Do you try to get your friends into crypto or do you plan on becoming rich all by yourself? I try to get my normie frienda into it but they still think Bitcoin is a scam or "I'll buy it when it becomes cheaper again"
"Tell me when it's below 2k again" and shit like that.
How to get normies into crypto?
Do you try to get your friends into crypto or do you plan on becoming rich all by yourself...
Show them your lambo
I'm not trying to get my friends into crypto. They might lose all their money and then blame me.
If they dont want to invest and take a risk, then I dont care. LamboLand is not for all
D-don't have one y-yet
My brother is into penny stocks (absolute retard). I got him addicted to crypto. He literally buys the pump at the top.
> Bro, this is a pump and dump. What don't you get? You are buying high and selling low, you moron.
He got in with $600 and has around $250 now... I tell him to buy Bancor, but he won't listen....
I have given away 0.5 btc to my mates, two got 0.1 while my best friend got 0.3. This has got them started and 2/3 are actually nailing it while one is worse at trading than the average Veeky Forums user.
I got a couple friends into it, we share info/links/bantz all the time.
There's more than enough money to go around m8, you arent special for juggling shitcoins.
They called it a gambling which aint exactly wrong. I wont bother explaining it.
Fortuna Favet Fortibus
Don't be a cultist. I just tell my normie friends 'yeah, it's a countercyclical market instrument, I buy stocks for good times and crypto for bad times. Crypto's done well recently but that's no guarantee of course..."
Normies aren't afraid they'll lose the $500 they dip their toes in with, they're afraid their lives will change drastically. You allay that fear by acting normal after discovering it.
I don't hide it, but I don't advocate it to anyone just in case they lose their money and then try to blame it on me.
i told them once.
we are all jsut average poorfags,
so when i made 2k out of my 5k investment, that was dope.
one friend ended up putting 10€ in btc it made me facepalm
just gonna keep it to myself until im a millionair for now
Fuck the normies. I'm doing this all by myself.
>one friend ended up putting 10€ in btc it made me facepalm
Why? I started with $20 and now have $40k, if you catch a couple of rockets you don't need to spend big.
Starting in 2011 doesnt count
Normies wanna wait till satoshi pays them for taking bitcoin off his hands.
2014 actually but I fully expect people in another 3 years to say "why didn't I buy btc under $10k" the same way I wish I had gotten in under $200.
Some friends are naturally interested in in and hold some ETH.
Actively I only try to talk with the coding savy guys (and grls, in my case) about it so they help my improve my Pythob bot
No, I don't have any friends. If I did, I wouldn't tell them.
Half the fun of this is realising you could get rich sitting at home on your laptop whilst your normie friends have to slave away until they're 65 in a shitty office.
It's not fun sitting on a beach drinking cocktails if everybody else is doing the same. Plus, normie friends are annoying as fuck and don't deserve good gains.
Leave them out of this. Also the 'muh normie friends are getting into crypto' is cringe.
I wont tell my freinds about crypto until ive made 100k by then ill tell them about it and shill them my coins so they can buy my bags
Cousion is into crypto. Uncles are into crypto.
Talk about it with them all the time.
Why not get rich together. Start a business together, take over the world
Funny how you don't even grasp the concept of a friend. For you it seems to be "people who I talk to irl" and you get pleasure from getting ahead of them