My parents just casually asked me if ive heard about bitcoin because they saw on TV that some people made millions from...

>my parents just casually asked me if ive heard about bitcoin because they saw on TV that some people made millions from it

is it time to sell yet?

>sells his 0.5 BTC
We have a rebel here.

I told my dad about bitcoin. He can't comprehend what gives it value.
>neither can i

Hide your powerlevel

>Not waiting for normie FOMO
Bitcoin will be worth 500k at least in 10 years.

More normies buying btc price raises in a normal market but idk what our jews overlord have prepare for us so its gamble at this point

Same thing that gives money value.

We're not even on the same dimension as normies for them to scratch the surface. Everyone knew about websites during the dotcom era, but who really invested in it? When we reach a trillion market cap, things will start to get more interesting.

most people on earth do not have access to the internet
most that do, do not understand the internet
most people do not understand investing and do not invest
most people do not have enough money to invest, especially in something as 'risky' as bitcoin
most people do not understand the fiat currency they use everyday, nor are they ever concerned with its ever increasing inflation
most people are not concerned with becoming wealthy and having freedom, both expose them to additional responsibility and risk

we are not in a bubble and wont be for a few years to come

my dad just told me that the news said that they banned Bitcoin in China so I dont think the normies really understand crypto yet.

>what coiners say to themselves so they can sleep at night

why should it have value when it's unstable as fuck, has the risk of having some security flaw found in it, and really has no obvious advantage over paypal to most normies? Yet, I still buy it.

wow start arguing any time


volatile because low market cap and not widely adopted

Inb4 someone yells buzzwords at you
oh wait Bitcoin is less decentralized now then it has ever been.


Literally jerk off to 2d girls for 10 yrs and then retire. It's just a waiting game now.

Then buy a coin that's actually decentralized and never will be centralized.
Vertcoin for example. Literally ASIC miner resistant Bitcoin technology

Why is normies a bad thing someone explain.
I see it as more people joining the market more to grow. the stock exchange itself is worth trillions while we are just a fraction of that.. imagine what alts will cost when more people hop on and start trading the crypto market.

Oh yeah? which government owns bitcoin?


how is gold not decentralised? its literally the only money there that you could (at one point) find without ever contacting anyone else, and it would be worth the same as any other gold anyone else had

implies that we've reached a peak in people buying into it so it can only go down from there

>my parents just casually asked me if ive heard about the world wide web because they saw on TV that some people made millions from it

For comparison, that's about how far we are into cryptocurrency becoming mainstream. We still have quite some time.

....unless it all crashes and burns and we all lose all our money...

But only just recently have few normies asked about it, I feel like we would need to worry when total market cap of crypto is approx around 2 trillion. Think apple stock is worth 800 billion. I dont think we are anywhere close to full fledged normie adoption

The interesting question is what did you say?

I agree, just playing devil's advocate.

Saw somewhere that the number of bitcoin wallets is only around 20 million at an estimate, and even then some individuals will have duplicates. We're almost certainly still early adopters, provided cryptocurrency does proliferate.

yes sell your bitcoins for our neoshekels goy

early adopter i would have been if i bought it 1$ at 2011 , but i didndnt so fuck you !

what is your capacity to mine gold and legally keep it for yourself? where in the world can you freely do this?

Looks like something a biz mongoloid would make to shill crypto to his normie acquaintances

Stop laughing with my 0.5 BTC

what parts of it can you refute?

No. You sell when institutional money gets in. And you do it by first anonymizing all your accounts through a private chain (monero) (this should have been done already), then buying bitcoin (or whatever the dominant currency is when the institutional funds settle), and selling the short/medium term holdings you need via local bitcoin or another similar method while the world shifts toward blockchain. During this period, you lay low and live on cash.

Once all this is complete, you establish residence in a foreign country that does not tax investment income, and you pay an attorney 10% to place it for you so you can live your life, free of worries about government boogeymen.

If bitcoin were to become mainstream, $100k+ per coin is not unreasonable. You are still an early adopter.

There is minimal institutional investment in crypto.

Once we start seeing fund managers dumping actual money into it, then we need to get out.

Right now, there are some small funds (managing

hahahahahahahahahah fucking cancer. This thing is going to fall hard.

Good post, I'm all in on crypto but only planned to profit for a year before cashing out. You changed my mind. I think your logic is good, we aren't anywhere near the accessibility that the tech bubble was at...

literally gold panning rivers

>then we need to get out.

Into what?
Fiat? Dont make my cry. From laughter

this thread is suspicious op. did you just cause btc to crash by selling so your parents don't find out?