who has the most A E S T H E T I C dev team? my vote goes to BAT
Who has the most A E S T H E T I C dev team? my vote goes to BAT
God damn what a team.
Name my band, Veeky Forums
I unironically invested a grand into IOC because of their alpha high-test dev Joel. Hopefully being a fag pays off for once.
The new One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest movie looks great! Much more realistic than the original movie.
This is the best biz meme to date
God damn it they imrpoved austism even vitalki would laugh at them whats their coin tho if theres something to learn about cryptos is invest on the most autistic looking people
mah nigga. i'm starved for more chads in crypto
noone likes the asian woman who wants to be computer bitch from generic american crimeshow
recently pulled off a stunning coup where they kidnapped Golem's golem leaving the team unprepared for getting BTFO by joseph poon at their own big conference of 30 people
>this sentence
Lurch and the asian cyberpunk chick look like characters from an SNK fighting game.
>mocking brillant white men
>probably a NEET
you mean yan zhu?
I do.
I've got news for you, buddy
They honestly have a crack team. I wouldn't make fun of "lurch", he is smart as fuck. The trope hacker asian straight out of Hollywood is funny, but she is really good at her job too.
honestly I think Brave is going to make it. BAT? Probably, but not as likely. They made for TV movie will be worth a watch.