>described by wartime comrades as an autismo and not particularly charismatic
>suddenly after the war becomes an orator able to make women cream their panties
How did he do it
>described by wartime comrades as an autismo and not particularly charismatic
>suddenly after the war becomes an orator able to make women cream their panties
How did he do it
Other urls found in this thread:
>How did he do it
Drugs. He was high almost all the time.
Try meth or cocaine, you will be a glorious public speaker too.
Ego is an illusion, he just changed his mask
Hitler truly is an inspiration for me.
And I mean that not in the edgemaster sense, but in the "Hey, you can turn your life around after spending your 20's being a fucking loser." sense.
He was never a loser, whatever the fuck that means
>described by wartime comrades as an autismo and not particularly charismatic
When will this meme die, there is nothing to suggest that he was socially inept in his youth, and more the opposite.
>As the only son of a self-employed upholsterer, August was expected to someday take over his father's business, but he secretly harboured dreams of becoming a conductor. With Adolf's encouragement, he devoted more and more of his time to this passion, completing all the musical training available to him in Linz. However, to achieve his goal of being an orchestral conductor, he would require higher education in music which was offered only in Vienna. It was an 18-year-old Adolf Hitler who successfully persuaded Kubizek's father to let his son go to the metropolis to attend the conservatory. As Kubizek wrote, this was something that changed the course of his life for good.
From the diaries of his friend, he spent his 20's being some sperg nobody.
Had a job, had a passion and he was decent at it (painting) I don't see how He was a "nobody"
See , Hitler was the one who convinced said friend's father to let him study music. Not something a complete autist would have been able to do.
>Being able to talk to the father of your only friend is now disproving that Hitler was an autist?
Stop using that word, you don't know its meaning
By pooping in his pants and sitting in it for the rest of the day if he couldn't change. Nothing sexier than the smell of a man with a warm, spicy deuce in his underwear!!!
>On starting at the Realschule, Wittgenstein had been moved forward a year.[55] Historian Brigitte Hamann writes that he stood out from the other boys: he spoke an unusually pure form of High German, dressed elegantly, and was callous and unsociable.[56] In a contemporary journal entry, Wittgenstein wrote: "The other boys dress like disgusting brutes. Yesterday Adolf asked my opinion of his painting. After looking at it for one second, I took the paper into my hands, crumbled it into a ball, and threw it at his face." In a later entry Wittgenstein describes a second incident with Hitler in the gymnasium locker room: "Pussy Junge's [Wittgenstein's nickname for Hitler] penis and testicles are so minuscule that it fills my heart with laughter. All of the other boys are able to achieve full erections but Adolf stands in the corner alone with his flaccid, infantile penis in his hand."[57]
Being bullied by a sperg like Wittgenstein (who was even younger than good ol Adolf) isn't exactly the definition of an Alpha, if you ask me.
>All of the other boys are able to achieve full erections but Adolf stands in the corner alone with his flaccid, infantile penis in his hand.
What the fuck is wrong with Austrians?
this sounds like propaganda
>All of the other boys are able to achieve full erections but Adolf stands in the corner alone with his flaccid, infantile penis in his hand.
Atleast he isnt fucking gay.
I thought he was popular in WW1 due to his ability to draw portraits
I agree with Lucifer here
Napoleon is a better inspo. Went from weirdo kid who idolized Caesar, to angry Jacobin, to two bit general, to warlord, to dictator, to emperor. He stayed in power a lot longer than Hitler, and did actually constructive things instead of just killing people and destroying things.
He practiced.
Uhh can we get a source on this? There is nothing on Wittgenstein's wiki page about this.
Also seems pretty made up.
Amphetamines plus autism is a potent combo
I think this is pasta
wow, young adolf was a total bro. if he didn't get into politics he probably would have been remember more fondly by those who met him
Seriously. I've done meth twice and I was so confident and outgoing.
That come down tho..
He was trained/brainwashed by Dietrich Eckart and the Thule Society, then took meth before his speeches.
He was literally homeless.
the power of no fap grants strange boons
His alleged drug addictions are of questionable veracity.
Hitler was incredibly boring in private conversation but he liked giving speeches. Different level of interaction I suppose.
He just beed himself
>How did he do it
He gave the Germans hope and purpose. Considering how fucked the Germans were at that point they would follow him anywhere to get out of where they were.
Good source on this is Blitzed, by Normal Ohler. A bit pop-history but otherwise decent
this He whipped himself into a sperg rage for his speeches and through experience learned to make it appeal to his veteran peers and underclasses, the elite tolerated him because he represented their enforcers.
As for women? They like father figures.
>That come down tho..
That's why he slept so much during the day.
Not a dumb /pol/tard, but there is NO way you could keep up a stimulant habit without significant time off. And the vitamultin he was so reliant upon later in the war (the extent could is an argument between doctor records and propaganda) does not explain his early rise to power.
Narcotic blame is an oversimplified answer.
Oh shit!
Actually, the drug habit began long after he was in power.
Why did he only wear men's underwear when he pooped himself rather than borrowing some of Eva Braun's best lingerie after a big serving of prunes or fried okra began to make his stomach hurt? Why didn't he experiment with pooping in opposite sexed underwear with a mirror held up to his butt?
You're literally describing a nobody there.
Being a nobody is not the same as being a loser. A nobody is simply someone who have no power or influence in society, i.e someone a person of influence don't have to take into consideration. The vast majority of people in any society are nobodies.
His description of Hitler's early life isn't accurate anyway, he didn't have a job most of the time and lived in a homeless hostel.
A-am I Hitler?
He literally completely misunderstood and raped Nietszcher.