Here we list cryptos that have NEVER been listed as ICO. I'll start:
ITT: NON-ICO cryptos
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Solid 5x coins
DIONS bro.
Decred is really good, look it up
Veeky Forums delivers, as always. It's nice to see how the non-ICOs maintained their value during China ICO ban announcement. In fact, some of the coins like Vertcoin went up. Ardor, Decred and Zcoin look solid as fuck too. I also advise you guys to get into Expanse and Viacoin. Viacoin is getting listed on one of the biggest Chinese exchanges (delayed after the ICO crap) is getting added to Ledger nano supported list, whereas Expanse is getting it's first token (Chck-n) listed. Considering EXP is non-ICO, the ban does not apply to its platform, unlike ETH.
I'm holding BTC/LTC/VIA/VTC/SYS as a package for LN/atomic swaps. Good stuff.
why is decred so under valued?
My guess is that probably like other good non-ICO coins it's growing naturally and its price increases without the hot air. Surely, ICO money grab schemes appear to be moon rockets, but only solid coins with good foundation are here to stay after the ICO legislation blows over.
Atomic swaps are the shit. I especially like non-ASIC coins as the more I look into it, the more I think Jihan/Bitmain is fucking people over (search for ASICboost whalepanda for an example).
I'll have a look into Coval, but Verge is crap. Anonymous currency with a public ledger. If you are going for anonymity (i.e. money laundering, drug and stolen good purchases) you don't want to have a public ledger. Not unless you want to pay tax on your ancap market activities AND get raided (pic related).
>GPU mining
Should be half a yes, it only works on Nvidia cards which means the serious miners have not touched it yet.
>it only works on Nvidia cards which means the serious miners have not touched it yet.
sgminer not optimized yet, but it's mineable on AMD.
XVG's public ledger is fine because you can see what's being done with the coin without personally identifying anyone, thats GOOD if you want mass adoption. What retailer wouldn't want to know if they're getting shifty payments or not?
Besides, with the new Wraith Protocol all IPs are totally obfuscated. XVG is the good shit,
Monero's IPs can be retrieved btw.
I don't hold any of the user coins, but if I did it would have to be monero (
This is where XVG got it wrong. I'd say if you want a mass adopted coin, but want to have occasional user transactions you should wait for Viacoin's Styx implementation or similar alternatives. Fully above board coin with the possibility of making user transactions.
Taking both Monero and Viacoin Styx together, XVG's use case is virtually non-existent.
Btw, pic related has ETH vs EXP comparison for you guys.
>monero IPs retrieveable
not for long, see Kovri
also this, bet your ass other coins aren't getting this type of attention
XMR is built for the black market but we get this instead:
Nobody cares about Viacoin, XVG is already proving itself with its consistent updates and accessibility. (Android tor/i2p wallet, so many exchanges, etc)
Meanwhile XVG already has Wrath.
Let's give James Henry a call
>already has Wraith
Can you link me to a github repo? I'm not gonna be moving any currency or using software involving crypto that I can't view the source of, nor will anyone with half a brain.
Just go the the website. Wrath was just announced but it'll be here within the month. Any other info you could possibly want is there
>already has wraith
>just announced, no repo or nothing
Kovri at least has an open repository on Github while it's still a work in progress, hiding your source in Crypto only makes people speculate bad things about it.
Just announced as in literally 3 days ago, if you really want to know more ask the dev on twitter or something. He's always around on the Discord and Telegram too. It's really no big conspiracy lol.
Yes. Markets are crashing but Decred, Ardor and Vertcoin are standing strong. Just adds to the argument that non-ICOs reflect the meritocratic economy in the crypto world.
I can't wait until ETH and other ICOs are banned and only UBIQ remains.
>go to verge website
>ctrl+f wraith
>0 results
>go to verge twitter
>ctrl+f wraith
>0 results
This seems like some China-level FOMO you're going for here. Is Wraith even a thing? Is it just a photoshop from some random Veeky Forumsian?
Sorry, user, but no.
While UBIQ will be volatile and bring profits, I doubt it will stand against EXP long-term.
Ah the ubiq FUD article. Written by the butthurt expanse guy. Have you ever looked into this guy? Check out his Twitter. He's the whiniest liberal around. Sold all my exp for ubq. ubq team is way better. Join their slack if you need convincing
whats the point of listing non-ico coins? if youre scared about regulations coins previously ICO'd before 3-4 months ago are fine.
if its profits then not every ICO coin had the same distribution and launch, so you would need to look deeper into what the supply is and how much is "free", i.e. unpaid for and given to the developers or otherwise, and those are stronger metrics for economic success of a coin.
ubiq and sigt... lmao fucking sigt
hasnt been a thing for over 8 months. the only contender to monero would be ethereum once it adds the ability to have high performance ring signatures and zero-knowledge proofs. it won't be 100% anonymous but only bitcoin can beat bring anonymity to such a large audience.
outside of anonymity being tacked on to a major currency like bitcoin or ethereum, anything that isn't 100% private, including the ledger/transactions/balances is DOA. even dash with their million dollar monthly spam budget realized that they cant get away with fooling people about their privacy, and are attempting to pivot to become something else, whatever they think it is.
You've just reminded me I haven't fapped to Veronica Rodriguez in a while.
Thanks user.