>After the strain of the revolutionary wars the population of France it became increasingly secondary in world affairs
>The revolution doomed France to fail more than anything the monarchy could be charged with
After the strain of the revolutionary wars the population of France it became increasingly secondary in world affairs
Did the revolution cause this?
Veeky Forums told me levee en masse was to blame for this, yes
Bavarians, Saxons, Pomeranians, Franconians, Wesphalians, Frisians, Swabians, Hessians, Sorbians managed to become more numerous than us by throwing away their identity
Imagine all Romance-Speakers forming one people and calling themselves Populus, that's the Germans
>population for current political boundaries
You "Germans" aren't one people, the only thing that unite you is your hatred of us and your inferiority comples towards us
>you "Germans"
hah! I am not German, I am much worse than that.
>the virgin Gaul
>the chad Anglo
>the ascended Teuton
It didnt cause anything on French pop (as you can see its stable) but the French Revolution caused German unification which itself caused German population increase
So in a way, yes
Thats 2 millennium old though
>current boundaries
Dumb as fuck given that while France and Brits pretty much had the same borders as now, Germans were much more extended (Prussia and tons of ther German lands of the time are outside of current German borders
Here's the same graph without the current borders bullcrap
These are tribes
Gauls were one people divided into tribes divided into houses divided into families
Bavarians, and so on are people
Tribes = / = People
>The lack of a French population boom during the industrial revolution is one of the greatest mysteries in demographics
>Nobody really understands why the fuck it happened with every other Euro nation to various degrees but not France
>If the population of France had grown between 1815 and 2000 at the same rate as that of Germany during the same time period, France's population would have been 110 million in 2000; Germany grew at a much faster rate despite its very substantial emigration to the Americas, and its larger military and civilian losses during the World Wars than France
>If France's population had grown at the same rate as that of England and Wales (which was also siphoned off by emigration to the Americas, Australia and New Zealand), France's population could have been as much as 150 million in 2000.
>Should one start the comparison at the time of King Louis XIV, then France would now have approximately the same population as the United States
>Actual French population in 2000 was 59 million.
>Could have been as high as 270 million.
What the actual fuck happened? France could have been a fucking superpower with a population that huge, and that's assuming modern borders.
>demographic crisis after the napoleonic wars, more women than men = bad
>french realise having more kids makes families poorer not just in the sense of having to feed more people, but also estates are divided more widely
there u have it
>What the actual fuck happened?
Revolutionary Wars
Napoleonic Wars
Franco-Prussian War
Persecution against the Catholic(These guys had 10+ children per women at that time)
But why did the French, an amorous Latin race and Catholics, suddenly stop pumping out children at a higher rate than frigid Protestant Anglos and Germans?
There was already a demographic crisis before WWI though, in fact France was one of the first countries in the world to experience a population decline due to low birthrates. And Germany experienced most of those catastrophes but still grew at a significantly faster rate than France over the same period. It's a lack of births that caused the French population to stagnate, not a high mortality rate, which is a demographic mystery as to why France and seemingly only France had this happen during this period. hits a bit closer to the truth I think.
>stop pumping out children at a higher rate than frigid Protestant Anglos and Germans?
Our decline doesn't mean that we had a lower birthrate than them
Pic related
Expelling the huguenots was a mistake