Why does this read like legal statutes?
Why does this read like legal statutes?
It doesn't. Legal statutes generally spend quite a bit of time clearly defining the terms that they use in order to remove as much ambiguity as possible. Rei the tard just makes up non-standard definitions, never clarifies them anywhere, and then runs with it.
>Legal statutes generally spend quite a bit of time clearly defining the terms that they use in order to remove as much ambiguity as possible.
>he actually believes that
>laughing jurists.webm
Will someone explain this Mundus meme to me?
What meme?
schizophrenics feel compelled to post it everywhere, kind of sad that they will spend their entire lives obsessed with a meme
Dumb spic that is so autistic his only job was half a shift at McDonald's unironically thinks that autism gives him superpowers, shits out dumb platitudes that he genuinely thinks are valuable. Shills them regularly as if we don't know that it's him without his retarded caps-lock gimmick.
Fuck off he's better than you cowards
All idiots see is the caps lock. They're too slow to comprehend anything else but a change in case. Astounding.
Law is nothing but contrived nebulous falsities that appear to mean something, and often mean nothing, or the opposite.
If Raymondo's "philosophy" was valuable he wouldn't need to constantly coin terms to dress up his platitudes, to twist definitions to obfuscate and aggrandise his trite commentary; nor would he use esoterism for the same. He wouldn't need to spend more time on the aesthetics of his blog than the contents. He would write plainly, coherently, and coherently, using the established language of philosophy, only coining terms where necessary not at every opportunity, and explaining and outlining those terms. Of course he doesn't know the established terms of philosophy. He hardly reads any. He arrogantly assumes that what he has to say is valuable despite knowing nothing of what has come before. Does this not alarm you?
If his posts were valuable he wouldn't need to trip, he wouldn't need to simplify his posts to the point of uselessness just so his answers seem like they were oh so obvious to him. He wouldn't melt away as soon as his regularly outlandishly incorrect statements get challenged.
You are right about one thing, all idiots see is the caps lock, and they assume that this arrogance must be for a reason. Only brainlets get fooled by the lace thin veil of profundity that he uses to hide the stink of bullshit, pic related.
Your posts reek of bitterness, and jealousy. He doesn't coin unnecessary terms, and your criticisms on his considering aesthetics as important, and his use of a tripcode, are just petty and irrelevant.
People like you are serpents spitting venom at what they want but can't have.
>Rei + Mundus
rei btfo
I don't think so
What the fuck have I got to be envious of? Autism? Neetbux? A misplaced sense of my own superiority?
He's a charlatan. I wouldn't feel so strongly about it if he wasn't such a piece of shit in trying to foster a fanclub. In all fairness he has dialed it back a bit recently but he'd regularly swan into threads where an OP had asked an earnest and often quite interesting question, give one of those aforementioned over simplified smug answers, or simply an incorrect one, insult the OP and leave. He's a useless shitheel, there's many, many more informative and better informed posters that aren't in it for e-celebrity.
Lol He is superior to you read elogium otii and you'll see he's superior to you
Hi beaner faggot.
>He doesn't coin unnecessary terms
TheImperiumCult is better than this poser
It's an ugly, retarded jew shitskin who created a blogsite full of nonsensical pseudo-occult rants and constantly shills it on various boards. He also has a tripfag persona posting clinically autistic shit in all caps. If you criticize him and call him a 89 IQ brainlet shitskin who has no idea what he's talking about, he will drop his trip and sockpuppet as an user trying to ferociously defend this brainletry. See
and that's all him.
It literally depends on the law in question. In some laws, they intentionally leave something vague due to the concept evolving over time so a court will be the one deciding what's appropriate in the current year. In other ones there may be a few sentences with half a book of preparatory work you can dig trough if you want to know the definition and intent behind a law.
It's a wonder why Ray never personally replies in these threads to address his fan club. He would surely be the best one answer some of their questions.
>implying he has a fanclub
Questions by his fanclub? What fanclub?
Just because some people like his work doesn't mean there is a fanclub.
Hello Ray you samefagging fuccboi.
Would you mind just leaving your trip on so we can filter your shit threads, or even better, never post here again, so innocent threads don't have to die for this AIDS.
I would literally rather have one more WE WUZ or Brit-hate thread in the catalogue than this autistic self-promotion.
So... what's this even about? Give me a quick rundown
Tell me what's it about.
Cmon guys, schizophrenia isn't funny.
He is not ugly
>talking about yourself in 3rd person
Stop samefagging you fucking idiot spic.
T. Sovereign citizen "Am I being detained" brainlets
Go away, retardo.
I though his name was Kevin Munoz?
Kevin ORION Munoz
>Orion Kevin Munoz
Also Munoz rhymes with Mundus
Where does Orion come from? Twinshia never mentioned that on Veeky Forums.
Who, anywho, idk, would you rephrase the questions?
How do you know his name includes Orion? Do you know where he lives too?
Rei himself has stated his name. No, I don't know where he lives, but I know it's in Mexico.