Civilization began with the brown races (Greeks , Egyptians, Persians, Indian, Chinese)
It was then perfected by the white races (British, French, German, Japanese)
prove me wrong
Civilization began with the brown races (Greeks , Egyptians, Persians, Indian, Chinese)
It was then perfected by the white races (British, French, German, Japanese)
prove me wrong
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Chinese aren't brown.
>white races
also Greeks, Egyptians and Persians WUZ white
KYS weeaboo
None of those are brown or white races
Consider yourself proven wrong, mate
Yes they are. The average Chinese is very dark compared to their neighbors.
>t. brainlet
Japanese may be brown but they aren't white either.
Have you never seen a chinese person? They're called yellow for a reason
Mongols and Viets and Tibetans are all darker than chinks
>In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisation, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
Easy there Hegel
I'm supposing that's a Hitler quote. Hitler was a commie retard.
Japanese are yellow/olive skinned.
t. Japanese
And nip nong chong ding dong to you as well, good sir
>Chinese and Greeks, brown race
>Japanese, white race
How many shitpost are you going to make in a row, weeb?
Oh boy, another thinly veiled /pol/ racebait thread. Why cant mods ever do their job and get rid of this shit?
>The average Chinese is very dark compared to their neighbors.
You really are brainlet, you know yourself well, weeb.
>Have you never seen a chinese person?
Yes, I do, and here are some for you.
Wew, such a impressive "evidence".
Look at this, they're even whiter than white man
OK, let's see...
Egyptians are Caucasian, but white? I'd consider Arabs white, but most people don't even though they're basically the same as Southern Italians.
Persians are white and Greeks are definetly white, though.
Only a dumbass tries to claim Greece isn't white.
This video shows otherwise
Chinese, Japs and Koreans have white skin. The reason they're considered a different race is because of their skull shape.
Shenzhen is the in the southern most province of China. . .
>The reason they're considered a different race is because of their skull shape.
Except they're not different race, they're just different "ethnics". However, China along have far more different ethnics than JAP and KOR combined, "Chinese" now is a broad term which consists many different ethnics and races, and China actually is the one who has real "native white Caucasoid people", not Japan, not Korea.
I can't read backwards letter language. What does it say?
Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Looks Persian/central Asian
>and China actually is the one who has real "native white Caucasoid people", not Japan, not Korea.
Your point is Chang? No chinese person considers them real Chinese anyway.
Lol the guy on the far right is the archetype of middle aged South Korean
Chinese means han
And nobody cares about your steppe nigger minorities
The true redpill is that populations go through eugenic and dysgenic cycles and that the worldwide IQ distribution has varied greatly over the pat 5000 years of civilization.
Yes, and they also are Indo-Europeans, Aryans , Caucasoid people, or whatever you like to call them. They're mostly native Tajiks, and they're also all Chinese now, Tajik Chinese.
And this is a native Tartar Chinese.
This is Kazakh Chinese, also a native.
And this is Russian Chinese(their ancestors immigrated from Russia during early 20th century, so maybe not precisely native)
See, I turn this shitthread into something meaningful.
>Chinese means han
Now Chinese means whoever has Chinese citizenship. Of course the cultural heart and vast majority are still Han.
>No chinese person considers them real Chinese anyway.
Yes, I do consider them as Chinese, just not Han, so fuck off, cuck.
Greeks aren't brown
>they got tanned in a southern city with strong sun light so it means they're all native brown
Wew, weebs never cease to amaze me.
I guess Japs are all brown, too.
people can tan
you know this, right?
Asians are superior to europeans though.
To Germanics - yes
To Slavs - no
But slav(e)s are just g*rms that bred with glorious azns.
Nobody bred with them, they killed that trash.
What use is categorising civilization when all everyone wants now is a Netflix sub and nikes.
Japanese have exactly the same skin tone as Turkish people
I'd perfect her civilization, if you know what I mean.
But Incas are superior to Asians though
And finns stand supreme above all
It was perfected by Iwasa Misaki-san!
Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners are close to nigs than they are to northern europeans.
chewy is too good for this thread
Just go back to shitposting on /int/
>The average Chinese is very dark compared to their neighbors.
They are not. If anything, the Japanese would be "darker" since they have the highest degree of Southeast Asian ancestry overall.
Their skin isn't white. Nobody actually has white skin.
The Jomon are from Southeast Asia, right? I even heard they were most closely related to Cambodians.
t. nig
The burden of proof is on you, faggot.
Kek, another typical /int/ post obsessed with skin color and Japan.
Aren't south chinese basically southeast asians?
Depends on where in south China.
What do you mean?
Whites are driving civilization to the ground though. They did good for a while but the much older civilizations of india and china will endure longer.
>The reason they're considered a different race is because of their skull shape.
So by your logic the ONLY criterion for being of a race is having the same skin colour.
f*nns are wh*Te dogs
Türks are superior
Prove what wrong? What you said was so retarded that it isn't even a statement.
Japan never contributed anything to the world. Their only importance was being the door to China. And today they develop the most degenerate shit called anime.
They tried to autism their way to world relevance, but they were crushed like the bugs they are. Now they take revenge by leading western boys astray with their degenerate shit. We can only pray Kim will nuke Tokyo and rid us of that cancer.
the same story played out over and over, they came to trade only to be set upon by howling frothing at the mouth savages intent on killing them, the white man did not commit a single crime from 1492 to the present day
>white races
God I hate you weeaboo so fucking much
Oh yeah, for 2 centuries Amerindians kept dying with a 60-80 mortality rate, and 4 centuries working on toxic mines with a life exp. of 30 years max.
It's your turn to get genocided, whitey.
Asians have the 2nd worst 3 or less out of 10s and the best 7+ out of 10s.
Whites have the best averages
Blacks have the worst 4 or less out 10s and the 2nd best 7+ out of 10s.
Latinos are just whatever
Beijing is the past
Shanghai is the present
Shenzhen is the future
They fucking are tho
Never understood where this meme of chinks being "yellow" come from, they're as brown as arabs
childhood is hating the jews
adulthood is realizing imitating the jews and hating euros made more sense
t. Joo
It really depends where you are. Northern Asians tend to be taller, heavier set, and lighter than Southern Asians. It's sort of like Italy.
>Whites are driving civilization to the ground though.
Allowing non-whites to flood their countries was a huge mistake for sure.
>The Jomon are from Southeast Asia, right?
Jomon are basal to all modern East Asians,predating the Tibetan split.
>Aren't south chinese basically southeast asians?
Only Pinghua,Yue and Leizhou/Hainan Min speakers are noticeably closer.
More proof of what that actually measures for, geographic distribution.
>jeanne d arc prostitute
>geographic distribution.
Pretty sure the study is based on autosomal dna.
Geographic distribution doesn't invalidate the north to south genetic cline. Han from Guangdong/Guangxi/Hainan have a Tai Kadai substratum.
Saying Chinese are brown is like saying Europeans are brown due to Southern Italians
>Napoleon = pervert
This is unironically true (although I don't think of that as a bad thing)
Napoleon had a sexual relationship with one of his younger sisters (Pauline) and he also banged a 14 years old British girl on St Helena (Betsy Balcombe)
Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Persians and Indians were white though.
The Greeks at least.
The egyptians were also greeks, even today north indians and north persians are whiteish.
Horseshoe theory is real, my dudes.