ITT: wars in which the good guys lost
ITT: wars in which the good guys lost
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dirty turks need to leave the byzantine lands
Italian unification was a mistake.
But the good guys (France) did win the Fifth Coalition
Though the old Uyghur Empire and the later Gansu Uyghur kingdom weren't half bad, fuck the Kara-Khanids.
Underrated. OP is a dirty Gaul
those fucking roundels in Hagia Sophia get me every time.
>good guy
>Khan hired butchers, who murdered the captives with cleavers; the butchers left when it seemed that all the captives had been killed. However, a few women and children had managed to survive by hiding under the other dead bodies. It was agreed that the bodies of the victims would be thrown down a dry well by some sweepers. The next morning the rebels arrived to dispose of the bodies and they found that three women who were still alive, and also three stark naked children aged between four and seven years old. The surviving women were cast into the well by the sweepers, who had also been told to strip the corpses. The sweepers then threw the three little boys into the well one at a time, the youngest first. Some victims, among them small children, were therefore buried alive in a heap of butchered corpses. (
>Good guys
The second World War.
The only time Russia was ever a good guy in any conflict was when they fought themselves.
War of the Roses
80 Years War
30 Years War
French Revolution
Russian Revolution
My man!
Also The Great Northern War
Second Boer War
Peloponnesian War
Chinese Civil War
The Roman-Greek Wars
>britain and france sent men to die for turkroach interests
Absolutely disgusting
No. They fought Russia so they wouldn't get bigger access to the Black Sea, expand further and threat the balance of power and British interests in central Asia.
Not over yet, but damn. Eventually the US has to call it and go the fuck home.
fucking spanish
Ballsy move user
>good guys
>inferior beings
What? they we're trying to help you
He's right though, the wrong side won ww1. Pretty much caused much of the mess we see today
The 2nd Punic war
It was just some banter. All sides were doing evil shit.
The Great Northern War
The civilized have a right to punish and deter, savages do not.
sure lmao
Persian War.
Fuck the Greeks.
Huguenot fucking shit.
Trying to put all of Europe under french rule is not good
This desu.
same tool, different task
Thanks for surnames tho
Six Day War
Suck it infidel
t. Osama Ali Mohammed Emre Abu-Bakr Mehmet al-Baghdadi Bin Laden
what is there even left to kill after 16 years ffs
World War 1