't even exist in 1921
And? We were talking about communism, not the USSR specifically.
>Using a map from 1961, excluding the dates before when holodomor, Mao's "great leap" and other atrocities occurred, also not depicting the dates after, when North Korea had a wide famine.
I expect more from Veeky Forums threads. This is just another /pol/ type of troll/slidethread.
>before GLF
Veeky Forums
why people think Stalin killed 20-60 million people
its been proven that he killed less than 5 million, census from those years proof that even 10 million is a exageration
where are those 10 million bodies?
the only ones that chimped out under Gorbachev were hardliners.
Swiss people are all fa-